Perennial aneuploidy as a potential material for gene introgression between maize and Zea perennis |
FU Jie, YANG Xiu-yan, CHENG Ming-jun, LÜ Gui-hua, WANG Pei, WU Yuan-qi, ZHENG Ming-min, ZHOU Shu-feng, RONG Ting-zhao, TANG Qi-lin |
Maize Research Institute, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, P.R.China |
摘要 Hybridization, which allows for gene flow between crops, is difficult between maize and Zea perennis. In this study, we aim to initiate and study gene flow between maize and Z. perennis via a special aneuploid plant (MDT) derived from an interspecific hybrid of the two species. The chromosome constitution and morphological characters of MDT as well as certain backcross progenies were examined. Results from genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) indicate that aneuploid MDT consisted of nine maize chromosomes and 30 Z. perennis chromosomes. The backcross progenies of MDT×maize displayed significant diversity of vegetative and ear morphology; several unusual plants with specific chromosome constitution were founded in its progenies. Some special perennial progeny with several maize chromosomes were obtained by backcrossing MDT with Z. perennis, and the first whole chromosome introgression from maize to Z. perennis was detected in this study. With this novel material and method, a number of maize-tetraploid teosinte addition or substitution lines can be generated for further study, which has great significance to maize and Z. perennis genetic research, especially for promoting introgression and transferring desirable traits.
Abstract Hybridization, which allows for gene flow between crops, is difficult between maize and Zea perennis. In this study, we aim to initiate and study gene flow between maize and Z. perennis via a special aneuploid plant (MDT) derived from an interspecific hybrid of the two species. The chromosome constitution and morphological characters of MDT as well as certain backcross progenies were examined. Results from genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) indicate that aneuploid MDT consisted of nine maize chromosomes and 30 Z. perennis chromosomes. The backcross progenies of MDT×maize displayed significant diversity of vegetative and ear morphology; several unusual plants with specific chromosome constitution were founded in its progenies. Some special perennial progeny with several maize chromosomes were obtained by backcrossing MDT with Z. perennis, and the first whole chromosome introgression from maize to Z. perennis was detected in this study. With this novel material and method, a number of maize-tetraploid teosinte addition or substitution lines can be generated for further study, which has great significance to maize and Z. perennis genetic research, especially for promoting introgression and transferring desirable traits.
Received: 12 May 2014
Fund: This work was supported by the Key Basic Research Program of China (973 Program, 2014CB138705) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31371640, 31071432). |
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TANG Qi-lin,Tel: +86-28-86291200, Fax: +86-28-86290912, E-mail: tangqilin71
E-mail: tangqilin71@163.com
About author: FU Jie, E-mail: 61699257@qq.com; |
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FU Jie, YANG Xiu-yan, CHENG Ming-jun, Lü Gui-hua, WANG Pei, WU Yuan-qi, ZHENG Ming-min, ZHOU Shu-feng, RONG Ting-zhao, TANG Qi-lin.
Perennial aneuploidy as a potential material for gene introgression between maize and Zea perennis. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 14(5): 839-846.
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