Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (17): 3461-3472.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2022.17.016


Effect of Allium mongolicum Regel and Its Extracts on the Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Meat Quality and Serum Biochemical Indices of Captive Small-Tailed Han Sheep

LIU WangJing1(),TANG DeFu1(),AO ChangJin2()   

  1. 1College of Animal Science and Technology, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070
    2College of Animal Science, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018
  • Received:2021-07-19 Accepted:2021-11-30 Online:2022-09-01 Published:2022-09-07
  • Contact: DeFu TANG,ChangJin AO;;


【Objective】 The aim of this experiment was to investigate the effects of Allium mongolicum Regel and its extracts on the production performance, carcass characteristics, meat quality and serum biochemical indexes of Small Tailed-Han Sheep, and to provide an experimental basis for the development of feed additives for captive sheep. 【Method】 Sixty 3-month-old, male, Small-Tailed Han sheep were selected and allocated into four groups in a randomized block design. There were four treatments with 3 replications each: 1) a basal diet as the control group; 2) the basal diet supplemented with 10 g•lamb-1•d-1 Allium mongolicum Regel powder as the AMR group; 3) the basal diet supplemented with 3.4 g•lamb-1•d-1 Allium mongolicum Regel water extract as the AWE group; and 4) the basal diet supplemented with 2.8 g•lamb-1•d-1 Allium mongolicum Regel ethanol extract as the AFE group. The experiment lasted for 75 days, including a 15-day preliminary feeding period for adaptation and a 60-day experimental feeding period. The production performance of small-tailed Han sheep was measured during experimental feeding period, and the serum biochemical indexes were measured by fasting jugular blood collection at the end of experimental feeding period, followed by slaughter of 2 sheep randomly selected in each replication and carcass characteristics (Hot carcass weight, Carcass yield, perirenal adipose tissue weight, dorsal subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness and firmness) were measured immediately, meat quality was determined by taking Longissimus Dorsi muscle on the left side of the carcass, and fat color was determined by taking perirenal adipose tissue, tail adipose tissue, dorsal subcutaneous adipose tissue, omental adipose tissue. 【Result】 The results showed that: compared to the control group, ① the mean daily feed intake was significantly lower (P=0.001), feed conversion ratio was significantly higher (P=0.039) and mean daily weight gain did not differ (P>0.05) for AFE group; ② the addition of Allium mongolicum Regel powder and water extracts was able to significantly reduce the shear force of lamb compared to the control group (P=0.029); ③ there was no significant difference (P>0.050) in the b* values of perirenal adipose tissue in other groups, while the b* values of perirenal adipose tissue (P=0.096) and omental adipose tissue (P=0.087) in the alcohol extract group tended to be higher compared with Allicum mongolicum Regel powder group, while the a* (P=0.044) and C* (P=0.021) values were significantly higher than those of Allicum mongolicum Regel powder group; ④ the addition of Allium mongolicum Regel and its extract significantly increased the serum total protein (P=0.006), Allium mongolicum Regel and its alcoholic extract significantly increased the serum albumin (P=0.006), and Allium mongolicum Regel alcoholic extract significantly decreased the serum urea nitrogen (P=0.024). 【Conclusion】 In conclusion, Allium mongolicum Regel and its extracts had no significant effect on carcass characteristics and fat color of captive Small Tailed-Han Sheep. The addition of Allium mongolicum Regel and its alcoholic extract to the diet significantly improved the feed conversion rate of Small-Tailed Han sheep, and Allium mongolicum Regel powder and water extract significantly reduced the shear force of meat. Meanwhile, Allium mongolicum Regel and its alcoholic extract can significantly increase the content of total protein and albumin in serum and promote the absorption of protein of meat sheep.

Key words: Allium mongolicum Regel and its extracts, growth performance, carcass characteristics, meat quality, serum biochemical indices, Small Tailed-Han Sheep

Table 1

Yield of Allium mongolicum Regel ethanol extract and water extract and comparison of the relative contents of main active compound (DM basis)"

Fold change
得率 Yield (%) 28.00 32.00 -
主要活性成分 Main active compound
异鼠李素 Isorhamnetin 4570000 177000 25.82
金圣草黄素O-葡萄糖醛酸 Chrysoeriol O-glucuronic acid 26900 1300 20.70
植保素C Phytocassane C 108000 7340 14.71
鹰嘴豆素 Biochanin A 62400 7860 7.94
高圣草酚 Homoeriodictyol 2510000 475000 5.28
木犀草素6-C-葡萄糖苷 Luteolin 6-C-glucoside 189000 72100 2.62
迷迭香酸 Rosmarinic acid 4930 38200 0.13
丁香醛 Syringaldehyde 34400 103000 0.33
矢车菊素3-O-芸香糖苷 Cyanidin 3-O-rutinoside 60700 176000 0.35
香豆酰羟基胍丁胺 N-p-Coumaroyl hydroxyagmatine 31900 78800 0.41
异喹啉 Isoquinoline 12800 27600 0.46

Table 2

Composition and nutrient levels of the basal diet (on a dry matter basis)"

项目 Items 含量 Content (%) 营养水平 Nutrient levels2)
原料 Ingredients
羊草 Leymus chinensis 31.00 消化能 DE / (MJ·kg-1) 15.96
苜蓿 Alfalfa 18.60 粗蛋白质 CP (%) 15.73
破碎玉米 Cracked corn 24.00 粗脂肪 EE (%) 2.98
小麦麸 Wheat bran 3.88 粗灰分 Ash (%) 5.12
向日葵仁饼 Sunfloewr seed meal 17.23 中性洗涤纤维 NDF (%) 40.63
豌豆茎叶 Pea stalk 2.77 酸性洗涤纤维 ADF (%) 23.47
磷酸氢钙 CaHPO4 0.79 钙 Ca (%) 1.22
食盐 NaCl 0.73 总磷 TP (%) 0.47
预混料 Premix1) 1.00
合计 Total 100.00

Table 3

Effect of dietary supplementation with Allium mongolicum regel and its extracts on the growth performance and carcass characteristics of captive lambs"

组别 Groups SEM P
P value
对照组 CK 沙葱粉组 AMR 水提物组 AWE 醇提物组 AFE
生长性能指标 Growth performance indicators
初始体重 IBW (kg) 24.10 23.60 24.10 22.90 0.90 0.770
终末体重 FBW (kg) 40.60 41.10 41.40 39.60 1.17 0.760
平均日采食量 ADFI (kg) 1.96a 1.99a 1.99a 1.83b 0.03 0.001
平均日增重 ADG (g) 239.00 252.00 247.00 240.00 9.14 0.740
饲料转化率 F/G 8.52b 7.90b 8.06b 7.63a 0.01 0.039
胴体特征指标 Carcass characteristics indicators
胴体热重 HCW (kg) 21.90 21.10 21.20 21.00 0.44 0.420
屠宰率 CY (kg) 53.00 51.70 53.70 52.70 0.89 0.450
背部皮下脂肪厚度 DFT (mm) 3.50 3.20 3.30 3.10 0.14 0.530
肾周脂肪重 PFW (g) 244.00 213.00 221.00 211.00 8.21 0.670
背部皮下脂肪硬度 DFF 4.00 3.30 3.50 3.20 0.13 0.590

Table 4

Effect of dietary supplementation with Allium mongolicum regel and its extracts on meat quality of captive lambs"

组别 Groups SEM P
P value
对照组 CK 沙葱粉组 AMR 水提物组 AWE 醇提物组 AFE
pH 45min 6.50 6.51 6.54 6.52 0.01 0.182
pH 24h 5.61 5.63 5.70 5.64 0.02 0.285
亮度 L* 41.28 39.77 38.58 39.60 0.44 0.217
红度 a* 30.04 30.10 30.54 30.11 0.43 0.221
黄度 b* 3.97 3.85 3.27 3.76 0.34 0.903
饱和度 C* 30.34 30.35 30.78 30.38 0.35 0.189
色相角 Ho 1.42 1.43 1.32 1.40 0.15 0.218
滴水损失 DL (%) 44.88 45.48 45.31 47.73 0.76 0.564
剪切力 SF (kg) 3.50a 2.40b 2.32b 3.01ab 1.44 0.029
肌内脂肪含量 IF (%) 6.51c 6.66a 6.59ab 6.55b 0.02 0.031

Table 5

Effect of dietary supplementation with Allium mongolicum Regel and its extracts on the color of the perirenal adipose tissue, tail adipose tissue, dorsal subcutaneous adipose tissue, and omental adipose tissue in lambs"

组别 Groups SEM P
P value
对照组 CK 沙葱粉组 AMR 水提物组 AWE 醇提物组 AFE
肾周脂肪 Perirenal adipose tissue
亮度 L* 81.45 81.49 81.96 80.76 0.89 0.820
红度 a* 6.45 5.81 5.41 6.61 0.66 0.540
黄度 b* 6.13ab 5.96b 6.50ab 7.19a 0.46 0.096
饱和度 C* 9.07 8.64 8.45 9.95 0.54 0.220
色相角 Ho 88.92 88.97 89.19 89.05 0.11 0.340
尾部脂肪 Tail adipose tissue
亮度 L* 82.98 83.27 84.81 84.74 0.85 0.300
红度 a* 3.45 3.38 3.55 2.90 0.46 0.750
黄度 b* 7.35 6.16 6.81 6.81 0.39 0.220
饱和度 C* 8.22 7.15 7.87 7.48 0.44 0.350
色相角 Ho 89.52 89.42 89.47 89.48 0.09 0.860
背部皮下脂肪 Dorsal subcutaneous adipose tissue
亮度 L* 85.95 84.33 84.53 84.70 0.79 0.470
红度 a* 4.64 4.40 5.25 4.37 0.65 0.760
黄度 b* 7.68 6.94 6.25 7.46 0.46 0.140
饱和度 C* 9.12 8.39 8.40 8.77 0.60 0.800
色相角 Ho 89.38 89.35 89.17 88.92 0.25 0.560
大网膜脂肪 Omental adipose tissue
亮度 L* 83.45 83.06 83.17 82.20 0.81 0.730
红度 a* 4.21ab 3.50b 3.96b 5.80a 0.59 0.044
黄度 b* 4.99ab 4.23b 5.25ab 5.54a 0.37 0.087
饱和度 C* 6.68ab 5.56b 6.86ab 8.11a 0.55 0.021
色相角 Ho 89.15 89.11 89.07 88.93 0.12 0.570

Table 6

Effect of dietary supplementation with Allium mongolicum Regel and its extracts on serum biochemical indices of captive lambs"

组别 Groups SEM P
P value
对照组 CK 沙葱粉组 AMR 水提物组 AWE 醇提物组 AFE
葡萄糖 GLU (mmol·L-1) 3.03 2.66 2.46 2.82 0.20 0.158
总蛋白 TP (g·L-1) 35.92b 41.10a 40.37a 41.77a 1.63 0.006
白蛋白 ALB (g·L-1) 16.88b 18.83a 17.77ab 19.52a 0.54 0.006
球蛋白 GLB (g·L-1) 22.31 22.17 22.29 22.48 1.37 0.125
血清尿素氮 BUN (mmol·L-1) 5.87a 5.97a 5.62ab 5.15b 0.20 0.024
谷丙转氨酶 ALT (U·L-1) 8.43 7.16 7.87 7.95 0.71 0.666
谷草转氨酶 AST (U·L-1) 67.52 64.08 64.74 55.77 4.19 0.235
醛缩酶 ALD (U·L-1) 189.65 152.35 166.90 176.78 14.78 0.173
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