Soil carbon sequestration under long-term rice-based cropping systems of purple soil in Southwest China |
FAN Hong-zhu, CHEN Qing-rui, QIN Yu-sheng, CHEN Kun, TU Shi-hua, XU Ming-gang, ZHANG Wen-ju |
1、Soil and Fertilizer Institute, Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chengdu 610066, P.R.China
2、Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, P.R.China |
摘要 Carbon sequestration in agricultural soils is a complex process controlled by farming practices, climate and some other environment factors. Since purple soils are unique in China and used as the main cropland in Sichuan Basin of China, it is of great importance to study and understand the impacts of different fertilizer amendments on soil organic carbon (SOC) changes with time. A research was carried out to investigate the relationship between soil carbon sequestration and organic carbon input as affected by different fertilizer treatments at two long-term rice-based cropping system experiments set up in early 1980s. Each experiment consisted of six identical treatments, including (1) no fertilizer (CK), (2) nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers (NP), (3) nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers (NPK), (4) fresh pig manure (M), (5) nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers plus manure (MNP), and (6) nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers plus manure (MNPK). The results showed that annual harvestable carbon biomass was the highest in the treatment of MNPK, followed by MNP and NPK, then M and NP, and the lowest in CK. Most of fertilizer treatments resulted in a significant gain in SOC ranging from 6.48 to 29.13% compared with the CK, and raised soil carbon sequestration rate to 0.10–0.53 t ha–1 yr−1. Especially, addition of manure on the basis of mineral fertilizers was very conducive to SOC maintenance in this soil. SOC content and soil carbon sequestration rate under balanced fertilizer treatments (NPK and MNPK) in the calcareous purple soil (Suining) were higher than that in the acid purple soil (Leshan). But carbon conversion rate at Leshan was 11.00%, almost 1.5 times of that (7.80%) at Suining. Significant linear correlations between soil carbon sequestration and carbon input were observed at both sites, signifying that the purple soil was not carbon-saturated and still had considerable potential to sequestrate more carbon.
Abstract Carbon sequestration in agricultural soils is a complex process controlled by farming practices, climate and some other environment factors. Since purple soils are unique in China and used as the main cropland in Sichuan Basin of China, it is of great importance to study and understand the impacts of different fertilizer amendments on soil organic carbon (SOC) changes with time. A research was carried out to investigate the relationship between soil carbon sequestration and organic carbon input as affected by different fertilizer treatments at two long-term rice-based cropping system experiments set up in early 1980s. Each experiment consisted of six identical treatments, including (1) no fertilizer (CK), (2) nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers (NP), (3) nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers (NPK), (4) fresh pig manure (M), (5) nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers plus manure (MNP), and (6) nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers plus manure (MNPK). The results showed that annual harvestable carbon biomass was the highest in the treatment of MNPK, followed by MNP and NPK, then M and NP, and the lowest in CK. Most of fertilizer treatments resulted in a significant gain in SOC ranging from 6.48 to 29.13% compared with the CK, and raised soil carbon sequestration rate to 0.10–0.53 t ha–1 yr−1. Especially, addition of manure on the basis of mineral fertilizers was very conducive to SOC maintenance in this soil. SOC content and soil carbon sequestration rate under balanced fertilizer treatments (NPK and MNPK) in the calcareous purple soil (Suining) were higher than that in the acid purple soil (Leshan). But carbon conversion rate at Leshan was 11.00%, almost 1.5 times of that (7.80%) at Suining. Significant linear correlations between soil carbon sequestration and carbon input were observed at both sites, signifying that the purple soil was not carbon-saturated and still had considerable potential to sequestrate more carbon.
Received: 06 July 2015
Fund: The study was financially supported by the Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest of China (201203030), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41201295), and the Financial Fund for Young Scholars of Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China (2014QNJJ-014). |
Corresponding Authors:
TU Shi-hua, Tel: +86-28-84504919,E-mail: stu@ipni.net
E-mail: stu@ipni.net
About author: FAN Hong-zhu, E-mail: hongzhufan@126.com; |
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FAN Hong-zhu, CHEN Qing-rui, QIN Yu-sheng, CHEN Kun, TU Shi-hua, XU Ming-gang, ZHANG Wen-ju.
Soil carbon sequestration under long-term rice-based cropping systems of purple soil in Southwest China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 14(12): 2417-2425.
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