中国农业科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (22): 4444-4458.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.22.005

• 耕作栽培·生理生化·农业信息技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


张永莉1(), 张宁1, 徐姣1, 许豆豆1, 成芳1, 张成龙1, 吴碧波2, 巩养仓3, 贺云新3, 魏尚职4, 屠小菊1, 刘爱玉1, 周仲华1()   

  1. 1 湖南农业大学农学院,长沙 410128
    2 湖南生物机电职业技术学院,长沙 410127
    3 湖南省棉花科学研究所,湖南常德 415101
    4 湖南临湘市黄盖镇农业综合服务中心,湖南岳阳 414300
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-30 接受日期:2024-08-12 出版日期:2024-11-16 发布日期:2024-11-22
  • 通信作者:
  • 联系方式: 张永莉,
  • 基金资助:
    湖南省棉花产业技术体系栽培与良种繁育岗位专家项目(湘农发〔2022〕31号); 湖南省棉花科技创新项目(湘财建指〔2023〕98号); 湖南省农业农村厅项目(湘财建指(2023)98号); 湖南省农业农村厅项目(湘财建指(2024)162号)

Effects of Different Strip Intercropping Patterns on the Growth and Productivity in Cotton

ZHANG YongLi1(), ZHANG Ning1, XU Jiao1, XU DouDou1, CHENG Fang1, ZHANG ChengLong1, WU BiBo2, GONG YangCang3, HE YunXin3, WEI ShangZhi4, TU XiaoJu1, LIU AiYu1, ZHOU ZhongHua1()   

  1. 1 College of Agronomy, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128
    2 Hunan Biological and Electromechnical Polytechnic, Changsha 410127
    3 Hunan Institute of Cotton Science, Changde, 415101, Hunan
    4 Agricultural Comprehensive Service Center, Huanggai Town, Linxiang City, Yueyang, 414300, Hunan
  • Received:2024-03-30 Accepted:2024-08-12 Published:2024-11-16 Online:2024-11-22


【目的】分析不同带状间作模式对棉花生物量积累与分配、光合性能及产量的影响,探究不同带状间作模式下棉花增产增效潜在机制,提出适宜长江流域的最优棉田带状间作种植模式。【方法】通过2点田间试验,以棉花单作(MC)为对照,设置棉花-甘薯(CS)、棉花-菜豆(CB)和棉花-甜瓜(CM)3种间作模式,2种带状配置分别为3﹕3和4﹕2,分析不同带状间作模式对棉株生物量积累、各器官分配、光合性能和产量的影响,并计算比较各带状间作模式下的棉花偏土地当量比和经济效益。【结果】2点田间试验带状间作模式下的平均籽棉产量和皮棉产量较MC均显著提高,其中,与棉花间作甘薯和棉花间作甜瓜相比,棉花间作菜豆产量优势最为显著,且2点田间试验CB 3﹕3模式籽棉产量较MC分别提高23.20%和32.46%,皮棉产量较MC分别提高26.43%和32.53%,其主要原因是单株成铃数分别为26.58和24.43个,较MC分别显著提高22.21%和28.85%。而衡阳棉花间作甘薯CS 4﹕2模式铃重较MC显著降低3.01%。盛铃期,带状间作模式下棉株生物量积累总量均大于MC,生殖器官分配比例较茎秆和叶片显著提高,且衡阳各间作模式下生殖器官占比均达50%以上。从盛蕾期到吐絮期,各种植模式叶面积指数均呈现先上升后下降的趋势,与MC相比,盛铃期各间作模式下棉株相对叶绿素含量和净光合速率均显著提高,其中,2点田间试验棉花间作菜豆最具优势,净光合速率较MC分别提高6.25%—6.29%和2.85%—2.90%,能够有效改善棉株光合性能,最终实现增产。在不同带状间作模式下,2点田间试验棉田总经济效益较MC增幅分别为1.24—2.70倍和1.42—3.09倍。从棉花的偏土地当量比来看,除长沙CS 4﹕2模式外,2点田间试验其余带状间作模式均表现出间作产量优势。【结论】不同带状间作模式产量的提高主要是通过生物量积累、同化物分配和光合性能的改善来实现的。表现最佳的是棉花间作甘薯CS 3﹕3模式,能够确保较高产量和间作优势,适宜在长江流域推广种植。

关键词: 棉花, 带状间作模式, 产量, 生物量积累与分配, 光合性能, 经济效益


【Objective】By analyzing the effects of different strip intercropping patterns on cotton biomass accumulation and distribution, photosynthetic performance and yield, the potential mechanism of cotton yield increase and efficiency under different strip intercropping patterns was explored, so the optimum cotton strip intercropping planting pattern suitable for the Yangtze River basin was proposed. 【Method】A two-point field experiment was conducted with monocropping cotton (MC) as the control, and three intercropping patterns of cotton-sweet potato (CS), cotton-bean (CB) and cotton-melon (CM) were set up, while two strip configurations were as follows: 3:3 and 4:2. The effects of different strip intercropping patterns on biomass accumulation, organ distribution, light and performance and yield of cotton were analyzed, and the ratio of cotton to soil equivalent and economic benefit under different strip intercropping patterns were calculated and compared. 【Result】Compared with MC, The average seed cotton yield and lint cotton yield under strip intercropping patterns in two field trials were significantly increased. Among them, compared with cotton intercropping with sweet potato and cotton intercropping with melon, the cotton intercropping with bean had the most significant advantage in cotton yield. and the yield of CB 3:3 pattern seed cotton was 23.20% and 32.46% higher than MC, respectively; compared with MC, the yield of lint was increased by 26.43% and 32.53%, respectively; the main reason was that the number of bolls per plant was 26.58 and 24.43, respectively, which were significantly increased by 22.21% and 28.85% compared with that of single cropping. The boll weight of cotton intercropping with sweet potato CS 4:2 in Hengyang was 3.01% lower than MC. At full boll period, the biomass accumulation of cotton plant was higher than MC, and the proportion of reproductive organs allocation was significantly higher than that of stem and leaf, the proportion of reproductive organs in each intercropping pattern in Hengyang was more than 50%. From full squaring period to boll opening period, the leaf area index of all treatments showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing. Compared with MC, the relative chlorophyll content and net photosynthetic rate of cotton plants were significantly increased under each intercropping pattern at full boll period. Among them, the cotton intercropping with beans at two field trials was the most advantageous. The net photosynthetic rate was 6.25%-6.29% and 2.85%-2.90% higher than MC, respectively, so it could effectively improve the photosynthetic performance of cotton plant and finally achieve yield increase. Under different strip intercropping patterns, the total economic benefit of cotton field in the two field trials increased by 1.24-2.70 times and 1.42-3.09 times, respectively, compared with MC. From the point of view of partial land equivalent ratio of cotton, except CS 4:2 pattern in Changsha, the other strip intercropping pattern in two field trials showed the advantage of intercropping yield. 【Conclusion】The increase of yield in different strip intercropping patterns was mainly achieved through the improvement of biomass accumulation, assimilate allocation and photosynthetic performance. The best performance was cotton intercropping with sweet potato CS 3:3 pattern, which ensured higher yield and intercropping advantages, and was suitable for spreading planting in the Yangtze River basin.

Key words: cotton, strip intercropping pattern, yield, biomass accumulation and distribution, photosynthetic performance, economic benefit