Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (21): 4272-4287.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2023.21.011


Analysis of the Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Soil Particle Composition in Ningxia

ZHOU Lei1(), QU XiaoLin2, ZHOU Tao3, MA ChangBao2, LI JianBing2, LONG HuaiYu1(), XU AiGuo1, ZHANG RenLian1, LI Ge4   

  1. 1 State Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization of Arid and Semi-arid Arable Land in Northern China (the Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences), Beijing 100081
    2 Cultivated Land Quality Monitoring and Protection Center, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100125
    3 Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment, Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Yinchuan 750002
    4 Institute of Farmland Irrigation, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Crop Water Use and Regulation, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Xinxiang 453002, Henan
  • Received:2022-11-21 Accepted:2022-12-31 Online:2023-11-01 Published:2023-11-06
  • Contact: LONG HuaiYu


【Objective】The aim of this study was to clarify the characteristics and influencing factors of soil particle composition in Ningxia, so as to provide the scientific reference for local land use and agricultural production planning.【Method】Based on the soil particle composition test data at 114 sites in Ningxia, the effects of environmental factors on soil particle composition, the statistical characteristics of soil particle composition, soil texture type, particle size of soil control layer, and the spatial distribution characteristics of soil particle composition were studied.【Result】(1) The content of sand, silt and clay in Ningxia soil were 2.4%-97.2%, 0.8%-86.0% and 0.7%-43.3%, respectively, and the average content were 34.9%, 49.6% and 15.5%, respectively; Soil texture was mainly composed of silty loam (46.5%), sandy loam (17.6%) and loam (13.3%), and the variation of soil texture types was mainly attributed to the change of sand and silt content. (2) A number of environmental factors jointly affect the soil particle composition in Ningxia, and the influential factors were geomorphic factors, parental material type factors, small topographic factors, thermal factors, soil type factors, land use type factors and wind speed factors in turn from large to small. (3) There were 11 types of particle sizes in the control interval, among which loamy (46.5%), clay (19.3%) and sandy (16.7%) were the main ones. (4) It was difficult to develop argic horizon in Ningxia. Among 114 sections, 26 clay particles were consistent with cohesive layer, but only 2 were exact argic horizon. (5) Siltigic epipedon of Ningxia produced obvious texture differentation.【Conclusion】The soil particle composition in Ningxia was mainly sand and silt, while landform and parental material were the most important factors affecting the particle composition.

Key words: soil particle composition, factor analysis, soil texture, diagnosis of argic horizon, siltigic epipedon, Ningxia

Fig. 1

Soil sampling points and elevation distribution map in Ningxia"

Fig. 2

Triangulation of soil particle in Ningxia"

Table 1

Statistical value characteristics of soil particle composition in Ningxia"

Soil layer
Sample number
Standard deviation (%)
K-S P value
砂粒Sand 114 2.4 97.2 40.3 24.23 94.80 0.42 -0.94 60.17 0.11
粉粒Silt 114 0.8 86.0 46.0 19.22 85.20 -0.31 -0.40 41.83 0.08
黏粒Clay 114 1.2 43.3 13.8 9.98 42.10 1.04 0.35 72.42 0.16
B 砂粒Sand 102 3.9 96.3 34.3 20.90 92.40 1.07 0.70 61.02 0.12
粉粒Silt 102 2.5 78.6 50.3 17.21 76.10 -0.82 0.24 34.19 0.09
黏粒Clay 102 0.7 39.7 15.4 9.22 39.00 0.70 -0.09 59.75 0.13

Table 2

Theoretical model of the semivariance function of ordinary kriging prediction particle composition space and its related parameters"

Soil layer
Soil particle
Theoretical model
Block gold value (C0)
Partial abutment value(C)
Abutment value (C0+C)
Spatial relevance C0/(C0+C)
variable range
A 砂粒Sand 指数模型
Exponential models
395.69 232.86 628.55 0.63 0.57
粉粒 Silt 稳定模型
Stable models
140.04 243.07 383.11 0.37 1.05
黏粒 Clay 三角函数
Trigonometric function
78.73 20.04 98.77 0.80 0.45
B 砂粒 Sand 稳定模型
Stable models
280.95 193.77 474.72 0.59 1.57
粉粒 Silt 指数函数
Exponential models
229.39 85.55 314.94 0.73 1.92
黏粒 Clay 三角函数
Trigonometric function
39.77 33.74 73.51 0.54 0.53

Fig. 3

SLR-OK predicts the spatial distribution of soil particle composition in Ningxia"

Table 3

Analysis of the differences in the composition content of soil samples between different parental material types in Ningxia"

Soil layer
Parental material type
Sample number
Sand (%)
Silt (%)
Clay (%)
A 黄土母质Aeolian parent material 50 40.75a 48.49ab 10.76b
水运积母质 Alluvial and lacustrine parent materials 34 47.28a 40.58b 12.14b
坡、残积母质 Slope and residual parent material 15 42.06a 43.73ab 14.21b
灌淤母质 Irrigation silting parent material 12 17.23b 53.89a 28.88a
B 黄土母质Aeolian parent material 47 34.63ab 53.31a 12.05b
水运积母质 Alluvial and lacustrine parent materials 29 38.59a 45.45a 15.95b
坡、残积母质 Slope and residual parent material 10 32.09ab 51.24a 16.66b
灌淤母质 Irrigation silting parent material 12 21.05b 52.67a 26.28a

Table 4

Analysis of differences in particle composition between different soil types in Ningxia"

Soil layer
Soil group
Sample number
Sand (%)
Silt (%)
Clay (%)
A 灰钙土Sierozems 31 52.45b 38.97b 8.59de
黄绵土Loessial soils 20 29.78c 58.60ab 11.63bcde
灌淤土Irrigation silting soils 12 17.23c 53.89ab 28.88a
灰褐土Gray-cinnamon soils 10 26.71c 54.05ab 19.24b
潮土Fluvo-aquic soils 9 34.91bc 48.72ab 16.37bcd
黑垆土Black loessial soils 6 24.20c 65.10a 10.70cde
风沙土Aeolian sandy soil 5 77.61a 18.50c 3.89e
盐土 Solonchak 4 28.45c 54.27ab 17.28bc
B 灰钙土Sierozems 30 31.35ab 55.98a 12.68bc
黄绵土Loessial soils 20 34.07ab 51.54a 14.41abc
灌淤土Irrigation silting soils 12 26.89b 50.68a 22.45a
灰褐土Gray-cinnamon soils 10 38.38ab 49.10a 12.51bc
潮土Fluvo-aquic soils 8 34.00ab 44.80a 21.25ab
黑垆土Black loessial soils 6 45.02ab 43.72a 11.27c
风沙土Aeolian sandy soil 4 52.30a 37.45a 10.28c
盐土Solonchak 4 28.58ab 51.55a 19.83abc

Table 5

Difference analysis of soil particle composition content under different landforms in Ningxia"

Soil layer
Sample number
Sand (%)
Silt (%)
Clay (%)
A 平原Plain 42 38.85ab 43.78ab 17.37a
丘陵Hill 18 50.39a 40.98ab 8.63b
山地Mountain land 41 34.62b 53.05a 12.33ab
风蚀地貌Wind-erosion landform 10 52.45a 35.54b 12.02ab
B 平原Plain 37 31.47b 48.80ab 19.73a
丘陵Hill 19 50.39a 40.28b 9.33b
山地Mountain land 37 27.41b 58.30a 14.29ab
风蚀地貌Wind-erosion landform 5 36.97ab 48.05ab 14.99ab

Table 6

Analysis of the differences in the composition content of soil samples under different small terrains in Ningxia"

Soil layers
Sample number
Sand (%)
Silt (%)
Clay (%)
A 坡地Slope-land 59 41.54a 47.11a 11.34a
平地Flat ground 52 39.07a 44.74a 16.18a
B 坡地Slope-land 52 35.75a 51.02a 13.23a
平地Flat ground 46 31.78a 50.33a 17.90a

Table 7

Analysis of the differences in the composition of soil samples under different land use types in Ningxia"

Soil layer
Land use pattern
Sample number
Sand (%)
Silt (%)
Clay (%)
A 耕地Farmland 26 26.67a 50.68a 22.65a
荒地Wasteland 82 45.04a 44.41a 10.54b
林地Forestland 3 31.92a 49.09a 18.99ab
B 耕地Farmland 26 26.48a 51.26a 22.26a
荒地Wasteland 70 36.46a 50.69a 12.85b
林地Forestland 2 40.10a 43.61a 16.29ab

Table 8

Correlation analysis of soil particle composition with elevation and meteorological factors in Ningxia"

Soil layer
Pearson correlation
A 砂粒含量Sand (%) -0.13 0.33** 0.19* 0.30** -0.30** -0.26** 0.15 0.20* 0.20* 0.06
粉粒含量Silt (%) 0.22* -0.33** -0.26** -0.32** 0.28** 0.30** -0.24** -0.29** -0.27** 0.06
黏粒含量Clay (%) -0.1 -0.18 0.04 -0.13 0.21* 0.05 0.1 0.03 0.03 -0.28**
B 砂粒含量Sand (%) -0.24* 0.38** 0.29** 0.39** -0.32** -0.36** 0.30** 0.27** 0.30** 0.02
粉粒含量Silt (%) 0.37** -0.34** -0.38** -0.40** 0.27** 0.42** -0.43** -0.37** -0.40** 0.17
黏粒含量Clay (%) -0.15 -0.20* 0.08 -0.14 0.24* 0.04 0.13 0.1 0.07 -0.38**

Table 9

Principal component analysis of elevation and meteorological factors on soil particle composition"

初始特征值Initial eigenvalue 提取载荷平方和Extract the sum of squares of the loads
Percentage of variance
Cumulative (%)
Percentage of variance
Cumulative (%)
1 7.59 75.88 75.88 7.59 75.88 75.88
2 2.01 20.07 95.95 2.01 20.07 95.95
3 0.33 3.25 99.20
4 0.08 0.80 100.00

Table 10

Composition matrix of elevation and meteorological factors in Ningxia"

成分矩阵 Component matrix 成分1 Constituents1 成分2 Constituents 2
年≥10 ℃的平均天数The average number of days ≥10 ℃ per year 0.988 -0.145
降水量Precipitation -0.979 -0.155
年均温Average annual temperature 0.969 -0.226
年≥10 ℃积温平均值The average accumulated temperature of the annual≥10 ℃ 0.964 -0.208
干燥度Dryness 0.956e -0.093
海拔Elevation -0.923 0.366
年日照时数Annual sunshine hours 0.919 0.366
蒸发量Evaporation 0.787 0.591
相对湿度Relative humidity -0.543 -0.796
风速Wind velocity -0.509 0.780

Table 11

Correlation analysis of heat and wind speed factors on soil particle composition in Ningxia"

Soil layer
Pearson correlation
Heat factor
Wind speed factor
A 砂粒平均含量
Average sand content
0.25** 0.21*
Average silt content
-0.35** -0.10
Average clay content
0.06 -0.31**
B 砂粒平均含量
Average sand content
-0.11 -0.27**
Average silt content
-0.03 0.32**
Average clay content
0.30** 0.01

Fig. 4

Prediction of the importance of variables influencing soil particle composition in Ningxia"

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