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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2024, Vol. 23 Issue (2): 698-710    DOI: 10.1016/j.jia.2023.05.040
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Manure substitution improves maize yield by promoting soil fertility and mediating the microbial community in lime concretion black soil

Minghui Cao1, 2, Yan Duan1#, Minghao Li1, Caiguo Tang1, Wenjie Kan1, 2, Jiangye Li4, Huilan Zhang1, Wenling Zhong1, 2, Lifang Wu1, 3#

1 The Center for Ion Beam Bioengineering & Green Agriculture, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences,        Hefei 230031, China

2 University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China

3 Zhongke Taihe Experimental Station, Taihe 236626, China

4 Institute of Resources and Environment, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing 210014, China

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合成氮肥对提高土壤肥力和作物产量方面发挥着重要作用,但过量施用氮肥造成土壤酸化、地下水污染和生物多样性减少等农业生态系统风险。同时,通过有机替代化肥因其生态环境友好性和产量效益而日益受到重视。然而,粪肥替代、作物产量和潜在微生物机制之间的联系仍不清晰。为了填补这一空白本研究在砂姜黑土区开展了为期三年的田间试验,包括以下五种施肥方案:1)对照,不施肥; 2CF化肥(无粪肥替代3CF1/2M1/250%粪肥替代化肥4CF1/4M3/475%粪肥替代化肥5M100%粪肥替代化肥所有施肥处理均按等氮施肥设计。结果表明,进行粪肥替代处理通过提高土壤有机碳、全氮和有效磷含量,提高了土壤肥力指数和生产力,并改变了土壤细菌群落的多样性和组成。土壤有机碳、速效磷含量以及土壤碳氮比是导致微生物群落变化的主要原因。微生物共现网络表明,土壤有机碳和有效磷与RhodospirillalesBurkholderiales相对丰度呈显著正相关,全氮和碳氮比分别与Micromonosporaceae相对丰度呈显著正相关和负相关。这些特定的细菌分类群均参与了土壤大量元素的周转。随机森林模型分析预测,特定的生物因子(如:细菌组成和Micromonosporaceae相对丰度)和非生物因子(如:有效磷、土壤有机碳、全氮含量以及土壤肥力指数)对玉米产量均有显著影响。本研究加深了粪肥替代合成氮肥对作物产量影响的理解,为砂姜黑土优化施肥策略提供了理论支持。


Synthetic nitrogen (N) fertilizer has made a great contribution to the improvement of soil fertility and productivity, but excessive application of synthetic N fertilizer may cause agroecosystem risks, such as soil acidification, groundwater contamination and biodiversity reduction.  Meanwhile, organic substitution has received increasing attention for its ecologically and environmentally friendly and productivity benefits.  However, the linkages between manure substitution, crop yield and the underlying microbial mechanisms remain uncertain.  To bridge this gap, a three-year field experiment was conducted with five fertilization regimes: i) Control, non-fertilization; CF, conventional synthetic fertilizer application; CF1/2M1/2, 1/2 N input via synthetic fertilizer and 1/2 N input via manure; CF1/4M3/4, 1/4 N input synthetic fertilizer and 3/4 N input via manure; M, manure application.  All fertilization treatments were designed to have equal N input.  Our results showed that all manure substituted treatments achieved high soil fertility indexes (SFI) and productivities by increasing the soil organic carbon (SOC), total N (TN) and available phosphorus (AP) concentrations, and by altering the bacterial community diversity and composition compared with CF.  SOC, AP, and the soil C:N ratio were mainly responsible for microbial community variations.  The co-occurrence network revealed that SOC and AP had strong positive associations with Rhodospirillales and Burkholderiales, while TN and C:N ratio had positive and negative associations with Micromonosporaceae, respectively.  These specific taxa are implicated in soil macroelement turnover.  Random Forest analysis predicted that both biotic (bacterial composition and Micromonosporaceae) and abiotic (AP, SOC, SFI, and TN) factors had significant effects on crop yield.  The present work strengthens our understanding of the effects of manure substitution on crop yield and provides theoretical support for optimizing fertilization strategies.

Keywords:  fertilization        manure substitution        soil fertility        maize yield        bacterial community   
Received: 09 February 2023   Accepted: 07 April 2023
Fund: This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2022YFD2301403-2), the Major Special Project of Anhui Province, China (2021d06050003), the Postdoctoral Foundation of Anhui Province, China (2022B638), the Special Project of Zhongke Bengbu Technology Transfer Center, China (ZKBB202103), and the Grant of the President Foundation of Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of Chinese Academy of Sciences (YZJJ2023QN37).
About author:  Minghui Cao, E-mail:; #Correspondence Yan Duan, E-mail:; Lifang Wu, E-mail:

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Minghui Cao, Yan Duan, Minghao Li, Caiguo Tang, Wenjie Kan, Jiangye Li, Huilan Zhang, Wenling Zhong, Lifang Wu. 2024.

Manure substitution improves maize yield by promoting soil fertility and mediating the microbial community in lime concretion black soil . Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 23(2): 698-710.

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