中国农业科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (6): 1049-1065.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.06.003

• 耕作栽培·生理生化·农业信息技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


党建友1(), 姜文超1,2, 孙睿1,2, 尚保华1, 裴雪霞1()   

  1. 1 山西农业大学小麦研究所,山西临汾 041000
    2 山西农业大学农学院,山西太谷 030801
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-07 接受日期:2023-11-18 出版日期:2024-03-16 发布日期:2024-03-25
  • 通信作者:
  • 联系方式: 党建友,。
  • 基金资助:
    山西省重点研发计划(202102140601010-6); 2023年产业引领工程项目(CYYL23-10); 中央引导地方科技发展资金(YDZJSX20231C007)

Response of Wheat Grain Yield and Water Use Efficiency to Ploughing Time and Precipitation and Its Distribution in Dryland

DANG JianYou1(), JIANG WenChao1,2, SUN Rui1,2, SHANG BaoHua1, PEI XueXia1()   

  1. 1 Wheat Research Institute, Shanxi Agricultural University, Linfen 041000, Shanxi
    2 College of Agronomy, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu 030801, Shanxi
  • Received:2023-10-07 Accepted:2023-11-18 Published:2024-03-16 Online:2024-03-25


【目的】 针对山西省麦区降水年际变化大,休闲期降水占比高、生育期降水少且分布不均,造成雨养旱地小麦年季间产量波动大、降水水分利用率(WUE)低等问题,探寻不同降水年型下旱地麦田休闲期翻耕时间对土壤蓄水量和产量的影响,为山西南部旱地小麦根据降水型“定产”提供理论依据。【方法】 2010—2021年度,通过田间区组试验,设8月10日(P1)、8月20日(P2)和8月30日(P3)左右3个翻耕时间,研究翻耕时间、降水量及其分布对旱地小麦产量、休闲期土壤蓄水特性和生育期耗水及相关性的影响。【结果】 (1)旱地小麦产量受降水年型、休闲期和生育期降水共同影响,且年型>休闲期>生育期。试验年度平均产量2 400.0—6 298.0 kg·hm-2,年季间变异系数为29.8%,其中丰水年(2012、2014和2015年度)、平水年(2011和2013年度)和枯水年(2010、2016、2019、2020和2021年度)平均产量分别为5 524.6、3 048.2和4 088.7 kg·hm-2;休闲期降水量和生育期降水分布主要通过成穗数和穗粒数影响产量,年度和3—4月降水多则产量明显增加;翻耕时间对旱地小麦产量影响与休闲期降水分布密切相关,7—8月降水多,P1产量高,9月降水多,则P2或P3产量高。(2)降水量及其分布和翻耕时间共同影响播种前和收获期土壤蓄水特性。休闲期降水主要影响播种前和收获期下层(100—200 cm)土壤蓄水量;休闲期丰水型播前上层(0—100 cm)和下层土壤蓄水量相近或略低,平水型和枯水型则下层低于上层,分别比上层低6.17%和24.66%;7月降水多有利于下层土壤多蓄水,8—9月降水多有利于上层土壤多蓄水;生育期降水主要影响收获期上层土壤蓄水量,尤其是5月降水;播种前和收获期上层土壤平均蓄水量P2最高,收获期下层和0—200 cm土壤平均蓄水量P2或P3最高。(3)耕作时间和降水量对生育期耗水量和水分利用率影响相对较小,年度降水多则旱地小麦生育期耗水多,3月降水对生育期耗水量影响大。【结论】 休闲期降水量及其分布影响旱地小麦播前0—200 cm土壤蓄水量,并与3—4月份降水量共同作用影响成穗数、穗粒数和旱地小麦产量,且水分利用率与旱地小麦产量间呈显著正相关。山西南部7—8月降水多旱地麦田于8月10日前后翻耕,降水少时则翻耕时间推迟10—20 d,可增加播种前土壤蓄水量使旱地小麦实现增产。

关键词: 旱地小麦, 翻耕时间, 降水量及其分布, 产量, 水分利用率


【Objective】 Aiming to solve the problems of low precipitation and uneven distribution of precipitation during the growth period, significant inter-annual variability, large proportion of precipitation during fallow period, and low water use efficiency (WUE) of precipitation, the objective of this study is to investigate the impact of deep ploughing time during fallow period in different precipitation years on soil water storage and wheat yield, and to provide a theoretical basis for revealing the yield depending precipitation years in southern Shanxi.【Method】 The field experiment was laid out following a randomized complete block design from 2010 to 2021, with three deep ploughing times set on August 10th (P1), August 20th (P2), and August 30th (P3) to investigate the effects of ploughing time, precipitation, and its distribution on wheat yield, soil water storage characteristics during fallow periods, water consumption during growth periods, and their correlations.【Result】 (1) The precipitation year type exhibited a strong correlation with the average yield of dryland wheat, which ranged from 2 400.0-6 298.0 kg·hm-2, with the coefficient 29.8%. The average yields for wet years (2012, 2014 and 2015), normal years (2011 and 2013), and dry years (2010, 2016, 2019, 2020 and 2021) were 5 524.6, 3 048.2, and 4 088.7 kg·hm-2, respectively. The impact of precipitation year type on yield followed a descending order: annual precipitation, precipitation in the fallow period, and precipitation in the growth period. Both precipitation in the fallow period and the growth period primarily affected yield through their effect on spike number and kernels per spike. Additionally, an increase in both annual precipitation and March to April’s precipitation led to a significant increase in yield. The effect of deep ploughing time on wheat yield in dryland was closely related to the precipitation distribution in fallow period, which showed that P1 yield was higher with more precipitation in July-August, and P2 or P3 yield was higher with more precipitation in September. (2) Precipitation, its distribution, and ploughing time had an impact on soil storage and consumption characteristics before sowing and after harvest. Precipitation during the fallow period mainly affected the soil water storage capacity in the lower layer (100-200 cm) before sowing and after harvest. The water storage capacity of the upper layer (0-100 cm) and the lower layer was similar or slightly low before sowing under the water-rich type in the fallow period. The water storage capacity of the lower layer was 6.17% and 24.66% lower than that of the upper soil under normal water and low water in the fallow period, respectively. More precipitation in July led to greater water storage in the lower soil, while more precipitation in August and September resulted in greater water storage in the upper soil. During growth periods, precipitation primarily impacted water storage capacity of the upper soil at harvest time, especially precipitation occurring in May. The average soil water storage capacity in the upper layer was the highest in P2 before sowing and at harvest time, and the water storage capacity of subsoil and the average water storage capacity of 0-200 cm soil was the highest in P2 or P3 at harvest time. (3) The effects of ploughing time and precipitation on water consumption and WUE were relatively small. The water consumption of dryland wheat during the growing period was affected by the annual precipitation, especially the precipitation in March.【Conclusion】 Precipitation and its distribution during the fallow period affect the soil water storage capacity of 0-200 cm before sowing of dryland wheat, and affect the yield of dryland wheat through spike number, kernels per spike together with the precipitation in March and April. There is a significant positive correlation between WUE and yield. In dryland wheat fields in south Shanxi Province, when there is more precipitation in July-August, deep ploughing is done on August 10th, and when there is less precipitation, deep ploughing is properly delayed from 10 to 20 d, which can effectively maintain soil water content during fallow period and achieve high yield.

Key words: dryland wheat, ploughing time, precipitation and its distribution, yield, water use efficiency (WUE)