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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2024, Vol. 23 Issue (5): 1593-1603    DOI: 10.1016/j.jia.2023.04.042
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Hatching and development of maize cyst nematode Heterodera zeae infecting different plant hosts

Jiangkuan Cui*, Haohao Ren*, Bo Wang, Fujie Chang, Xuehai Zhang, Haoguang Meng, Shijun Jiang, Jihua Tang#

College of Plant Protection, National Key Laboratory of Wheat and Maize Crop Science, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002, China

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  前期,我们对玉米孢囊线虫在我国的发生、分布及分子快速检测技术进行了研究报道。本文以河南地区的玉米孢囊线虫为研究对象,对其生物学特性进行系统解析,以明确其与不同寄主植物的相互作用。首先,我们利用光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜,基于ITS(internal transcribed spacer)区构建系统发育树和SCAR-PCR(sequence characterized amplified region)特异性检测对玉米孢囊线虫的孢囊和二龄幼虫进行了形态学和分子生物学鉴定,并测定了不同温度和不同孵化液对玉米孢囊线虫孵化的影响,结果显示:玉米孢囊线虫的最佳孵化温度为30℃和28℃,30 dph(days post-hatching)的累积孵化率分别为16.5%16.1%20倍和50倍土壤浸出液、玉米根浸出液和10倍玉米根系分泌物对玉米孢囊线虫的孵化率有着显著提升。10倍玉米根系分泌物处理下玉米孢囊线虫的孵化率最高可达25.9%。其次,我们测试了不同寄主植株根系分泌物10倍液对玉米孢囊线虫孵化的影响,发现玉米和谷子根系分泌物10倍液处理下玉米孢囊线虫30 dph的累积孵化率最高,分别为25.9%22.9%,其次是小麦(19.9%)、大麦(18.3%)和水稻(17.6%),高粱根系分泌物10倍液对玉米孢囊线虫的孵化没有促进作用。最后,我们检测了玉米孢囊线虫在不同寄主作物上的发育情况。结果表明,相较于其他作物(小麦、大麦、水稻和高粱),玉米孢囊线虫在玉米上发育较快。28℃条件下,接种8 d后可以在玉米根内检测到四龄幼虫,而在其他作物中未检测出四龄幼虫。综合以上孵化试验发现,在我国,黄淮海夏玉米区和西南中部山区是我国河南地区玉米孢囊线虫的潜在高发区。本文首次系统研究了温带地区玉米孢囊线虫的孵化特性和在不同寄主植株上的侵染特征。为玉米孢囊线虫的快速传播和对高度的环境适应性研究奠定了理论基础。

Abstract  The occurrence, distribution, and rapid molecular detection technology of Heterodera zeae Koshy et al. 1971, have been reported in China.  We explored the biological characteristics of Hzeae sampled in Henan Province, China to understand its interaction with plants.  Cysts and second-stage juveniles (J2s) were identified under an optical and scanning electron microscope, internal transcribed spacer (ITS) phylogenetic tree, and sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR)-PCR analyses.  The optimum hatching temperatures of Hzeae were 30°C and 28°C, with cumulative hatching rates of 16.5 and 16.1%, respectively, at 30 days post-hatching (dph).  The hatching rate of Hzeae eggs was improved by 20- and 50-time maize soil leachate and root juice, and 10-time root exudates.  The hatching rate in 10-time root exudates was the highest (25.9%).  The 10-time root exudates of maize and millet produced the highest hatching rate at 30 dph (25.9 and 22.9%, respectively), followed by wheat (19.9%), barley (18.3%), and rice (17.6%).  Heterodera zeae developed faster in maize than in other crops.  Fourth-stage juveniles (J4s) were detected in maize roots 8 days post-inoculation (dpi) at 28°C but not in other crops.  Combined with hatching tests, the Huang–Huai–Hai summer maize region and the south and central-southwest mountainous maize areas are highly suitable for Hzeae in China.  This is the first systematically study of the hatching and infection characteristics on different plant hosts of corn cyst nematode Hzeae in temperate regions.  This study laid a theoretical foundation for the rapid spread and high environmental adaptability of corn cyst nematode.
Keywords:  crop host resistance        Heterodera zeae        incubation fluid        maize cyst nematode        nematode development        nematode hatching   
Received: 07 February 2023   Accepted: 27 March 2023
Fund: This study was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31801717), the Major Science and Technology Projects in Henan Province, China (221100110300), the Special Fund for Young Talents in Henan Agricultural University, China (30500663), the Opening Foundation of the National Key Laboratory of Crop Science on Wheat and Maize, China (SKL2021KF06) and the HAU grant for Collaborative Crop Science Research, China (CCSR2022-1).
About author:  Jiangkuan Cui, E-mail:; Haohao Ren, E-mail:; #Correspondence Jihua Tang, E-mail: * These authors contributed equally to this study.

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Jiangkuan Cui, Haohao Ren, Bo Wang, Fujie Chang, Xuehai Zhang, Haoguang Meng, Shijun Jiang, Jihua Tang. 2024.

Hatching and development of maize cyst nematode Heterodera zeae infecting different plant hosts . Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 23(5): 1593-1603.

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