Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (13): 2538-2551.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2022.13.005


Identification and Evaluation of Drought Resistance of Wheat Varieties Based on Thermal Infrared Image

MENG Yu1(),WEN PengFei1,DING ZhiQiang2,TIAN WenZhong2,ZHANG XuePin2,HE Li1,DUAN JianZhao1,LIU WanDai1,FENG Wei1()   

  1. 1Agronomy College of Henan Agriculture University/Key Laboratory of Regulating and Controlling Crop Growth and Development, Ministry of Education, Zhengzhou 450046
    2Wheat Research Institute, Luoyang Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Luoyang 471000, Henan
  • Received:2021-10-13 Accepted:2021-12-14 Online:2022-07-01 Published:2022-07-08
  • Contact: Wei FENG;


【Objective】The information related to the temperature parameters of different genotypes of wheat canopy were analyzed to explore the indicators and methods for rapid and efficient screening of drought-resistant varieties of winter wheat, so as to provide a reference basis for the screening of drought-resistant varieties of winter wheat.【Method】In this study, the canopy thermal infrared images of 10 wheat varieties with different drought resistance under drought stress were obtained and extracted canopy temperature characteristic parameters by using temperature frequency histogram and other analysis methods, and the quantitative relationship between temperature characteristic parameters and drought resistance index were clarified, and then the effectiveness of canopy temperature characteristic parameters on screening drought-resistant varieties of winter wheat were analyzed.【Result】The grading criteria based on the yield drought resistance index (DRI) classified the measured wheat varieties into four drought resistance categories. The stronger the drought resistance, the more stable the maximum photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm), plant water content (PWC), stomatal conductance (Gs), transpiration rate (Tr), and seed yield. The characteristic parameters of canopy temperature based on thermal infrared images were extracted, indicating the stronger the drought resistance of wheat, the smaller variability in canopy temperature and the less dispersion in canopy temperature. The yield DRI showed highly significant positive correlation with the deviation between crop canopy temperature and ambient temperature (CTD) at the jointing, booting and flowering stages with the correlation coefficient r=0.79-0.84, while the standard deviation of canopy temperature (CTSD), coefficient of variation (CTCV), water stress index (CWSI) and relative canopy temperature difference (CRTD) were significantly negatively correlated (r=-0.56- -0.78). The regression model of yield DRI was built based on canopy temperature characteristic parameters of a single growth period, and the estimation accuracy was r2=0.73-0.87, with the highest accuracy of the prediction model at the jointing stage. And the prediction model of yield DRI was constructed based on the combination of relevant canopy temperature parameters CTD, CTCV, and CTSD CWSI of three growth periods, and the accuracy of prediction was significantly higher (r2=0.95) than that based on a single growth period.【Conclusion】 Thermal infrared images can be used for early identification and rapid evaluation of drought resistance of wheat varieties, which is of great significance for promoting efficient and water-saving crop production.

Key words: winter wheat, drought stress, thermal infrared image, drought resistance index, variety identification

Table 1

Classification standards of drought resistance evaluation based on drought resistance index (DRI) in wheat"

Drought resistance rank
Drought resistance index
Drought resistance evaluation standard
1 ≥1.30 极强 HR
2 1.10—1.29 强 R
3 0.90—1.09 中等 MR
4 0.70—0.89 弱 S
5 ≤0.69 极弱 HS

Table 2

Grain yield and drought resistance evaluation of wheat varieties with different drought resistance"

产量Grain yield(kg·hm-2 抗旱指数
Drought index
Drought evaluation
棚内 Output in dry land 棚外 Output in wet land
1 洛旱19 Luohan 19 4816.98b 8610.52c 1.06 中等MR
2 洛旱22 Luohan 22 5026.80a 8713.45bc 1.14 强R
3 洛麦26 Luomai 26 4584.04c 9378.24a 0.88 弱S
4 中麦175 Zhongmai 175 4350.88d 9050.06b 0.82 弱S
5 百农207 Bainong 207 4299.84d 8144.90d 0.89 弱S
6 豫农516 Yunong516 4551.87c 8838.05b 0.92 中等MR
7 中麦895 Zhongmai 895 3873.35e 8831.18b 0.67 极弱HS
8 安农0711 Annong 0711 4390.08d 8953.79b 0.85 弱S
9 华成3366 Huacheng 3366 3915.60e 8679.40bc 0.69 极弱HS
10 晋麦47 Jinmai 47 4587.77c 8269.14d 1.00 中等MR

Fig. 1

Effect of drought stress on Fv/Fm, plant water content (PWC), stomatal conductance (Gs) and transpiration rate (Tr) of different drought-resistant types in winter wheat HR: Hightly resistant; R: Resistant; MR: Moderately resistant; S: Sensitive; HS: Highly sensitive. Different small letters indicate significant differences at P<0.05"

Fig. 2

Canopy temperature frequency histogram of different drought resistance wheat a, b, c, d are the four different grades of drought-resistant varieties at jointing stage: Luohan 22, Jinmai 47, Zhongmai 175, and Zhongmai 895, respectively; Similarly, e, f, g, h and i, j, k, l are the representative varieties of these four different levels of drought resistance at booting and flowering stages, respectively"

Table 3

Variation characteristics of canopy temperature parameters of wheat with different drought resistance under drought stress"

Drought evaluation
Jointing stage
强R 14.90-19.17 6.58 0.480 0.03 5.14 0.4 0.138
中等MR 14.71-23.42 7.99-9.28 0.934-1.102 0.048-0.054 3.42-4.87 0.41-0.44 0.158-0.174
弱S 14.98-23.51 9.62-10.00 1.036-1.273 0.053-0.065 2.22-3.00 0.45-0.47 0.164-0.210
极弱HS 15.15-23.60 11.37-11.62 1.105-1.227 0.068-0.071 1.81-2.69 0.46-0.50 0.198-0.214
Booting stage
强R 21.93-26.28 7.63 0.660 0.028 -0.32 0.44 0.076
中等MR 21.72-28.73 8.43-9.33 0.728-0.850 0.031-0.034 -0.66--1.13 0.46-0.48 0.086-0.096
弱S 22.14-28.36 9.91-10.52 0.807-0.880 0.033-0.040 -1.42--1.88 0.48-0.50 0.101-0.112
极弱HS 21.45-29.77 11.06-11.79 0.952-1.164 0.039-0.045 -1.65--2.38 0.51-0.54 0.119-0.153
Anthesis stage
强R 21.01-27.67 11.58 1.108 0.041 -4.17 0.47 0.105
中等MR 24.92-35.29 12.21-14.29 1.298-1.601 0.043-0.051 -4.30--5.16 0.49-0.51 0.108-0.116
弱S 25.42-36.19 13.52-14.95 1.270-1.812 0.047-0.056 -5.56--6.47 0.53-0.54 0.120-0.136
极弱HS 25.90-38.48 15.14-18.82 1.824-1.963 0.054-0.060 -6.87--7.78 0.59-0.60 0.149-0.159

Fig. 3

Correlation between drought resistance index and characteristic number of canopy temperature of wheat varieties under drought stress Different colors indicate the intensity of the significant, and the closer to red (plus) or blue (minus), the higher for the significant; the larger the circular diameter, the greater the correlation coefficient, × indicate no significant (P<0.05). DRI: Drought resistance index; CTSD: Standard deviation of canopy temperature; CTCV: Canopy temperature variation coefficient; CTD: Canopy temperature depression; CWSI: Crop water stress index; CRTD: Relative canopy temperature difference"

Fig. 4

The inversed CTD map of different grades of drought-resistant wheat varieties a, b, c, d are the four different grades of drought-resistant varieties at jointing stage: Luohan 22, Jinmai 47, Zhongmai 175, and Zhongmai 895, respectively; Similarly, e, f, g, h and i, j, k, l are the representative varieties of these four different levels of drought resistance at booting and flowering stages, respectively"

Fig. 5

Validation results of drought resistance index DRI model"

Table 4

Stepwise regression analysis based on the canopy temperature parameters at single stage"

Response variable
拔节期 Jointing stage 孕穗期 Booting stage 开花期 Anthesis stage
Variable entered
Variable entered
Variable entered
抗旱指数DRI S1 CTD 0.706 CTD 0.624 CTD 0.672
S2 CTCV 0.837 CTCV 0.734 CWSI 0.768
S3 CWSI 0.872

Table 5

Stepwise regression analysis based on the canopy temperature parameters of multiple growth stages"

Response variable
Growth stage
Variable entered
Estimation R2
S1 拔节 Jointing stage CTD 0.706
S2 孕穗 Booting stage CTCV 0.836
S3 开花 Anthesis stage CWSI 0.902
S4 拔节 Jointing stage CTSD 0.948
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