Effect of Partial Root-Zone Irrigating Deuterium Oxide on the Properties of Water Transportation and Distribution in Young Apple Trees |
LIU Song-zhong, ZHANG Qiang, LIU Jun, SUN Jian , WEI Qin-ping |
Institute of Forestry & Pomology, Beijing Academy of Agriculture & Forestry Sciences, Beijing 100093, P.R.China |
摘要 Partial root-zone irrigation (PRI) has been proved to be an optimal water-saving irrigation technology, however, few studies were done on water transportation and distribution under PRI. The present study was performed to investigate the water transportation and distribution among the wet and dry root-zones and the shoot using deuterium water (D2O) in 1/4 root-zone PRI experiment. It also aimed to determine and analyze the D2O relative abundance within different types of roots and shoots. The results indicated that water could be transported from roots in wet root-zone to roots in dry root-zone and shoots within 2 h after irrigation. Water transportation in roots of wet-zone was carried out by absorbing root, 1-2 mm root, 2-5 mm root, and >5 mm root progressively, while through a reverse process in three dry root-zones. In shoots, water was transported to trunk, central trunk, annual branches, shoot and leaf progressively. Thus in the young apple trees subjected to PRI, water was distributed first in the roots, including the roots in the wet and dry root-zones, to satisfy the water need of roots itself, and then transported to the shoot within hours of irrigation.
Abstract Partial root-zone irrigation (PRI) has been proved to be an optimal water-saving irrigation technology, however, few studies were done on water transportation and distribution under PRI. The present study was performed to investigate the water transportation and distribution among the wet and dry root-zones and the shoot using deuterium water (D2O) in 1/4 root-zone PRI experiment. It also aimed to determine and analyze the D2O relative abundance within different types of roots and shoots. The results indicated that water could be transported from roots in wet root-zone to roots in dry root-zone and shoots within 2 h after irrigation. Water transportation in roots of wet-zone was carried out by absorbing root, 1-2 mm root, 2-5 mm root, and >5 mm root progressively, while through a reverse process in three dry root-zones. In shoots, water was transported to trunk, central trunk, annual branches, shoot and leaf progressively. Thus in the young apple trees subjected to PRI, water was distributed first in the roots, including the roots in the wet and dry root-zones, to satisfy the water need of roots itself, and then transported to the shoot within hours of irrigation.
Received: 14 March 2013
Fund: This research was supported by the Beijing Natural Science Foundation, China (6102006) and the New-Star of Science and Technology of Beijing Metropolis, China (2011051). |
Corresponding Authors:
WEI Qin-ping, Tel: +86-10-82590046, E-mail: qpwei@sina.com
E-mail: qpwei@sina.com
About author: LIU Song-zhong, Tel: +86-10-82593624, E-mail: szliu1978@163.com |
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LIU Song-zhong, ZHANG Qiang, LIU Jun, SUN Jian , WEI Qin-ping.
Effect of Partial Root-Zone Irrigating Deuterium Oxide on the Properties of Water Transportation and Distribution in Young Apple Trees. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 13(6): 1268-1275.
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