中国农业科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (22): 4391-4401.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.22.001

• 作物遗传育种·种质资源·分子遗传学 • 上一篇    下一篇


亓晓蕾1(), 王君2, 吕广德1, 牟秋焕1, 米勇1, 孙盈盈1, 尹逊栋1, 钱兆国1(), 王瑞霞1, 吴科1   

  1. 1 泰安市农业科学院,山东泰安 271000
    2 泰安市农业农村局,山东泰安 271000
  • 收稿日期:2024-05-09 接受日期:2024-05-15 出版日期:2024-11-16 发布日期:2024-11-22
  • 通信作者:
  • 联系方式: 亓晓蕾,。
  • 基金资助:
    国家小麦产业技术体系(CARS-3-61); 山东省小麦产业技术体系(SDAIT-01-05); 山东省良种工程项目(2021LZGC013-6); 农业农村部麦类生物学与遗传育种综合性重点实验室开放课题项目; 泰安市科技发展计划(引导计划)(2019NS078)

Genetic Composition Analysis of a New High Quality and High Yield Wheat Cultivar Taikemai33

QI XiaoLei1(), WANG Jun2, LÜ GuangDe1, MU QiuHuan1, MI Yong1, SUN YingYing1, YIN XunDong1, QIAN ZhaoGuo1(), WANG RuiXia1, WU Ke1   

  1. 1 Tai’an Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Taian 271000, Shandong
    2 Tai'an Agricultural and Rural Bureau, Taian 271000, Shandong
  • Received:2024-05-09 Accepted:2024-05-15 Published:2024-11-16 Online:2024-11-22


【目的】小麦新品种泰科麦33兼具优质高产抗病等优良特性,遗传基础丰富,是一个具有较大应用潜力的新品种。通过构建泰科麦33基因型图谱,解析其遗传构成,为小麦新品种的选育和亲本选配提供依据。【方法】利用55K SNP芯片标记对泰科麦33及其系谱亲本中郑麦366、淮阴9908、豫麦47、PH82-2-2、豫麦13、豫麦2号、百农3217、偃大24、咸农39、丰产3号和阿夫等小麦品种(或品系)进行全基因组扫描,绘制基因型图谱,分析不同供试亲本对泰科麦33的遗传贡献,解析泰科麦33的遗传构成。【结果】泰科麦33及其供试系谱亲本之间的相似性系数为0.72—0.93,泰科麦33与郑麦366具有较大的遗传相似度,遗传相似系数为0.93。SNP标记分析表明,系谱母本和系谱父本对泰科麦33的遗传贡献率分别为66.57%和33.43%,两系谱亲本遗传贡献和理论值出现了较大偏离,说明泰科麦33更多地继承了系谱母本的遗传物质。在亚基因组水平上,系谱母本在A、B和D 3个亚基因组水平上的遗传贡献率分别为71.0%、85.0%和49.4%;而系谱父本的遗传贡献率分别为29.0%、15.0%和50.6%。在各染色体水平上,系谱母本在1A、2A、3A、4A、7A、1B-7B、1D和2D等14条染色体上遗传贡献率均高于系谱父本,系谱父本在5A、4D、6D和7D等4条染色体上遗传贡献率均高于系谱母本;系谱母本和系谱父本在6A、3D和5D等3条染色体上遗传贡献率相当。基因型图谱分析发现,系谱母本贡献位点分布在1A、5A、7A、2B、7B和2D染色体;系谱父本的贡献位点分布在4A、5A、6D和7D染色体上。对比泰科麦33与亲本郑麦366和淮阴9908的SNP多态性,发现有109个SNP位点与两亲本基因型均不相同,分布在除1A和6A之外的19条染色体上;泰科麦33在4A、2B、6B和7D染色体上的差异位点数目最多且成簇分布,各染色体差异位点数分别为10、9、11和9。【结论】构建了泰科麦33的基因型图谱,明确了其遗传构成特点;发现泰科麦33更多地继承了系谱母本的遗传物质,确定了其来源于不同亲本的贡献位点及自身特有的差异位点。

关键词: 小麦, 基因型图谱, 系谱亲本, SNP, 遗传构成


【Objective】Taikemai33, derived from a cross between Zhengmai366 and Huaiyin9908, is a new released wheat cultivar with high quality, high yield, and excellent disease resistance, which has a broad genetic base, and a high potential for application in wheat production. The objective of this study is to dissect the genetic composition of Taikemai33 to provide information for parental selection to use this cultivar to develop more new wheat cultivars. 【Method】Taikemai33 and its pedigree parents including Zhengmai366, Huaiyin9908, Yumai47, PH82-2-2, Yumai13, Yumai 2 hao, Bainong3217, Yanda24, Xiannong39, Fengchan 3 hao and Funo were screened using the 55K wheat SNP chip to dissect the genomic composition of Taikemai33 to evaluate the genetic contributions of each parental line to Taikemai33. 【Result】The similarity coefficient between Taikemai33 and its pedigree parents ranged from 0.72 to 0.93, and the genetic composition of Taikemai33 was highly similar to Zhengmai366, the pedigree mother parent, with a genetic similarity coefficient of 0.93. SNP marker analysis showed that the pedigree parents contributed different proportion to the genome of Taikemai33, with the pedigree mother contributed 66.57%, whereas the pedigree father contributed 33.43%, indicating that Taikemai 33 inherits more genetic materials from the maternal lineage. Furthermore, the pedigree mother contributed 71.0%, 85.0% and 49.4% to subgenome A, B and D of Taikeimai33, whereas those were 29.0%, 15.0% and 50.6% contributed by the pedigree father. For each chromosome, the pedigree mother contributed more on chromosome 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 7A, 1B to 7B, 1D and 2D, whereas the pedigree father contributed more on chromosome 5A, 4D, 6D and 7D. The contributions of the pedigree parents on 6A, 3D and 5D were equal. Taikemai33 genotype map showed that the contribution loci of the pedigree mother were distributed in clusters on chromosome 1A, 5A, 7A, 2B, 7B, 2D, with those from the pedigree father were on chromosome 4A, 5A, 6D, 7D. Interestingly, among the polymorphic SNP loci, between Zhenmai366 and Huaiyin9908, Taikemai33 showed 109 loci that were absent in both parents, distributing on 19 chromosomes except 1A and 6A. Chromosome 4A, 2B, 6B and 7D of Taikemai33 confer most of the polymorphic SNPs in clusters with cluster number of 10, 9, 11, and 9. 【Conclusion】We constructed the genotype map and dissected the genetic composition of Taikemai33, determined the loci contributed by the pedigree parents and identified that Taikemai33 inherited more genetic materials from the pedigree mother and conferring some specific loci different with the pedigree parents.

Key words: wheat, genetic map, pedigree parents, SNP, genetic components