中国农业科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (24): 5194-5205.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.24.003
向晓玲,E-mail: 基金资助:
XIANG XiaoLing(),CHEN SongHe,YANG HongKun,YANG YongHeng,FAN GaoQiong(
GaoQiong FAN
【目的】冬干春旱、土壤有机质和速效磷缺乏是四川丘陵旱地冬小麦生产的主要限制因素,通过研究休闲期秸秆覆盖还田和施磷对旱地冬小麦产量和磷素吸收利用的影响,以期为四川丘陵旱地小麦高产稳产及磷素高效利用提供技术方案。【方法】试验于2018—2020年在四川仁寿进行,采用裂区设计,以秸秆覆盖(SM)和不覆盖(NSM)为主区;3个磷水平0(P0)、75 kg·hm-2(P75)和120(P120)kg·hm-2为副区。分析秸秆覆盖和施磷下小麦干物质积累与转运、产量性状及磷素吸收利用的差异。【结果】秸秆覆盖的增产效应高于施磷效应。2018—2019和2019—2020年度秸秆覆盖处理较不覆盖处理小麦有效穗分别增加17.7%和8.48%,穗粒数增加15.6%和11.2%,产量提高18.6%和13.5%;两年度施磷75 kg·hm-2较不施磷处理小麦有效穗分别增加18.2%和8.79%,穗粒数增加21.1%和6.09%,产量提高30.2%和16.1%;施磷120 kg·hm-2比不施磷处理有效穗分别增加21.2%和9.53%,穗粒数增加20.2%和4.03%,产量提高31.8%和17.9%。秸秆覆盖显著提高了小麦开花期和成熟期的干物质、磷素积累量,且均随施磷量的增加而增加;同时秸秆覆盖与施磷均可显著提高小麦花前干物质和磷素转运、花后干物质和磷素积累能力。秸秆覆盖显著提高花前干物质转运量对籽粒的贡献率,但降低了花前磷素转运量对籽粒的贡献率,而施磷显著提高了花前干物质转运量对籽粒的贡献率和花前磷素转运量对籽粒的贡献率。秋闲季秸秆覆盖还田促进了磷的吸收利用,磷肥吸收效率2年分别提高27.3%和23.7%,磷肥偏生产力提高17.8%和14.7%。【结论】秸秆覆盖更有利于促进花前干物质和磷素转运,同时促进花后磷素积累和提高磷肥吸收利用效率,通过增加有效穗和穗粒数实现增产。在本试验条件下,秸秆覆盖+75 kg·hm-2磷肥是适用于四川丘陵旱地小麦高产高效的耕作栽培措施和磷肥管理方案。
向晓玲,陈松鹤,杨洪坤,杨永恒,樊高琼. 秸秆覆盖与施磷对丘陵旱地小麦产量和磷素吸收利用效应的影响[J]. 中国农业科学, 2021, 54(24): 5194-5205.
XIANG XiaoLing,CHEN SongHe,YANG HongKun,YANG YongHeng,FAN GaoQiong. Effects of Straw Mulching and Phosphorus Application on Wheat Yield, Phosphorus Absorption and Utilization in Hilly Dryland[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(24): 5194-5205.
年份 Year | 处理 Treatment | 结实小穗 Effective small spikes | 不实小穗 Invalid small spikes | 有效穗 Effective spike (×104 hm-2) | 穗粒数 Grain number per spike | 千粒重 Thousand-grain weight (g) | 实际产量 Actual yield (kg·hm-2) | |
2018—2019 | NSM | P0 | 13.5±0.27b | 1.87±0.07c | 272±10c | 36.7±0.38b | 47.2±0.83a | 5071±134b |
P75 | 14.4±0.47a | 2.07±0.09b | 319±6b | 44.6±2.38a | 46.5±1.04a | 6706±116a | ||
P120 | 14.2±0.37ab | 2.34±0.13a | 329±10a | 44.2±1.58a | 46.5±0.61a | 6634±140a | ||
均值Mean | 14.0 | 2.09 | 307 | 41.8 | 46.7 | 6137 | ||
SM | P0 | 16.4±0.06a | 1.81±0.04a | 319±6b | 42.6±1.25b | 46.1±0.54a | 6046±84b | |
P75 | 16.7±0.82a | 1.83±0.06a | 379±5a | 51.4±0.96a | 45.8±0.80a | 7773±127a | ||
P120 | 16.6±0.48a | 1.88±0.08a | 386±5a | 51.1±0.42a | 45.6±1.14a | 8020±289a | ||
均值Mean | 16.6 | 1.84 | 361 | 48.4 | 45.8 | 7280 | ||
F值 F-value | M | 322.04** | 24.7* | 104.44** | 1051.71** | 2.21ns | 2121.44** | |
P | 2.11ns | 30.8** | 197.65** | 51.58** | 1.11ns | 160.32** | ||
M×P | 0.51ns | 17.3** | 2.03ns | 0.13ns | 0.07ns | 1.88ns | ||
2019—2020 | NSM | P0 | 13.9±0.22b | 2.79±0.19b | 311±15c | 40.3±0.10b | 53.8±0.15a | 6285±290b |
P75 | 14.7±0.38a | 2.89±0.25ab | 360±3a | 40.4±0.89b | 53.3±0.72a | 7196±240a | ||
P120 | 14.8±0.44a | 3.09±0.12a | 333±4b | 42.3±0.33a | 54.3±0.22a | 7037±184a | ||
均值Mean | 14.5 | 2.92 | 335 | 41.0 | 53.8 | 6839 | ||
SM | P0 | 15.3±0.17b | 2.76±0.02a | 347±8b | 43.5±0.11c | 52.1±2.27a | 6836±333b | |
P75 | 15.9±0.44a | 2.80±0.03a | 355±2b | 48.5±0.55a | 53.7±0.38a | 8032±334a | ||
P120 | 15.4±0.09ab | 2.84±0.25a | 387±11a | 44.9±0.82b | 54.6±0.45a | 8429±214a | ||
均值Mean | 15.56 | 2.80 | 363 | 45.6 | 53.5 | 7766 | ||
F值 F-value | M | 23.9* | 44.6* | 128.09** | 149.83** | 1.47ns | 59.02** | |
P | 9.66** | 2.19ns | 25.85** | 34.36** | 2.81ns | 31.43** | ||
M×P | 3.58ns | 0.69ns | 19.05** | 46.90** | 1.77ns | 3.45ns |
年份 Year | 处理 Treatment | 花前积累的干物质DMABA | 花后积累的干物质DMAAA | ||||
转运量 TA (kg·hm-2) | 转运率 TR (%) | 对籽粒的贡献率 CG (%) | 花后积累量 AA (kg·hm-2) | 对籽粒的贡献率 CG (%) | |||
2018—2019 | NSM | P0 | 2834±65c | 26.8±0.10b | 46.5±0.14c | 3261±85b | 53.5±0.14a |
P75 | 3449±74b | 28.2±0.37a | 47.6±0.47b | 3798±94a | 52.4±0.47a | ||
P120 | 3636±66a | 28.3±0.73a | 48.9±1.36a | 3801±175a | 51.1±1.36b | ||
均值Mean | 3306 | 27.8 | 47.7 | 3620 | 52.3 | ||
SM | P0 | 3537±20c | 27.4±0.44b | 47.4±0.67b | 3929±90b | 52.6±0.67a | |
P75 | 4316±195b | 30.3±0.71a | 50.7±1.33a | 4190±97a | 49.3±1.33b | ||
P120 | 4636±148a | 30.7±0.14a | 51.7±0.41a | 4331±73a | 48.3±0.41b | ||
均值Mean | 4163 | 29.5 | 49.9 | 4150 | 50.1 | ||
F值 F-value | M | 254.54** | 117.90** | 112.94** | 352.23** | 113.80** | |
P | 110.56** | 57.32** | 29.63** | 36.40** | 29.60** | ||
M×P | 2.51ns | 7.60* | 3.71ns | 2.71ns | 3.70ns | ||
2019—2020 | NSM | P0 | 2083±79c | 19.5±0.35c | 29.7±0.58b | 4929±61c | 70.3±0.58a |
P75 | 2663±29b | 21.8±0.09b | 34.3±0.20a | 5105±91b | 65.7±0.20b | ||
P120 | 2896±39a | 23.1±0.43a | 35.1±0.13a | 5352±76a | 64.9±0.13b | ||
均值Mean | 2547 | 21.5 | 33.0 | 5129 | 67.0 | ||
SM | P0 | 2703±75c | 22.6±0.48b | 34.1±0.22c | 5228±113b | 65.9±0.22a | |
P75 | 3560±132b | 25.5±1.39a | 40.0±1.05b | 5390±96a | 60.0±1.05b | ||
P120 | 3936±134a | 26.8±0.70a | 42.1±1.10a | 5411±102a | 57.9±1.10c | ||
均值Mean | 3413 | 25.0 | 38.7 | 5343 | 61.3 | ||
F值 F-value | M | 1543.94** | 165.52** | 624.84** | 218.89** | 613.27** | |
P | 167.61** | 44.80** | 136.52** | 22.60** | 136.73** | ||
M×P | 7.21* | 0.29ns | 4.67* | 4.42ns | 4.69* |
年份 Year | 处理 Treatment | 花前积累的磷素PABA | 花后积累的磷素PAAA | ||||
转运量 TA (kg·hm-2) | 转运率 TR (%) | 对籽粒的贡献率 CG (%) | 花后积累量 AA (kg·hm-2) | 对籽粒的贡献率 CG (%) | |||
2018—2019 | NSM | P0 | 11.79±0.47c | 84.43±0.50b | 76.91±0.31b | 3.54±0.20a | 23.1±0.31a |
P75 | 15.77±0.43b | 85.45±0.27a | 81.32±0.98a | 3.62±0.17a | 18.7±0.98b | ||
P120 | 17.62±0.13a | 84.38±0.23b | 80.98±0.66a | 4.14±0.18a | 19.02±0.66b | ||
均值Mean | 15.06 | 84.75 | 79.74 | 3.77 | 20.26 | ||
SM | P0 | 14.14±0.20c | 82.23±0.60c | 71.92±1.51b | 5.52±0.36b | 28.1±1.51a | |
P75 | 18.02±0.59b | 83.37±0.21b | 73.56±1.08b | 6.49±0.55a | 26.4±1.08a | ||
P120 | 21.47±0.51a | 84.33±0.10a | 77.07±0.82a | 6.39±0.44a | 22.9±0.82b | ||
均值Mean | 17.87 | 83.31 | 74.18 | 6.13 | 25.8 | ||
F值 F-value | M | 564.57** | 707.40** | 166.57** | 629.26** | 166.55** | |
P | 283.37** | 23.37** | 27.58** | 5.22* | 27.60** | ||
M×P | 5.19* | 23.13** | 4.94* | 1.85ns | 4.95* | ||
2019—2020 | NSM | P0 | 13.31±0.74c | 89.34±0.47b | 86.87±1.27b | 2.01±0.13b | 13.1±1.27a |
P75 | 17.60±0.55b | 90.55±0.31a | 89.25±0.63a | 2.12±0.10b | 10.8±0.63b | ||
P120 | 19.01±0.58a | 90.98±0.10a | 88.23±1.40a | 2.53±0.26a | 11.8±1.40ab | ||
均值Mean | 16.64 | 90.29 | 88.11 | 2.22 | 11.9 | ||
SM | P0 | 14.65±0.51c | 86.60±0.43b | 79.02±0.93b | 3.89±0.08b | 21.0±0.93a | |
P75 | 19.54±0.50b | 87.10±0.53ab | 81.64±1.37a | 4.39±0.31a | 18.4±1.37b | ||
P120 | 21.20±0.35a | 87.57±0.23a | 82.58±0.56a | 4.47±0.14a | 17.4±0.56b | ||
均值Mean | 18.47 | 87.09 | 81.08 | 4.25 | 18.9 | ||
F值 F-value | M | 141.86** | 167.07* | 2567.86** | 9783.88** | 2793.79** | |
P | 518.02** | 20.22** | 15.40** | 13.23** | 15.37** | ||
M×P | 2.43ns | 1.72ns | 2.71ns | 1.94ns | 2.69ns |
指标 Index | 相关系数 Correlation coefficient | 直接通径系数 Direct path coefficient | 间接通径系数 Indirect path coefficient | ||||||
干物质积累量 DMA | 磷素养分积累量 PA | 结实小穗 ESS | 不实小穗 ISS | 有效穗 ES | 穗粒数 GNPS | 千粒重 TGW | |||
干物质积累量DMA | 0.89** | 0.865 | — | -0.364 | 0.034 | -0.015 | 0.290 | 0.096 | -0.019 |
磷素养分积累量PA | 0.76** | -0.444 | 0.710 | — | 0.032 | -0.002 | 0.304 | 0.150 | 0.009 |
结实小穗ESS | 0.78** | 0.040 | 0.735 | -0.350 | — | -0.019 | 0.282 | 0.106 | -0.013 |
不实小穗 ISS | 0.04 | 0.089 | -0.149 | 0.007 | -0.009 | — | 0.048 | 0.041 | 0.011 |
有效穗ES | 0.85** | 0.381 | 0.659 | -0.354 | 0.030 | 0.011 | — | 0.131 | -0.004 |
穗粒数 GNPS | 0.59** | 0.199 | 0.418 | -0.334 | 0.022 | 0.018 | 0.251 | — | 0.018 |
千粒重 TGW | 0.31 | -0.049 | 0.332 | 0.078 | 0.010 | -0.020 | 0.032 | -0.074 | — |
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