Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2020, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (5): 929-941.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.05.006


Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Low Temperature Vernalization of Germinating Seeds of Brassica rapa

XU ChunMei,ZOU Ya,LIU ZiGang(),MI WenBo,XU MingXia,DONG XiaoYun,CAO XiaoDong,ZHENG GuoQiang,FANG XinLing   

  1. Agronomy College, Gansu Agricultural University/Gansu Rapeseed Engineering and Technology Research Center/Key Laboratory of Arid Land Crop Science in Gansu Province/Gansu Key Laboratory of Crop Improvement and Germplasm Enhancement, Lanzhou 730070
  • Received:2019-08-07 Accepted:2019-11-03 Online:2020-03-01 Published:2020-03-14
  • Contact: ZiGang LIU


【Objective】 To explore the possibility of low temperature through vernalization to the germination of Brassica rapa, and the phenotypic changes of seed physiology and biochemistry and plant set during vernalization, so as to provide theoretical basis for artificial breeding and accelerating breeding process of B. rapa. 【Method】 Three different temperature-sensitive of B. rapa were used as materials, the germinated seeds were placed in 4℃ of low temperature for vernalization treatment. During the vernalization process (0 d, 20 d, 30 d, 40 d, 50 d, 60 d) the physiological and biochemical indexes such as nitrate reductase, antioxidant enzyme activity, osmotic regulator and malondialdehyde content of the germinated seeds were measured. Simultaneously germinated seeds of each vernalization treatment, the growth period of the seed formation plant was observed, and the seed-setting performance of the plants were measured. 【Result】 With the increase of vernalization time, the vernalization rate (V), plant height (FPH), mature plant height (MPH) and primary branch number (PB), the number of pods per plant (SP), the length of pods (LS), the number of pods (SS) and the yield per plant (YP) of germinated seeds of B. rapa showed an increasing trend; the early stage of vernalization (0-40 d), the plant's seed-setting performance showed significant differences among different varieties. After the vernalization time increased (50-60 d), the seed-setting ability of different varieties was slightly difference, but they were not significantly difference. The results of regression analysis showed that the germination seeds of strong winter rapa Longyou 7 at 4℃ were completely vernalized (springing rate >95%) and need to be treated 76.9 d, Longyou 9 and Tianyou 4 were 54.0 d, 39.4 d, respectively. Correlation analysis showed that the vernalization rate was extremely significant positive correlated with plant height and seed-setting performance and other phenotypic traits. The correlation coefficient between vernalization rate with average first flower plant height and average mature plant height was 0.947 and 0.985, which indicated that vernalization degree of winter B. rapa significantly affected plant height and seed-setting performance. With the increase of low temperature vernalization time, the germinated seeds of winter B. rapa with nitrate reductase (NR), superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), malondialdehyde (MDA), soluble protein (SP), Soluble sugar (SS) were increased first and then decreased, and the activity of catalase (CAT) decreased continuously. Compared with the control (the germinated seeds not treated at low temperature), the content of GA3 in the germinated seeds of Longyou 7 and Longyou 9 decreased significantly at the low temperature vernalization treatment, and the content of GA3 in the germinated seeds of Tianyou 4 was significantly higher than that of the control at 30 days. Compared with the control, the content of IAA in the winter rapeseed germinated in vernalization increased significantly (except for the treatment 40 days of Longyou9). Among them, the content of IAA in the seeds treated with vernalization for 50 days of Tianyou 4 increased by 197.0% compared with the control. The ABA content of the Longyou 7 was significantly increased compared with the control. 【Conclusion】 The germination seeds of winter Brassica rapa can be perceived the low temperature to complete the vernalization. The low temperature time required for vernalization of the variety depends on the winter strength. During the process vernalization of low temperature, the physiological and biochemical status is occurring some changes of the seed of winter B. rapa, and ultimately affect the growth and development of the plant and its seed setting performance.

Key words: Brassica rapa, germination seed, phenotypic characteristics, physiological and biochemical

Table 1

MS/MS conditions for different endogenous plant hormones"

Parent ion (m·z-1)
Daughter ion (m·z-1)
Fragmentation voltage (V)
Collision energy (V)
Linear equation
GA3 345.1 239.0 75 9 y=8.333311x-7.130558
IAA 174.1 129.9 80 13 y=1.528595x-3.011945
ABA 263.1 218.9 90 10 y=16.050096x-14.3815

Fig. 1

Effect of vernalization time on phenotype of B. Rapa a, b, and c: Plants grown in a nutrient bowl after 30 days of vernalization; d, e, and f: Plants grown in a nutrient bowl after 60 days of vernalization; 1: CK; 2, 3: Vernalization"

Table 2

Effect of vernalization time on the number of flowering plants of B. rapa (%)"

时间Time (d) 陇油7号Longyou7 陇油9号Longyou9 天油4号Tianyou4
0(CK ) 0.00 0.00 0.00
20 25.81 27.27 56.25
30 19.23 56.52 93.10
40 38.24 73.68 97.06
50 60.00 95.00 96.15
60 86.96 100.00 96.88
线性拟合方程Linear fitting equation y =1.3567x-6.85(R2=0.8901) y = 1.7954x-1.1007(R2=0.9785) y =1.6169x+19.344(R2=0.7924)
春化率95%所需低温处理天数TTT (d) 76.9 54.0 39.4

Table 3

Effect of vernalization time on plant height of B. rapa"

品种Variety 时间Time (d) 陇油7号Longyou7 陇油9号Longyou9 天油4号Tianyou4
FPH (cm)
0(CK) 0.00 0.00 0.00
20 5.68 6.48 11.67
30 3.65 13.47 22.81
40 8.56 21.37 26.04
50 18.90 31.03 30.45
60 29.80 34.00 43.92
MPH (cm))
0(CK) 0.00 0.00 0.00
20 15.16 15.61 34.31
30 10.19 35.23 62.69
40 23.32 48.88 66.49
50 45.00 72.36 76.60
60 68.26 85.50 80.08

Table 4

Effect of vernalization time on seed set of B. rapa"

品种Variety 时间Time(d) 陇油7号Longyou7 陇油9号Longyou9 天油4号Tianyou4
PB 20 1.00±1.00b 2.00±1.00a 1.67±0.58b
30 0.67±0.58b 2.33±0.58a 2.00±1.00b
40 1.67±0.58ab 1.67±1.15a 1.33±0.58b
50 2.00±0ab 2.67±0.58a 2.33±0.58ab
60 3.00±1.00a 2.67±0.58a 3.33±0.58a
SP 20 37.00±8.19bc 40.3±4.73b 38.00±5.57b
30 30.33±3.21c 42.67±6.81b 42.67±4.04b
40 45.0±10.54abc 49.00±7.00ab 49.67±5.51ab
50 53.33±10.07ab 57.33±9.71a 53.67±13.05ab
60 57.33±10.07a 59.33±6.66a 60.67±10.60a
LS 20 4.38±0.47b 4.39±1.06b 4.97±0.46c
30 4.47±0.26b 3.83±0.26b 5.10±0.53bc
40 4.64±0.30b 4.83±0.58b 5.56±1.09abc
50 7.03±0.38a 6.34±.53a 6.20±0.45ab
60 6.91±0.25a 6.42±0.52a 6.66±0.21a
SS (mm) 20 12.33±3.48b 12.67±3.18b 14.11±2.14b
30 14.78±2.22b 12.78±9.22b 16.67±4.63a
40 16.89±3.66a 15.22±7.50a 19.44±3.37a
50 21.78±2.50a 24.22±4.17a 22.33±6.77a
60 21.33±1.15a 24.56±1.26a 23.33±0.58a
YP (g) 20 0.74±0.10b 0.78±0.18c 0.75±0.10b
30 0.67±0.09b 0.69±0.08c 0.92±0.13b
40 0.91±0.18b 0.97±0.17bc 1.21±0.09a
50 1.22±0.10a 1.14±0.22ab 1.25±0.24a
60 1.28±0.18a 1.32±0.17a 1.27±0.07a

Table 5

Correlation between vernalization rate and phenotypic traits of B. rapa"

性状 Trait 春化率V 初花株期高FPH 成熟期株高MPH 一次分枝数PB 单株角果数SP 角果长度LS 角果粒数SS 单株产量YP
春化率V 1
初花期株高FPH 0.947** 1
成熟期株高MPH 0.985** 0.978** 1
一次分枝数PB 0.841** 0.862** 0.847** 1
单株角果数SP 0.876** 0.837** 0.854** 0.915** 1
角果长度LS 0.839** 0.798** 0.820** 0.867** 0.974** 1
角果粒数SS 0.881** 0.854** 0.877** 0.874** 0.972** 0.978** 1
单株产量YP 0.893** 0.858** 0.882** 0.870** 0.982** 0.979** 0.982** 1

Fig. 2

Effects of low temperature vernalization on nitrate reductase activity of B. Rapa Different letters indicate significant differences at P<0.05. The same as below"

Fig. 3

Effect of low temperature vernalization on antioxidant enzyme activity of B. rapa"

Fig. 4

Effects of low temperature vernalization on osmotic adjustment substances and plasma membrane permeability of B. rapa"

Fig. 5

Effects of low temperature vernalization on plant hormones of B. rapa"

Table 6

Correlation between vernalization rate and physiological indexes of B. rapa"

春化率V 1
NR -0.192 1
SOD -0.194 0.485* 1
POD 0.379 -0.031 0.536* 1
CAT -0.698** 0.403 0.231 -0.224 1
MDA 0.808** -0.216 0.093 0.641** -0.764** 1
SP -0.150 0.604** 0.411 0.132 0.258 -0.041 1
SS 0.272 0.441 0.159 0.044 -0.373 0.248 0.337 1
GA3 0.108 -0.059 -0.011 -0.024 -0.277 0.001 0.474* 0.246 1
IAA 0.451 0.057 -0.157 -0.173 -0.341 0.294 -0.057 0.191 -0.011 1
ABA -0.028 0.306 0.524* 0.388 -0.101 0.225 0.103 0.085 0.032 -0.322 1
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