Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2015, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (8): 1558-1568.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.08.10


The Time Loading Limitation of Continuous Cropping Maize Yield Under Different Plastic Film Mulching Modes in Semi-Arid Region of Loess Plateau of China

XIE Jun-hong1,2, CHAI Qiang1,2, LI Ling-ling1,2, ZHANG Ren-zhi1,3, NIU Yi-ning1,2LUO Zhu-zhu1,3, CAI Li-qun1,3   

  1. 1Gansu Provincial Key Laboratory of Arid Land Crop Science, Lanzhou 730070 
    2College of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University 
    3College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou 730070
  • Received:2014-11-17 Online:2015-04-16 Published:2015-04-16

Abstract: 【Objective】 The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of continuous maize cropping under different plastic film mulching modes on the yield, water consumption, and water use efficiency (WUE) of maize, uncover the mechanism of increase production and water use efficiency under different plastic film mulching patterns. It is also to ascertain time limitation for continuous maize cropping for sustainable and efficient water use. 【Method】 Based on the field experiment, quantization of soil water balance between years and maize yield stability was determined. Maize continuous cropping time limitation was determined by continuous high yield and no appearance of soil desiccation in harvesting period.【Result】Under 3-year continuous cropping conditions, the results showed that completely film mulched alternating narrow and wide ridges with furrow planting had significant effects on increasing maize yield and WUE, and was of benefit to the water demand of maize crop at the key growth and development stage. Compared with half-mulching and flat-planting treatment, maize yield and WUE was increased by 41.8% and 33.4%, respectively. Maize biomass, WUEb, WUEy, total output value, net output value, output per rainfall value and input-output ratio increased by 21.8%, 12.3%, 31.2%, 27.8%, 21.1% and -3.2%, respectively; they increased by 24.9%, 39.1%, 225.5%, 1423.9%, 212.4% and 93.5% compared to flat-planting without mulching treatment, respectively. Film mulching increased the amount of water consumption in the maize whole growth period by 15.5%-29.2%, 10.0%-20.8% and 4.2%-12.6% for completely film mulched alternating narrow and wide ridges with furrow planting, complete mulching and flat-planting, half-mulching and flat-planting treatment compared to flat-planting without mulching treatment. High water consumption in the crop growing period made the soil water storage under three film mulching treatments decreased by 37.3%, 33.5% and 30.9% lower than the beginning of the experiment in the second year, and it was 29.6%, 27.5% and 23.9% lower in the third year, this continuous soil water decrease practice resulted in soil water deficiency. With the prolongation of the time of continuous cultivation, soil desiccation appeared and has a negative effect on soil water sustainable use.【Conclusion】Under the same rainfall conditions, the completely mulched alternating narrow and wide ridges with furrow planting had a significant effect on increasing the yield, benefit and the WUE. Taking the sustainable use of water into account, 2 years is a suitable period of continuous cropping for the completely mulched alternating narrow and wide ridges with furrow planting, and 3 years is a suitable period of continuous cropping for complete mulching and flat-planting, half-mulching and flat-planting, flat-planting without mulching, respectively, in semi-arid region of Loess Plateau.

Key words: semi-arid region of Loess Plateau, maize yield, plastic film mulching, continuous cropping, time load limitation

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