Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (13): 2504-2517.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2023.13.006

• PLANT PROTECTION • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Identification, Cloning and Expression Profiles of Gustatory Receptor Genes in Chilo suppressalis

HUANG YuXuan1,2(), SHEN Chen1,2, JU JiaFei2, YANG Lei1,2, LUO GuangHua1,2(), FANG JiChao1,2()   

  1. 1 College of Plant Protection, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095
    2 Institute of Plant Protection, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Food and Safety (State Key Laboratory Cultivation Base of Ministry of Science and Technology), Nanjing 210014
  • Received:2023-03-28 Accepted:2023-05-04 Online:2023-07-01 Published:2023-07-06
  • Contact: LUO GuangHua, FANG JiChao


【Background】The rice striped stem borer, Chilo suppressalis, is one of the important rice pests in China. The gustatory receptors (GRs) play important roles in insect feeding, oviposition, and so on.【Objective】Based on transcriptomic and genomic data, the gustatory receptor gene sequences of C. suppressalis were identified and cloned in this study. Then, their expression characteristics at different developmental stages and in different tissues of adults were clarified. These results will lay a foundation for further study on the function of gustatory receptor genes in C. suppressalis.【Method】Combined with the transcriptome data of C. suppressalis and the GR sequences of other insects, the GR genes in C. suppressalis were identified by multiple sequence alignment. The complete open reading frame (ORF) sequences of the GR genes in C. suppressalis were cloned by RT-PCR, and the molecular biological characteristics and domains of the amino acid sequences encoded by the GR genes in C. suppressalis were analyzed by bioinformatics analysis tools. The phylogenetic tree of GR gene protein sequences of C. suppressalis and other insect GR genes was constructed based on the maximum likelihood method. The expression patterns of GR genes at different developmental stages (1-6 instar larvae, female and male adults) and in different adult tissues (antennae, head, wing, abdomen and leg) of C. suppressalis were determined by real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR).【Result】Five gustatory receptor genes were identified and named as CsupGR1-5. The complete ORFs of these GR genes were between 1 122 and 1 428 bp in length, encoding 373-475 amino acids. Among them, CsupGR2, CsupGR4, CsupGR5 had seven transmembrane domains, CsupGR1, CsupGR3 had eight transmembrane domains. Phylogenetic analysis showed that CsupGR1 and CsupGR2 were closely related to DmelGR63a in Drosophila melanogaster, PxylGR7 and PxylGR8 in Plutella xylostella, belonging to the CO2 receptor family. CsupGR3 was closely related to DmelGR43a in D. melanogaster, BmorGR9 and BmorGR10 in Bombyx mori, belonging to the fructose/inositol receptor family. CsupGR4 and CsupGR5 were closely related to DmelGR64 in D. melanogaster and BmorGR5-8 in B. mori, belonging to the sugar receptor family. The expression profile analysis showed that the five GR genes were all expressed at different developmental stages in C. suppressalis. Among them, CsupGR1 and CsupGR4 were highly expressed in male adults, CsupGR2 had the highest expression level in the 1st instar larvae and male adults, CsupGR3 was highly expressed in adults, and CsupGR5 had the highest expression level in the 4th instar larvae. Tissue expression profile analysis showed that these five GR genes were expressed in all tissues of male and female adults. CsupGR1 and CsupGR5 were highly expressed in the head of adults, and CsupGR2-4 were highly expressed in the antennae of adults.【Conclusion】The five GR genes of C. suppressalis identified in this study have the typical characteristics of insect gustatory receptors and are highly expressed in the antennae or heads of adults. It is speculated that these five genes may be related to the recognition and adaptation of C. suppressalis to host plants.

Key words: Chilo suppressalis, gustatory receptor (GR), gene identification, sequence analysis, expression profile

Table 1

Primer sequences"

Primer name
Primer sequence (5′-3′)
Usage of primers
CsGR1-F ATGTCCTATTATACACATAA 开放阅读框扩增Amplification of ORF

Fig. 1

Electrophoretic analysis of PCR products of GR genes in C. suppressalis"

Table 2

The transmembrane domain prediction and BLAST best hit sequence results of GRs in C. suppressalis"

Accession number
ORF length (bp)
Number of AA
Number of TMD
最佳比对结果BLAST best hit
Accession number
Similarity (%)
CsupGR1 OQ834263 1428 475 8 亚洲玉米螟O. furnacalis XP_028179334.1 0 80.62
CsupGR2 OQ834264 1302 433 7 粉纹夜蛾T. ni XP_026735279.1 0 86.95
CsupGR3 OQ834265 1317 438 8 棉红铃虫P. gossypiella XP_049878938.1 3.00E-63 31.45
CsupGR4 OQ834266 1122 373 7 黄野螟H. vitessoides UVB79175.1 7.00E-174 73.70
CsupGR5 OQ834267 1269 422 7 亚洲玉米螟O. furnacalis XP_028178841.1 0 66.91

Table 3

Physicochemical property analysis of GR proteins in C. suppressalis"

CsupGR1 CsupGR2 CsupGR3 CsupGR4 CsupGR5
分子式Molecular formula C2491H3908N610O676S26 C2287H3547N567O618S24 C2239H3596N566O608S23 C1899H2968N474O513S20 C2273H3558N560O589S24
分子质量Molecular weight (Da) 54051.67 49643.19 48909.99 41288.52 48924.09
等电点Theoretical pI 8.75 7.51 9.28 7.09 9.31
Amino acid content
Maximum Leu 11.2% Leu 11.8% Leu 15.8% Leu 12.3% Leu 14.7%
Minimum Trp 1.1% Trp 1.4% Trp 0.9% Asp 0.8% Trp 1.2%
Nonentity Pyl, Sec Pyl, Sec Pyl, Sec Pyl, Sec Pyl, Sec
正电荷残基Positively charged residues 40 40 43 21 36
负电荷残基Negatively charged residues 34 39 29 21 23
吸收率Absorptivity 1.205 1.370 1.041 0.884 1.294
不稳定指数Instability index 33.75 33.17 34.53 34.79 38.05
脂肪族指数Aliphatic index 109.18 110.35 120.59 114.48 119.36
Grand average of hydrophobicity coefficient
0.327 0.337 0.522 0.656 0.489

Fig. 2

Amino acid sequence alignment of CsupGR1 with GRs of other Lepidoptera insects"

Fig. 3

Amino acid sequence alignment of CsupGR2 with GRs of other Lepidoptera insects"

Fig. 4

Amino acid sequence alignment of CsupGR3 with GRs of other Lepidoptera insects"

Fig. 5

Amino acid sequence alignment of CsupGR4 with GRs of other Lepidoptera insects"

Fig. 6

Amino acid sequence alignment of CsupGR5 with GRs of other Lepidoptera insects"

Fig. 7

Phylogenetic tree of GRs in C. suppressalis and other insects based on amino acid sequences"

Fig. 8

Relative expression levels of GR mRNA at different developmental stages in C. suppressalis"

Fig. 9

Relative expression levels of GR mRNA in different tissues of C. suppressalis adult"

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