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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2023, Vol. 22 Issue (11): 3535-3548    DOI: 10.1016/j.jia.2023.06.010
Agro-ecosystem & Environment Advanced Online Publication | Current Issue | Archive | Adv Search |
Fate of fertilizer nitrogen and residual nitrogen in paddy soil in Northeast China

BI Shi-ting1*, LUO Xiang-yu1*, ZHANG Chen1, LI Peng-fei1, 2, YU Cai-lian3, LIU Zhi-lei1, 2#, PENG Xian-long1, 2#

1 College of Agricultural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, P.R.China
2 Key Laboratory of Germplasm Enhancement, Physiology and Ecology of Food Crops in Cold Region of Ministry of Education, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, P.R.China
3 The School of Material Science and Chemical Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin150080, P.R.China
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国东北稻,肥料氮去向与施氮量间的关系以及残留氮的去向目前仍不清晰。为此本研究田间小区和15N微区试验,分别设置075105135165 kg N/hm2五个施氮水平,对应处理为N0N75N105N135N165。微区试验2017年施用15N标记尿素,2018年施用等量的普通尿素。分析了氨挥发、淋洗地表径流、水稻产量以及植物和土壤氮含量和15N丰度变化情况。结果表明,水稻产量与氮肥施用量呈线性平台关系,最佳施氮量为135 kg N/hm2水稻氮吸收量随着氮的增加而增加,差减法氮肥吸收利用率(REN)在2017年和2018年平均分别为45.23%56.98%2017年施氮量为135 kg N hm2时REN最高,2018年REN受施氮量影响不大,而氮量超过135 kg N hm2时氮肥农学利用率(AEN)和氮肥生理利用率(PEN)显著降低在中国东北稻区肥料氮氨挥发、淋洗和径流的损失较少。2017年和2018年氨挥发量分别占总施氮量的0.81%和2.99%,氮通过淋洗和径流的损失比例分别为4.45%和不到1.05%,东北稻区表观反硝化损率失约为42.63%。2017年0-40cm土层中残留氮量为18.37-31.81 kg/hm2,残留率为19.28-24.50%。土壤中15N肥料的残留量随施氮量增加而增加,残留氮主要集中在0-10cm土层中,占总残留氮的58.45-83.54%,并随深度增加而减少,但0-10cm土层残留氮占0-40cm土层残留氮的比例却随施氮量增加而减少平均约有5.4%的残留氮在下一季被水稻吸收利用50.2%流失44.4%继续残留在土壤中,因此在计算施氮量时考虑残留氮的数量考虑到水稻产量与氮效率的平衡,本试验中东北稻区适宜施氮量为105-135 kg N/hm2


The relationship between the fate of nitrogen (N) fertilizer and the N application rate in paddy fields in Northeast China is unclear, as is the fate of residual N.  To clarify these issues, paddy field and 15N microplot experiments were carried out in 2017 and 2018, with N applications at five levels: 0, 75, 105, 135 and 165 kg N ha–1 (N0, N75, N105, N135 and N165, respectively).  15N-labeled urea was applied to the microplots in 2017, and the same amount of unlabeled urea was applied in 2018.  Ammonia (NH3) volatilization, leaching, surface runoff, rice yield, the N contents and 15N abundances of both plants and soil were analyzed.  The results indicated a linear platform model for rice yield and the application rate of N fertilizer, and the optimal rate was 135 kg N ha–1.  N uptake increased with an increasing N rate, and the recovery efficiency of applied N (REN) values of the difference subtraction method were 45.23 and 56.98% on average in 2017 and 2018, respectively.  The REN was the highest at the N rate of 135 kg ha–1 in 2017 and it was insignificantly affected by the N application rate in 2018, while the agronomic efficiency of applied N (AEN) and physiological efficiency of applied N (PEN) decreased significantly when excessive N was applied.  N loss through NH3 volatilization, leaching and surface runoff was low in the paddy fields in Northeast China.  NH3 volatilization accounted for 0.81 and 2.99% of the total N application in 2017 and 2018, respectively.  On average, the leaching and surface runoff rates were 4.45% and less than 1.05%, respectively, but the apparent denitrification loss was approximately 42.63%.  The residual N fertilizer in the soil layer (0–40 cm) was 18.37–31.81 kg N ha–1 in 2017, and the residual rate was 19.28–24.50%.  Residual 15N from fertilizer in the soil increased significantly with increasing N fertilizer, which was mainly concentrated in the 0–10 cm soil layer, accounting for 58.45–83.54% of the total residual N, and decreased with increasing depth.  While the ratio of residual N in the 0–10 cm soil layer to that in the 0–40 cm soil layer was decreased with increasing N application.  Furthermore, of the residual N, approximately 5.4% was taken up on average in the following season and 50.2% was lost, but 44.4% remained in the soil.  Hence, the amount of applied N fertilizer should be reduced appropriately due to the high residual N in paddy fields in Northeast China.  The appropriate N fertilizer rate in the northern fields in China was determined to be 105–135 kg N ha–1 in order to achieve a balance between rice yield and high N fertilizer uptake.

Keywords:  fate of N fertilizer        NH3 volatilization        leaching        surface runoff        residual nitrogen        yield  
Received: 22 December 2022   Accepted: 07 April 2023
Fund: This research was supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDA28100302), the earmarked fund for China Agriculture Research System (CARS-01-29), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFD0200104), the Fifth (2019) of ‘Young Talents’ Project of Northeast Agricultural University, China, and the Open Program of Key Laboratory of Germplasm Enhancement, Physiology and Ecology of Food Crops in Cold Region, Ministry of Education, Northeast Agricultural University (CXSTOP2021009).
About author:  #Correspondence LIU Zhi-lei, Mobile: +86-18845752275, E-mail:; PENG Xian-long, Mobile: +86-18800430515, E-mail: * These authors contributed equally to this study.

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BI Shi-ting, LUO Xiang-yu, ZHANG Chen, LI Peng-fei, YU Cai-lian, LIU Zhi-lei, PENG Xian-long. 2023. Fate of fertilizer nitrogen and residual nitrogen in paddy soil in Northeast China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 22(11): 3535-3548.

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[15] XIE Jun, Blagodatskaya EVGENIA, ZHANG Yu, WAN Yu, HU Qi-juan, ZHANG Cheng-ming, WANG Jie, ZHANG Yue-qiang, SHI Xiao-jun. Substituting nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer with optimal amount of crop straw improved rice grain yield, nutrient use efficiency and soil carbon sequestration[J]. >Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2022, 21(11): 3345-3355.
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