中国农业科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (4): 740-754.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.04.009

• 土壤肥料·节水灌溉·农业生态环境 • 上一篇    下一篇


麻碧娇(), 陈桂平(), 苟志文, 殷文(), 樊志龙, 胡发龙, 范虹, 何蔚   

  1. 甘肃农业大学农学院/省部共建干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室,兰州 730070
  • 收稿日期:2023-03-09 接受日期:2023-06-14 出版日期:2024-02-16 发布日期:2024-02-20
  • 通信作者:
  • 联系方式: 麻碧娇,。陈桂平,。麻碧娇与陈桂平为同等贡献作者。
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金(32372238); 国家自然科学基金(U21A20218); 国家绿肥产业技术体系(CARS-22-G-12); 甘肃农业大学伏羲青年人才项目(Gaufx-03Y10)

Water Utilization and Economic Benefit of Wheat Multiple Cropping with Green Manure Under Nitrogen Reduction in Hexi Irrigation Area of Northwest China

MA BiJiao(), CHEN GuiPing(), GOU ZhiWen, YIN Wen(), FAN ZhiLong, HU FaLong, FAN Hong, HE Wei   

  1. College of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University/State Key Laboratory of Arid Land Crop Science, Lanzhou 730070
  • Received:2023-03-09 Accepted:2023-06-14 Published:2024-02-16 Online:2024-02-20


【目的】针对河西绿洲灌区作物生产中氮肥施用过量、水资源利用效率与经济效益较低等问题,探讨麦后复种绿肥及适量减施化学氮肥对小麦农田耗水特性及经济效益的影响。【方法】2019-2020年在甘肃省河西绿洲灌区进行裂区试验,主区设置麦后复种绿肥(W-G)和单作小麦(W)两种种植模式;副区为5个施氮水平,分别为不施氮肥(N0)、常规施氮(180 kg·hm-2,N4)、减施45%氮肥(N1)、减施30%氮肥(N2)和减施15%氮肥(N3)。测定不同处理下小麦绿肥体系产量、水资源利用效率及经济效益。【结果】麦后复种绿肥以及适量减施化学氮肥显著提高小麦籽粒产量和系统生物热能产,2019和2020年,W-G较W处理籽粒产量分别提高10.8%和12.4%,系统生物热能产分别提高37.8%和40.3%;麦后复种绿肥结合减氮15%(W-G-N3)较单作小麦结合减氮15%(W-N3)和单作小麦传统施氮(W-N4)处理小麦分别增产6.9%-16.7%和7.9%-13.6%,生物热能产提高52.0%-62.2%和27.1%-58.9%。W-G较W小麦生育阶段耗水量降低6.3%-16.0%,W-G-N3较W-N3和W-N4小麦季耗水量分别降低13.4%-20.5%和20.8%-29.0%,W-G由于绿肥生长季消耗水分,总耗水量显著高于W。W-G较W小麦水分利用效率分别提高7.9%和19.2%;2019年度 W-G-N3较W-N3和W-N4小麦水分利用效率分别提高23.5%和5.1%,差异显著。W-G-N3可有效提高系统单位耗水生物热能产,较W-N3和W-N4分别提高2.7%-14.5%和9.3%-17.5%。W-G较W增加了成本投入,总产值也随之提高;2019年度W-G-N3较W-N3和W-N4纯收益分别提高9.8%和9.5%,2020年度W-G-N3较W-N3和W-N4纯收益则分别降低了15.6%和15.7%;2019和2020年W-G较W产投比分别降低20.7%和23.1%,W-G-N3较W-N3和W-N4产投比降低比例均为14.8%-23.1%,W-G因较多的资源投入降低了系统单方水效益。【结论】在河西绿洲灌区,麦后复种绿肥结合适量减施化学氮肥能够提高作物产量和经济效益,水资源利用效率也随之提高,其中麦后复种绿肥结合减量15%施氮处理的综合效果最好,可作为提高水资源利用及农民收益的理想种植模式及施氮水平。

关键词: 绿肥, 小麦, 复种, 减量施氮, 产量, 水分利用效率, 经济效益


【Objective】 In view of the problems of excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer and lower water resource utilization efficiency and economic benefits in crop production in the irrigation area of Hexi Oasis, the aim of this study was to explore the effects of multiple green manures after wheat and moderate reduction of chemical nitrogen fertilizer on the water consumption characteristics and economic benefit of wheat field. 【Method】 From 2019 to 2020, a split plot experiment was conducted in the oasis irrigation area of Hexi, Gansu province. Two planting patterns were set up in the main area, namely, multiple cropping of green manure after wheat harvest (W-G) and single cropping of wheat (W). In the sub-plot, there were five nitrogen application levels, namely no nitrogen application (N0), conventional nitrogen application level 180 kg·hm-2 (N4), reduced 45% nitrogen application (N1), reduced 30% nitrogen application (N2), and reduced 15% nitrogen application (N3).【Result】Grain yield of wheat and systematic biothermal energy were significantly increased by multiple green manure after wheat (W-G) and the moderate reduction of chemical nitrogen fertilizer, in 2019 and 2020, which increased by 10.8% and 12.4%, respectively, and the yield of systematic biothermal energy increased by 37.8% and 40.3%, respectively. Compared with nitrogen reduction of 15% (W-G-N3) in sole wheat and traditional nitrogen application (W-N4) in sole wheat, the grain yield increased by 6.9%-16.7% and 7.9%-13.6%, respectively, and the biothermal energy yield increased by 52.0%-62.2% and 27.1%-58.9%, respectively. The water consumption of W-G decreased by 6.3%-16.0% compared with that of W wheat growing stage, and W-G-N3 decreased the seasonal water consumption of W-N3 and W-N4 by 13.4%-20.5% and 20.8%-29.0%, respectively. Repeated planting of green manure could improve the water use efficiency of wheat, and W-G increased by 7.9% and 19.2%, respectively. In 2019, compared with W-N3 and W-N4, the WUE of W-G-N3 increased by 23.5% and 5.1%, respectively. Compared with W-N3 and W-N4, W-G-N3 could improve the energy yield of per unit water efficiency of the system, which was increased by 2.7%-14.5% and 9.3%-17.5%, respectively. Compared with the W and W-G increased the cost input, and the gross output also increased. In 2019, the net return of W-G-N3 increased by 9.8% and 9.5% compared with W-N3 and W-N4, respectively; in 2020, the net return of W-G-N3 decreased by 15.6% and 15.7% compared with W-N3 and W-N4, respectively. In 2019 and 2020, the output/input of multiple cropping green manure after wheat harvest reduced by 20.7% and 23.1% compared with sole wheat, and the output/input of W-G-N3 was 14.8%-23.1% compared with W-N3 and W-N4, and W-G reduced the benefit per cubic meter water of the system due to more resources input. 【Conclusion】In the Hexi oasis irrigation areas, multiple green manure after wheat combined with moderate reduction of chemical nitrogen fertilizer could improve crop yield and economic benefit, as well as water resource utilization efficiency, among which the comprehensive effect of multiple green manure after wheat combined with 15% nitrogen treatment is outstanding, which could be used as an ideal planting pattern and nitrogen application level to improve water resource utilization and farmers' income.

Key words: green manure, wheat, multiple cropping, reduce nitrogen application, yield, water use efficiency, economic benefit