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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2016, Vol. 15 Issue (2): 381-390    DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(15)61141-8
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Effects of insect-resistant transgenic cotton on ground-dwelling beetle assemblages (Coleoptera)
 ZHAO Cai-yun, YU Xiao-dong, LIU Yong-bo, LI Jun-sheng
1、State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences,
Beijing 100012, P.R.China
2、Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101,
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摘要  We compared the ground-dwelling beetle assemblages under four scenarios in which transgenic Bt (Cry 1Ac) cotton (33B), transgenic Bt (Cry 1Ac)+CpTI cotton (SGK321), conventional cotton (33), conventional cotton (Shiyuan 321) in North China. During the survey in two years (2009–2010), 24 ground beetle species were captured with pitfall traps in 20 plots which included five replicates for each cotton type. No significant difference was observed in the number of ground beetle species captured, activity density, evenness and Shannon-Wiener diversity among the four cotton varieties. Chlaenius posticalis was less abundant in transgenic Bt+CpTI cotton (SGK321) fields than its conventional cotton (Shiyuan 321), but more abundant in transgenic Bt cotton (33B) fields compared with its conventional cotton (33). There was no significant difference for other abundant species between in transgenic cotton and in conventional cotton fields. Based on non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis, ground-dwelling beetle assemblages were similar in transgenic and conventional cotton over the two years, but the ground-dwelling beetle assemblages in transgenic cotton 33B significantly differed from that in the conventional cotton (strain 33) in 2010. No strong evidence that the transgenic cotton effect on ground-dwelling beetle assemblages was found in this study.

Abstract  We compared the ground-dwelling beetle assemblages under four scenarios in which transgenic Bt (Cry 1Ac) cotton (33B), transgenic Bt (Cry 1Ac)+CpTI cotton (SGK321), conventional cotton (33), conventional cotton (Shiyuan 321) in North China. During the survey in two years (2009–2010), 24 ground beetle species were captured with pitfall traps in 20 plots which included five replicates for each cotton type. No significant difference was observed in the number of ground beetle species captured, activity density, evenness and Shannon-Wiener diversity among the four cotton varieties. Chlaenius posticalis was less abundant in transgenic Bt+CpTI cotton (SGK321) fields than its conventional cotton (Shiyuan 321), but more abundant in transgenic Bt cotton (33B) fields compared with its conventional cotton (33). There was no significant difference for other abundant species between in transgenic cotton and in conventional cotton fields. Based on non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis, ground-dwelling beetle assemblages were similar in transgenic and conventional cotton over the two years, but the ground-dwelling beetle assemblages in transgenic cotton 33B significantly differed from that in the conventional cotton (strain 33) in 2010. No strong evidence that the transgenic cotton effect on ground-dwelling beetle assemblages was found in this study.
Keywords:  biodiversity       community       cotton varieties       non-target insects  
Received: 26 January 2015   Accepted:

This study was supported by the the Special Program for New Transgenic Variety Breeding of the Ministry of Science and Technology, China (2013ZX08012-005 and 2014ZX08012-005).

Corresponding Authors:  LI Jun-sheng, Tel/Fax: +86-10-84915330, E-mail:     E-mail:
About author:  ZHAO Cai-yun, Tel/Fax: +86-10-84931225, E-mail:;

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ZHAO Cai-yun, YU Xiao-dong, LIU Yong-bo, LI Jun-sheng. 2016. Effects of insect-resistant transgenic cotton on ground-dwelling beetle assemblages (Coleoptera). Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 15(2): 381-390.

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