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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2023, Vol. 22 Issue (10): 2949-2960    DOI: 10.1016/j.jia.2023.03.004
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SNP-based identification of QTLs for thousand-grain weight and related traits in wheat 8762/Keyi 5214 DH lines

HUANG Feng1, 2*, LI Xuan-shuang2*, DU Xiao-yu1, LI Shun-cheng1, LI Nan-nan1, LÜ Yong-jun1, ZOU Shao-kui1, ZHANG Qian1, WANG Li-na1, NI Zhong-fu2, HAN Yu-lin1, XING Jie-wen2#

1 Zhoukou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhoukou 466001, P.R.China
2 Frontiers Science Center for Molecular Design Breeding, Key Laboratory of Crop Heterosis and Utilization, Ministry of Education, Beijing Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, P.R.China

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千粒重(TGW)、穗粒数(GNS)和穗粒重(GWS)是小麦产量的重要组成部分。为了解析其遗传学基础,我们构建了一个由8762/Keyi5214衍生的198个系组成的DH群体,利用基因芯片对该DH群体进行基因型鉴定,并将产量相关性状千粒重、穗粒数和穗粒重表型整合并进行QTL定位。最后,我们共获得18,942个多态性SNP标记,并鉴定出41个与这些性状相关的关键QTL。我们在染色体2D6A上鉴定出三个稳定的千粒重QTL (QTgw-2D.3, QTgw-2D.4, QTgw-6A.1),其增效等位基因均来自亲本8762,解释了4.81%-18.67%的表型变异。在染色体3D5B5D6A上鉴定出5个稳定的穗粒数QTL,其中QGns-5D.1来自亲本8762,其余4个来自亲本Keyi5214QTL解释了5.89-7.08%的表型变异。此外,还发现了一个稳定的小麦穗粒重遗传位点QGws-4A.3,该位点来自亲本8762,可解释6.08-6.14%的表型变异。为了应用鉴定到的QTL,我们为四个重要的QTL (Tgw2D.3-2, Tgw2D.4-1, Tgw6A.1 和 Gns3D.1)开发了STARP标记。本研究结果可为后期小麦千粒重、穗粒数和单穗重相关基因的鉴定和克隆奠定基础。


As important yield-related traits, thousand-grain weight (TGW), grain number per spike (GNS) and grain weight per spike (GWS) are crucial components of wheat production.  To dissect their underlying genetic basis, a double haploid (DH) population comprised of 198 lines derived from 8762/Keyi 5214 was constructed.  We then used genechip to genotype the DH population and integrated the yield-related traits TGW, GNS and GWS for QTL mapping.  Finally, we obtained a total of 18 942 polymorphic SNP markers and identified 41 crucial QTLs for these traits.  Three stable QTLs for TGW were identified on chromosomes 2D (QTgw-2D.3 and QTgw-2D.4) and 6A (QTgw-6A.1), with additive alleles all from the parent 8762, explaining 4.81–18.67% of the phenotypic variations.  Five stable QTLs for GNS on chromosomes 3D, 5B, 5D and 6A were identified.  QGns-5D.1 was from parent 8762, while the other four QTLs were from parent Keyi 5214, explaining 5.89–7.08% of the GNS phenotypic variations.  In addition, a stable GWS genetic locus QGws-4A.3 was detected from the parent 8762, which explained 6.08–6.14% of the phenotypic variations.  To utilize the identified QTLs, we developed STARP markers for four important QTLs, Tgw2D.3-2, Tgw2D.4-1, Tgw6A.1 and Gns3D.1.  Our results provide important basic resources and references for the identification and cloning of genes related to TGW, GNS and GWS in wheat.

Keywords:  TGW        GNS        GWS        QTL mapping        wheat  
Received: 08 November 2022   Accepted: 10 February 2023

This work was supported by the Henan Modern Agricultural Industrial Technology System Construction, China (HARS-22-1-Z7).

About author:  #Correspondence XING Jie-wen, E-mail: * These authors contributed equally to this study.

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HUANG Feng, LI Xuan-shuang, DU Xiao-yu, LI Shun-cheng, LI Nan-nan, LÜ Yong-jun, ZOU Shao-kui, ZHANG Qian, WANG Li-na, NI Zhong-fu, HAN Yu-lin, XING Jie-wen. 2023. SNP-based identification of QTLs for thousand-grain weight and related traits in wheat 8762/Keyi 5214 DH lines. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 22(10): 2949-2960.

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