中国农业科学 ›› 2023, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (1): 156-164.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2023.01.012
ZHAI XiaoHu1(),LI LingXu2(
),CHEN XiaoZhu2,JIANG HuaiDe2,HE WeiHua1,YAO DaWei2(
【目的】建立一种快速、准确的肉中猪源性成分定量检测方法。【方法】首先从GenBank数据库中筛选猪特异性的微卫星DNA,根据微卫星DNA核酸序列设计引物,对常见10种动物基因组DNA进行PCR扩增,通过有无扩增产物判断筛选的微卫星DNA对猪源性成分的特异性。然后根据微卫星DNA核酸序列,设计特异性引物和探针,建立猪源性成分Real-time PCR检测方法,采用双标准曲线分别对猪源性成分和总动物源性成分进行定量,计算猪源性成分的百分含量。【结果】筛选到猪特异性微卫星DNA(Accession EF172428),根据其序列设计的引物SEQ-sus2-F/R只能从猪基因组DNA中扩增出目的条带,其他动物的基因组均无目的条带扩增。建立的Real-time PCR检测方法灵敏度为0.02 ng/25 μL反应体系。该方法能够准确检测出混合DNA样品中猪源性成分和混合肉样品中猪源性成分,百分误差分别约为1.32%和1.06%—7.12%。【结论】本研究利用Real-time PCR技术建立的定量猪源性成分的检测方法可以用来检测猪源性成分在混合样品中的百分含量。
翟晓虎,李翎旭,陈小竹,蒋怀德,贺卫华,姚大伟. 肉中猪源性成分Real-time PCR定量检测技术[J]. 中国农业科学, 2023, 56(1): 156-164.
ZHAI XiaoHu,LI LingXu,CHEN XiaoZhu,JIANG HuaiDe,HE WeiHua,YAO DaWei. Quantitative Detection Technology of Porcine-Derived Materials in Meat by Real-time PCR[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2023, 56(1): 156-164.
引物名称 Primers name | 序列 Sequence (5′-3′) | 片段大小 Sizes (bp) | 基因编号Accession |
SEQ-sus1-F | AACCCTGCCTGCCCTTTGT | 225 | AF375760 |
SEQ-sus2-F | CTTCTTCCTCAGTGGTCGTG | 262 | EF172428 |
SEQ-sus2-probe-F | CACACAATGGGAATAAATTG | 185 | EF172428 |
Sus-Taqman-probe | Cy5-CCTTCAAGCAGTGCAGCCTTAC-BHQ2 | EF172428 | |
SEQ-common296-F | CTGCTAAACAATCCAATAAAC | 155 | AB584373 |
Common-Taqman-probe | Texas red-TAACCTCTTGTCTCTTCGGCTGATG-BHQ2 | AB584373 |
退火温度 Annealing temperature (℃) | 扩增效率 Efficiency (%) | 决定系数 Coefficient of correlation (R2) | 最小Ct值 Ctmin | 非特异性扩增Ct值 Non-specific amplification Ct | 空白对照Ct值 Blank control Ct |
57.0 | 95.51±3.51 | 0.9987±0.0015a | 21.75±0.73c | 33.65±1.07c | 未检测到Undetected |
58.5 | 94.96±5.39 | 0.9990±0.0007a | 22.40±0.31b | 35.70±1.90b | 未检测到Undetected |
60.0 | 97.73±1.10 | 0.9979±0.0015a | 22.71±0.37b | 35.52±0.71b | 未检测到Undetected |
61.5 | 97.76±1.09 | 0.9909±0.0017b | 24.47±0.80a | 39.17±0.15a | 未检测到Undetected |
探针-引物浓度 Probe and primer content (nmol·L-1) | 扩增效率 Efficiency (%) | 决定系数 Coefficient of correlation (R2) | 最小Ct值 Ctmin | 非特异性扩增Ct值 Non-specific amplification Ct | 空白对照Ct值 Blank control Ct |
150-150 | 91.18±5.55ab | 0.9973±0.0018 | 23.55±0.50a | 35.89±0.64bc | 未检测到Undetected |
150-250 | 95.37±0.63ab | 0.9998±0.0001 | 22.56±0.31bc | 34.77±0.10c | 未检测到Undetected |
150-300 | 96.08±3.81ab | 0.9996±0.0001 | 22.52±0.28bc | 35.28±0.13bc | 未检测到Undetected |
200-150 | 92.92±5.07ab | 0.9970±0.0013 | 23.54±0.42a | 35.03±0.82bc | 未检测到Undetected |
200-250 | 95.04±1.46ab | 0.9989±0.0002 | 22.19±0.07c | 37.85±0.35a | 未检测到Undetected |
200-350 | 97.31±1.80a | 0.9993±0.0006 | 22.33±0.14c | 34.57±0.66c | 未检测到Undetected |
250-150 | 97.71±0.86a | 0.9943±0.0052 | 23.32±0.31a | 36.09±0.35b | 未检测到Undetected |
250-250 | 95.58±2.37a | 0.9985±0.0004 | 22.45±0.12bc | 34.62±0.70c | 未检测到Undetected |
250-350 | 88.20±7.57b | 0.9928±0.0080 | 22.83±0.68b | 35.20±0.63bc | 未检测到Undetected |
退火温度 Annealing temperature (℃) | 扩增效率 Efficiency (%) | 决定系数 Coefficient of correlation (R2) | 最小Ct值 Ctmin | 空白对照Ct值 Blank control Ct |
55.5 | 91.40±1.93ab | 0.9963±0.0012 | 22.55±0.64d | 未检测到Undetected |
57.0 | 93.66±1.37ab | 0.9969±0.0001 | 22.59±0.62d | 未检测到Undetected |
58.5 | 95.92±3.06a | 0.9961±0.0019 | 22.849±0.65c | 未检测到Undetected |
60.0 | 96.77±1.86a | 0.9951±0.0009 | 23.68±0.59b | 未检测到Undetected |
61.5 | 95.45±2.78a | 0.9691±0.0296 | 26.70±0.96a | 未检测到Undetected |
探针-引物浓度 Probe and Primer (nmol·L-1) | 扩增效率 Efficiency (%) | 决定系数 Coefficient of correlation (R2) | 最小Ct值 Ctmin | 非特异性扩增Ct值 Non-specific amplification Ct | 空白对照Ct值 Blank control Ct |
150-150 | 95.8183±3.4270 | 0.9990±0.0001 | 22.07±0.20a | 36.537950 | 未检测到Undetected |
150-250 | 94.6394±0.2007 | 0.9983±0.0001 | 21.64±0.07b | 36.072550 | 未检测到Undetected |
150-300 | 96.1199±4.7783 | 0.9980±0.0017 | 21.60±0.11b | 36.309250 | 未检测到Undetected |
200-150 | 97.3010±0.2045 | 0.9979±0.0004 | 22.12±0.30a | 37.725000 | 未检测到Undetected |
200-250 | 97.0340±1.1993 | 0.9983±0.0007 | 21.70±0.13b | 35.923600 | 未检测到Undetected |
200-350 | 96.7049±3.9347 | 0.9967±0.0020 | 21.63±0.15b | 36.617600 | 未检测到Undetected |
250-150 | 97.1256±2.4211 | 0.9976±0.0011 | 21.97±0.42a | 36.158100 | 未检测到Undetected |
250-250 | 93.8683±6.0015 | 0.9952±0.0054 | 21.65±0.13b | 36.344000 | 未检测到Undetected |
250-350 | 94.6619±3.6286 | 0.9956±0.0059 | 21.56±0.15b | 36.441800 | 未检测到Undetected |
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