Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (7): 1346-1358.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2022.07.007

• PLANT PROTECTION • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Pathogenicity and Avirulence Genes Variation of Magnaporthe oryzae from a Rice Variety Meixiangzhan 2 in Guangdong Province

WANG WenJuan(),SU Jing,CHEN Shen,YANG JianYuan,CHEN KaiLing,FENG AiQing,WANG CongYing,FENG JinQi,CHEN Bing,ZHU XiaoYuan()   

  1. Plant Protection Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of High Technology for Plant Protection, Guangzhou 510640
  • Received:2021-11-01 Accepted:2021-12-20 Online:2022-04-01 Published:2022-04-18
  • Contact: XiaoYuan ZHU;


【Objective】The objective of this study is to analyze the pathogenicity and variation patterns of avirulence genes (Avr genes) genotype of Magnaporthe oryzae, which was collected from a high-quality rice variety Meixiangzhan 2 widely cultivated in Guangdong, and to provide a reference for the rational layout of Meixiangzhan 2 in different rice ecological areas. 【Method】The pathogenicity of single-spore strains was determined using 9 M. oryzae monogenic differentials. The DNA of the single-spore M. oryzae strains collected from Meixiangzhan 2 in different rice areas and in different years from 2013 to 2018 was subjected to PCR amplification using the functional markers of 8 Avr genes. The PCR products of Avr genes with promotor sequences or CDS regions were analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis and the PCR products of representative strains were sequenced, and their sequences were compared to corresponding Avr genes, respectively. The corresponding M. oryzae monogenic differentials were used to determine the pathogenicity of M. oryzae strains with different mutation types of the Avr genes. According to two mating types MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 molecular markers of M. oryzae, the possible mating type of M. oryzae strains isolated from Meixiangzhan 2 was detected. 【Result】The pathogenicity analysis with a set of monogenic differentials showed that 52 rice blast strains collected from Meixiangzhan 2 from 2013 to 2018 were avirulent to IRBL9-W (Pi9), IRBLzt-T (Piz-t), NIL-e1 (Pi50) and IRBLkh-K3 (Pikh). The tested strains showed high frequencies (>57%) of virulence to IRBLz-Fu (Piz), IRBLkp-K60 (Pikp) and IRBLi-F5 (Pii), and the frequency of virulence to IRBLz-Fu (Piz) showed significant differences in different years, suggesting that the M. oryzae population in the field of Meixiangzhan 2 planted area had a higher frequency of virulent strains of avrPiz, avrPikp and avrPii. AvrPiz-t, AvrPi9 and AvrPik-CDE fragments were almost present in all tested strains, but none of Avr1-CO39, AvrPia or AvrPii was amplified in any strain. Only 4 strains could amplify the fragment of AvrPita, and only 3 strains could amplify the fragment of AvrPik-ABF. Amplicon sequencing of the 7 strains revealed that the sequences of AvrPi9 and AvrPiz-t were identical to those of the corresponding Avr genes. Of the 7 sequenced strains in AvrPik-CDE, 4 strains were almost identical to each other, and 3 strains had a ‘CTTT' in the coding region of AvrPik. Four different amplification types of AvrPib (expected size bands, bands with transposon Pot3 insertion, bands with transposon Mg-SINE insertion, and non-amplified bands) were detected by electrophoresis analysis and 5 different haplotypes (AvrPib-AP1-1, AvrPib-AP1-2, avrPib-AP2, avrPib-AP3 and avrPib-AP2+avrPib-AP3) were detected by sequencing PCR products. The genotypes AvrPib-AP1-1 and AvrPib-AP1-2 were avirulent, while avrPib-AP2 and avrPib-AP3 showing insertions of transposon Pot3 or Mg-SINE with different insertion sites were virulent. A double haplotype of avrPib-AP2+avrPib-AP3 was detected in one strain. The result of mating type analysis with molecular markers showed that all of 52 tested strains belonged to the mating type of MAT1-2, two strains (GD18-009 and GD18-185) from Shaoguan, Guangdong were also detected with MAT1-1 mating type, indicating that these two strains had dual mating types. 【Conclusion】Among the strains from the high-quality rice variety of Meixiangzhan 2 in Guangdong, the Avr genes of AvrPiz-t, AvrPi9, AvrPi50 and AvrPikh distribute widely. The variation types of AvrPib are abundant. The results of this study will provide useful information for the rational layout of Meixiangzhan 2 and the deployment of other rotation varieties with different genotypes of rice blast resistance.

Key words: Meixiangzhan 2, Magnaporthe oryzae, genotype of avirulence gene, mating type

Table 1

Information of 52 M. oryzae strains collected from Guangdong"

Sampling location
Strain number
Sampling location
Strain number
韶关Shaoguan GD13-012 韶关Shaoguan GD16-187
韶关Shaoguan GD13-027 韶关Shaoguan GD16-189
韶关Shaoguan GD13-354 韶关Shaoguan GD16-196
韶关Shaoguan GD13-358 韶关Shaoguan GD17-001
韶关Shaoguan GD13-369 河源Heyuan GD17-125
韶关Shaoguan GD13-382 惠州Huizhou GD17-165
韶关Shaoguan GD13-389 惠州Huizhou GD17-171
韶关Shaoguan GD13-394 惠州Huizhou GD17-181
韶关Shaoguan GD13-395 韶关Shaoguan GD17-312
河源Heyuan GD13-452 韶关Shaoguan GD17-313
阳江Yangjiang GD13-591 韶关Shaoguan GD17-314
河源Heyuan GD14-073 惠州Huizhou GD17-380
韶关Shaoguan GD14-186 韶关Shaoguan GD18-009
云浮Yunfu GD14-295 惠州Huizhou GD18-094
清远Qingyuan GD15-074 韶关Shaoguan GD18-185
清远Qingyuan GD15-076 韶关Shaoguan GD18-188
惠州Huizhou GD15-097 韶关Shaoguan GD18-189
韶关Shaoguan GD15-195 韶关Shaoguan GD18-191
韶关Shaoguan GD15-196 韶关Shaoguan GD18-192
韶关Shaoguan GD15-198 韶关Shaoguan GD18-193
韶关Shaoguan GD15-205 韶关Shaoguan GD18-194
韶关Shaoguan GD15-206 韶关Shaoguan GD18-196
韶关Shaoguan GD15-214 惠州Huizhou GD18-269
韶关Shaoguan GD16-006 惠州Huizhou GD18-271
河源Heyuan GD16-034 惠州Huizhou GD18-272
韶关Shaoguan GD16-185 增城Zengcheng GD18-361

Table 2

Primers used for the PCR detection of Avr genes and mating type in this study"

Sequence (5′-3′)
Expected fragment size (bp)
To detect Avr1-CO39 promoter and CDS
To detect AvrPita promoter and CDS
To detect AvrPii promoter and CDS
To detect AvrPiz-t promoter and CDS
To detect AvrPia promoter and CDS
To detect AvrPik-CDE promoter and CDS
To detect AvrPik-ABF promoter and CDS
To detect AvrPib promoter and some CDS
MAT1-1F GACATCAAGGCTCGTCGAC 650 交配型分析 Mating type analysis
MAT1-2F GGACCTCGAATTCGTCGAC 300 交配型分析 Mating type analysis

Table 3

The frequency of the strains virulent to a set of monogenic rice blast differentials in the populations of M. oryzae during the period of 2013-2018 (%)"

Year (Number of strains)
Pi9 Piz-t Pi50 Pikh Pi1 Pita2 Piz Pikp Pii LTH
2013 (11) 0 0 0 0 0 9.09 81.82 81.82 72.73 100.00
2015 (9) 0 0 0 0 0 33.33 88.89 88.89 77.78 100.00
2016 (6) 0 0 0 0 16.67 16.67 100.00 66.67 83.33 100.00
2017 (9) 0 0 0 0 33.33 22.22 77.78 88.89 77.78 100.00
2018 (14) 0 0 0 0 14.29 21.43 57.14 78.57 78.57 100.00
χ2 for homogeneity 59.61*** 15.25** 12.37** 4.16 0.73

Fig. 1

Detection of Avr genes in M. oryzae strains using molecular markers of avirulence genes"

Fig. 2

Allelic variation of avirulence gene AvrPib of M. oryzae from Meixiangzhan 2"

Fig. 3

Characterization of variation at AvrPib alleles of M. oryzae from Meixiangzhan 2"

Table 4

Characterization of AvrPib haplotypes of 15 representative strains"

AvrPib等位基因的核苷酸多态性Nucleotide polymorphisms of AvrPib allelesa
-269 bp -266 bp/-232 bp/-228 bp/-52 bp -216 bp -124 bp -71 bp
Frequency (%)
Pathotype to IRBLb-B (Pib)
- - - - - - - -
AvrPib-AP1-1 20.00 A - - - - C AAC
AvrPib-AP1-2 6.67 A TAAC C AAC
avrPib-AP2 33.33 V - - - -或TAAC Pot3
avrPib-AP3 33.33 V - - - - C AAC Mg-SINE
avrPib-AP2+avrPib-AP3 6.67 V - - - - Pot3 C AAC Mg-SINE

Fig. 4

Detection of mating types in M. oryzae strains with molecular markers of mating genes"

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