中国农业科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (8): 1529-1545.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2022.08.005
GUI RunFei1(),WANG ZaiMan2,PAN ShengGang1,ZHANG MingHua2,TANG XiangRu1,MO ZhaoWen1()
【目的】研究液体肥分蘖期减氮侧深施用和常规全量撒施固体肥对香稻关键生育期氮素吸收利用、干物质积累和氮代谢生理影响及其与香稻产量形成的关系,以期为今后华南香稻种植区分蘖期机械化侧深施液体肥提供理论指导和依据。【方法】2019—2020年连续进行2年大田试验,以华南地区种植面积较大的香稻品种玉香油占和象牙香占为供试材料,采用随机区组排列设计。设置了全程不施肥处理(T1)、常规全量撒施肥固体肥处理(T2,总施氮量为150 kg N·hm-2)、液体肥分蘖期减氮10%侧深施处理(T3)和液体肥分蘖期减氮20%侧深施处理(T4)4个处理。研究了不同施肥处理对香稻的产量及其构成因素、氮素吸收利用、干物质积累和氮代谢生理的影响。【结果】(1)2年大田试验中,2个香稻品种均在T3处理下产量最高,且显著高于T1处理。与T2处理相比,T3处理下玉香油占2019年和2020年的产量分别提高1.84%和15.20%,象牙香占2019年和2020年的产量分别提高0.65%和3.71%。这主要与T3处理下具有最高的有效穗数有关。(2)2年大田试验中,在幼穗分化期和抽穗期,2个香稻品种的总干物质积累量、叶面积指数和总氮素积累量普遍在T2处理下最高,T3处理和T2处理间的总干物质积累量和总氮素积累量差异不显著。在成熟期,2个香稻品种的总干物质积累量、叶面积指数和总氮素积累量均在T3处理下最高;对玉香油占而言,2019年成熟期T3处理下的总干物质积累量、叶面积指数和总氮素积累量分别较T2处理增加25.14%、26.57%和21.31%,2020年的相应增幅分别为5.83%、21.80%和46.47%;对象牙香占而言,2019年成熟期T3处理下的总干物质积累量、叶面积指数和总氮素积累量分别较T2处理增加19.95%、3.73%和13.41%,2020年相应增幅为21.17%、1.78%和14.37%。此外,2个香稻品种的氮素吸收利用率和氮素农学利用率也均在T3处理下最高。(3)在幼穗分化期和抽穗期,2个香稻品种在T2处理下较其他处理相比有较高的氮代谢相关酶活性,而成熟期T3处理下2个香稻品种的氮代谢相关酶活性最高。【结论】综合2年大田试验表明,液体肥分蘖期减氮10%侧深施处理较常规全量撒施固体肥处理,在减少氮肥使用的同时能维持生育前期生长发育,提高生育后期总干物质积累量、叶面积指数、氮素利用和氮代谢相关酶活性,最终实现香稻增产。
桂润飞, 王在满, 潘圣刚, 张明华, 唐湘如, 莫钊文. 香稻分蘖期减氮侧深施液体肥对产量和氮素利用的影响[J]. 中国农业科学, 2022, 55(8): 1529-1545.
GUI RunFei, WANG ZaiMan, PAN ShengGang, ZHANG MingHua, TANG XiangRu, MO ZhaoWen. Effects of Nitrogen-Reducing Side Deep Application of Liquid Fertilizer at Tillering Stage on Yield and Nitrogen Utilization of Fragrant Rice[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(8): 1529-1545.
年份 Year | 月份 Month | 平均气温 Average air temperature (℃) | 最高温度 Maximum temperature (℃) | 最低温度 Minimum temperature (℃) | 降水量 Precipitation (mm) | 日照时数 Sunshine hours (h) | 相对湿度 Relative humidity (%) |
2019 | 7月 July | 28.7 | 38.0 | 23.8 | 479.9 | 136.1 | 84.3 |
8月 August | 28.3 | 37.2 | 23.5 | 104.6 | 186.4 | 85.9 | |
9月 September | 26.7 | 36.4 | 17.8 | 39.5 | 258.3 | 79.1 | |
10月 October | 24.1 | 35.2 | 15.3 | 0 | 222.1 | 78.0 | |
11月 November | 19.5 | 31.0 | 11.4 | 5.6 | 269.5 | 71.8 | |
2020 | 7月 July | 30.3 | 37.9 | 25.1 | 67.5 | 207.1 | 74.1 |
8月 August | 28.4 | 36.8 | 23.9 | 226.5 | 187.8 | 82.5 | |
9月 September | 27.0 | 36.8 | 22.0 | 345.0 | 119.5 | 88.0 | |
10月 October | 23.4 | 33.4 | 17.3 | 12.2 | 160.3 | 74.6 | |
11月 November | 21.2 | 30.7 | 11.9 | 4.4 | 195.8 | 72.6 |
施肥处理 Fertilization treatment | 肥料类型 Fertilizer type | 总施氮量 Total N (kg·hm-2) | 基肥施氮量 Basal N (kg·hm-2) | 基肥施肥方式 Base fertilizer application method | 蘖肥施氮量 Tillering N (kg·hm-2) | 蘖肥施肥方式 Tiller fertilizer application method | |
T1 | — | — | — | — | — | — | |
T2 | 固体肥 Solid fertilizer | 150 | 90 | 撒施 Broadcasting | 60 | 撒施 Broadcasting | |
T3 | 液体肥 Liquid fertilizer | 135 | 90 | 撒施 Broadcasting | 45 | 侧深施 Side deep application | |
T4 | 液体肥 Liquid fertilizer | 120 | 90 | 撒施 Broadcasting | 30 | 侧深施 Side deep application |
年份 Year | 品种 Cultivar | 施肥处理 Fertilization treatment | 有效穗数 Effective panicle (×104·hm-2) | 每穗粒数 Spikelets per panicle | 结实率 Grain filling percentage (%) | 千粒重 1000-grain weight (g) | 实际产量 Yield (t·hm-2) |
2019 | 玉香油占 Yuxiangyouzhan | T1 | 254.15±16.28b | 169.77±2.23c | 72.88±1.07b | 20.37±0.24a | 6.36±0.59c |
T2 | 305.39±15.35a | 181.72±5.71b | 79.86±1.32a | 19.79±0.49a | 8.42±0.41b | ||
T3 | 336.47±17.89a | 177.13±1.84b | 80.69±2.20a | 20.27±0.20a | 9.70±0.70a | ||
T4 | 300.76±26.55a | 194.16±4.91a | 79.98±2.01a | 20.33±0.16a | 9.31±0.87ab | ||
象牙香占 Xiangyaxiangzhan | T1 | 247.89±10.42b | 169.71±4.33a | 81.40±1.49a | 19.00±0.26ab | 6.48±0.50b | |
T2 | 309.00±8.50a | 169.73±3.16a | 82.93±1.10a | 19.16±0.06ab | 8.09±0.30a | ||
T3 | 323.42±6.57a | 163.01±7.73a | 84.90±1.83a | 18.82±0.26b | 8.39±0.14a | ||
T4 | 298.01±12.56a | 170.50±2.51a | 82.77±1.45a | 19.35±0.05a | 8.11±0.24a | ||
2020 | 玉香油占 Yuxiangyouzhan | T1 | 199.85±25.91b | 196.04±9.25a | 74.47±0.89b | 21.65±0.45a | 6.22±0.18b |
T2 | 234.80±9.17ab | 217.84±7.20a | 79.20±1.57a | 20.74±0.31a | 8.15±0.38a | ||
T3 | 272.22±21.81a | 189.87±19.21a | 78.93±1.30a | 21.08±0.98a | 8.30±0.10a | ||
T4 | 256.08±25.85a | 187.09±13.22a | 75.63±1.42b | 21.13±0.52a | 7.39±0.74ab | ||
象牙香占 Xiangyaxiangzhan | T1 | 200.18±5.43b | 160.27±2.96b | 72.46±0.23c | 19.27±0.27a | 4.87±0.24c | |
T2 | 258.28±6.23a | 181.87±8.26a | 80.66±1.08a | 20.19±0.64a | 7.73±0.42a | ||
T3 | 261.22±10.85a | 195.77±7.41a | 78.50±1.21ab | 20.01±0.25a | 7.78±0.31a | ||
T4 | 220.13±16.13b | 177.87±4.59ab | 76.83±1.36b | 20.47±0.27a | 6.04±0.59b | ||
F值 F value | Y | * | ns | * | ns | ns | |
F | ** | ns | ** | ns | ** | ||
C | ns | ** | ns | ** | ** | ||
Y×F | ns | ** | ns | ns | ns | ||
Y×C | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ||
C×F | ns | * | ns | ns | ns | ||
Y×C×F | ns | ns | * | ns | ns |
年份 Year | 品种 Cultivar | 施肥处理 Fertilization treatment | 幼穗分化期 PI (t·hm-2) | 抽穗期 HS (t·hm-2) | 成熟期 MS (t·hm-2) |
2019 | 玉香油占 Yuxiangyouzhan | T1 | 2.05±0.30b | 8.40±0.38b | 8.47±1.01b |
T2 | 5.54±1.63ab | 8.55±1.46b | 12.61±0.91ab | ||
T3 | 6.97±1.62a | 12.99±0.60a | 15.78±1.99a | ||
T4 | 5.37±0.69ab | 9.42±0.97b | 14.01±2.48a | ||
象牙香占 Xiangyaxiangzhan | T1 | 2.42±0.46b | 6.68±0.50a | 7.01±0.72b | |
T2 | 5.84±0.44a | 8.24±1.53a | 11.28±0.72a | ||
T3 | 5.40±0.97a | 8.18±1.26a | 13.53±1.61a | ||
T4 | 3.74±0.10b | 7.30±1.19a | 11.45±0.85a | ||
2020 | 玉香油占 Yuxiangyouzhan | T1 | 4.25±0.22b | 5.85±0.63c | 9.04±0.79b |
T2 | 7.02±0.82a | 9.71±0.71a | 12.01±0.82a | ||
T3 | 5.87±0.45ab | 8.51±0.26ab | 12.71±0.95a | ||
T4 | 6.67±1.13ab | 7.91±0.18b | 11.62±0.73ab | ||
象牙香占 Xiangyaxiangzhan | T1 | 4.65±0.16b | 6.64±0.55b | 8.63±0.57c | |
T2 | 6.33±0.53a | 8.91±0.27a | 11.29±0.78ab | ||
T3 | 6.29±0.57a | 7.96±0.30ab | 13.68±0.86a | ||
T4 | 5.95±0.15ab | 6.95±0.92ab | 10.74±0.65b | ||
F值 F value | Y | * | ns | ns | |
F | ** | ** | ** | ||
C | ns | ns | ns | ||
Y×F | ns | * | ns | ||
Y×C | ns | ns | ns | ||
C×F | ns | ns | ns | ||
Y×C×F | ns | ns | ns |
年份 Year | 品种 Cultivar | 施肥处理 Fertilization treatment | 幼穗分化期 PI | 抽穗期 HS | 成熟期 MS |
2019 | 玉香油占 Yuxiangyouzhan | T1 | 1.85±0.14b | 3.87±0.26c | 1.81±0.26c |
T2 | 4.96±0.32a | 5.26±0.44b | 4.29±0.26b | ||
T3 | 4.35±0.21a | 6.35±0.37a | 5.43±0.23a | ||
T4 | 4.23±0.35a | 5.32±0.33b | 4.43±0.34b | ||
象牙香占 Xiangyaxiangzhan | T1 | 1.50±0.35c | 4.22±0.34c | 1.53±0.23b | |
T2 | 4.80±0.27a | 5.57±0.31a | 4.02±0.35a | ||
T3 | 3.52±0.30b | 5.33±0.27ab | 4.17±0.26a | ||
T4 | 3.37±0.27b | 4.59±0.32bc | 4.11±0.21a | ||
2020 | 玉香油占 Yuxiangyouzhan | T1 | 2.24±0.21c | 3.26±0.25c | 1.99±0.06c |
T2 | 5.32±0.22a | 6.17±0.24a | 4.45±0.24b | ||
T3 | 4.40±0.24b | 5.72±0.24ab | 5.42±0.19a | ||
T4 | 4.78±0.22ab | 5.31±0.19b | 4.51±0.24b | ||
象牙香占 Xiangyaxiangzhan | T1 | 1.77±0.13c | 3.58±0.21c | 1.85±0.25c | |
T2 | 5.34±0.14a | 6.24±0.14a | 4.49±0.19a | ||
T3 | 4.25±0.17b | 5.65±0.18a | 4.57±0.20a | ||
T4 | 3.88±0.16b | 4.45±0.29b | 4.04±0.23b | ||
F值 F value | Y | * | ns | ns | |
F | ** | ** | ** | ||
C | ** | * | ** | ||
Y×F | ns | * | ns | ||
Y×C | ns | ns | ns | ||
C×F | ns | * | * | ||
Y×C×F | ns | ns | ns |
年份 Year | 品种 Cultivar | 施肥处理 Fertilization treatment | 幼穗分化期PI (kg·hm-2) | 抽穗期HS (kg·hm-2) | 成熟期MS (kg·hm-2) |
2019 | 玉香油占 Yuxiangyouzhan | T1 | 16.00±2.02d | 38.78±2.51d | 62.02±3.23c |
T2 | 70.94±1.23a | 92.97±1.38b | 103.69±1.43b | ||
T3 | 65.68±1.49b | 101.61±1.61a | 125.79±2.66a | ||
T4 | 44.50±2.65c | 69.63±0.74c | 112.83±2.92b | ||
象牙香占 Xiangyaxiangzhan | T1 | 23.11±0.59c | 36.52±1.06d | 60.41±2.16c | |
T2 | 70.06±2.20a | 87.05±2.24a | 106.99±2.57b | ||
T3 | 67.72±4.47a | 79.26±1.36b | 121.34±1.83a | ||
T4 | 44.64±1.09b | 69.81±1.67c | 108.39±3.52b | ||
2020 | 玉香油占 Yuxiangyouzhan | T1 | 32.97±0.46c | 43.59±1.14d | 71.31±0.37d |
T2 | 72.45±1.61a | 84.26±1.22a | 111.82±1.44c | ||
T3 | 65.85±1.10b | 70.20±2.11c | 163.78±0.17a | ||
T4 | 71.66±2.28a | 81.88±1.81b | 151.38±0.06b | ||
象牙香占 Xiangyaxiangzhan | T1 | 31.70±1.16c | 42.02±0.94d | 55.60±0.07d | |
T2 | 76.60±0.97a | 86.09±0.79a | 93.85±1.51b | ||
T3 | 70.59±3.10a | 80.62±1.30b | 107.34±0.56a | ||
T4 | 56.01±1.62b | 69.76±1.40c | 82.86±1.04c | ||
F值 F value | Y | * | ns | ns | |
F | ** | ** | ** | ||
C | ns | * | ** | ||
Y×F | ns | * | ns | ||
Y×C | ns | ns | ** | ||
C×F | ns | * | ns | ||
Y×C×F | ns | * | ns |
年份 Year | 品种 Cultivar | 施肥处理 Fertilization treatment | 氮素籽粒生产效率 NGPE (kg·kg-1) | 氮收获指数 NHI (%) | 氮素吸收利用率 NRE(%) | 氮素农学利用率 NAE (kg·kg-1) |
2019 | 玉香油占 Yuxiangyouzhan | T1 | 104.51±7.02a | 38.18±2.60b | — | — |
T2 | 76.84±5.56b | 44.28±1.38b | 33.54±5.36b | 10.15±3.63b | ||
T3 | 77.59±3.63b | 48.30±1.71a | 47.48±8.41a | 21.91±5.62a | ||
T4 | 88.52±9.23ab | 49.88±1.17a | 34.28±5.01b | 20.67±4.60a | ||
象牙香占 Xiangyaxiangzhan | T1 | 96.57±10.33a | 28.34±2.35b | — | — | |
T2 | 76.16±6.19b | 36.87±2.47a | 32.16±3.61b | 9.41±0.55b | ||
T3 | 70.13±5.97b | 35.66±0.58a | 45.18±4.64a | 13.58±2.07a | ||
T4 | 76.54±4.69b | 34.06±0.97a | 38.36±6.13a | 12.19±1.49a | ||
2020 | 玉香油占 Yuxiangyouzhan | T1 | 88.49±10.02a | 41.19±1.81a | — | — |
T2 | 75.68±5.65a | 36.70±1.76ab | 26.34±2.95b | 11.63±1.60a | ||
T3 | 53.34±3.07b | 31.48±2.41b | 68.75±5.00a | 13.97±2.68a | ||
T4 | 49.03±5.14b | 31.04±2.45b | 64.48±4.82a | 10.88±1.50a | ||
象牙香占 Xiangyaxiangzhan | T1 | 86.01±4.91a | 43.11±0.84a | — | — | |
T2 | 82.96±6.59ab | 35.62±1.08ab | 25.75±4.33b | 18.50±1.99a | ||
T3 | 73.31±5.46b | 34.68±0.95b | 38.78±4.45a | 20.16±1.10a | ||
T4 | 72.64±6.58b | 31.99±1.87b | 22.26±1.84b | 10.67±2.82b | ||
F值 F value | Y | ns | * | ns | ns | |
F | * | ns | ** | ** | ||
C | ns | * | ** | ns | ||
Y×F | * | * | ns | ns | ||
Y×C | ns | * | * | * | ||
C×F | * | ns | * | ns | ||
Y×C×F | * | ns | * | ns |
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