Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2017, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (10): 1914-1921.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.10.016
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HUANG XingLin, LU JunXing, LIAO BingNan, BAI HuiYang, GUAN Li, ZHANG Tao
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[23] 刘洪峰, 高乐旋, 胡永红. 牡丹不同发育阶段种子和花瓣组织实时荧光定量PCR中内参基因的挖掘与筛选. 农业生物技术学报, 2015, 23(12): 1639-1648.
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[1] | ZHAI XiaoHu,LI LingXu,CHEN XiaoZhu,JIANG HuaiDe,HE WeiHua,YAO DaWei. Quantitative Detection Technology of Porcine-Derived Materials in Meat by Real-time PCR [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2023, 56(1): 156-164. |
[2] | GU LiDan,LIU Yang,LI FangXiang,CHENG WeiNing. Cloning of Small Heat Shock Protein Gene Hsp21.9 in Sitodiplosis mosellana and Its Expression Characteristics During Diapause and Under Temperature Stresses [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2023, 56(1): 79-89. |
[3] | LI YuZe,ZHU JiaWei,LIN Wei,LAN MoYing,XIA LiMing,ZHANG YiLi,LUO Cong,HUANG Gui Xiang,HE XinHua. Cloning and Interaction Protein Screening of RHF2A Gene from Xiangshui Lemon [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(24): 4912-4926. |
[4] | DUAN YaRu,GAO MeiLing,GUO Yu,LIANG XiaoXue,LIU XiuJie,XU HongGuo,LIU JiXiu,GAO Yue,LUAN Feishi. Map-Based Cloning and Molecular Marker Development of Watermelon Fruit Shape Gene [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(14): 2812-2824. |
[5] | ZHU ChunYan,SONG JiaWei,BAI TianLiang,WANG Na,MA ShuaiGuo,PU ZhengFei,DONG Yan,LÜ JianDong,LI Jie,TIAN RongRong,LUO ChengKe,ZHANG YinXia,MA TianLi,LI PeiFu,TIAN Lei. Effects of NaCl Stress on the Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics of Seedlings of Japonica Rice Germplasm with Different Salt Tolerances [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(13): 2509-2525. |
[6] | QU Cheng,WANG Ran,LI FengQi,LUO Chen. Cloning and Expression Profiling of Gustatory Receptor Genes BtabGR1 and BtabGR2 in Bemisia tabaci [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(13): 2552-2561. |
[7] | ZHANG Li,ZHANG Nan,JIANG HuQiang,WU Fan,LI HongLiang. Molecular Cloning and Expression Pattern Analysis of NPC2 Gene Family of Apis cerana cerana [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(12): 2461-2471. |
[8] | XU Chen,WANG WenJing,CAO Shan,LI RuXue,ZHANG BeiBei,SUN AiQing,ZHANG ChunQing. Mechanism of DA-6 Treatment Regulating Wheat Seed Vigor After Anthesis [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(9): 1821-1834. |
[9] | Tao WANG,Yu HAN,Li PAN,Bing WANG,MaoWen SUN,Yi WANG,YuZi LUO,HuaJi QIU,Yuan SUN. Development of a TaqMan Real-Time PCR Targeting the MGF360-13L Gene of African Swine Fever Virus [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(5): 1073-1080. |
[10] | ZHANG Lu,ZONG YaQi,XU WeiHua,HAN Lei,SUN ZhenYu,CHEN ZhaoHui,CHEN SongLi,ZHANG Kai,CHENG JieShan,TANG MeiLing,ZHANG HongXia,SONG ZhiZhong. Identification, Cloning, and Expression Characteristics Analysis of Fe-S Cluster Assembly Genes in Grape [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(23): 5068-5082. |
[11] | TAN YongAn,JIANG YiPing,ZHAO Jing,XIAO LiuBin. Expression Profile of G Protein-Coupled Receptor Kinase 2 Gene (AlGRK2) and Its Function in the Development of Apolygus lucorum [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(22): 4813-4825. |
[12] | LI ZiTeng,CAO YuHan,LI Nan,MENG XiangLong,HU TongLe,WANG ShuTong,WANG YaNan,CAO KeQiang. Molecular Variation and Phylogenetic Relationship of Apple Scar Skin Viroid in Seven Cultivars of Apple [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(20): 4326-4336. |
[13] | WANG Na,ZHAO ZiBo,GAO Qiong,HE ShouPu,MA ChenHui,PENG Zhen,DU XiongMing. Cloning and Functional Analysis of Salt Stress Response Gene GhPEAMT1 in Upland Cotton [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(2): 248-260. |
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