中国农业科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (17): 3702-3711.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.17.012

• 植物保护 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1中国农业科学院植物保护研究所植物病虫害生物学国家重点实验室,北京 100193
    2河北省农林科学院植物保护研究所,河北保定 071030
  • 收稿日期:2020-12-05 接受日期:2020-12-28 出版日期:2021-09-01 发布日期:2021-09-09
  • 通讯作者: 王振营
  • 作者简介:李琴珵,E-mail:
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Chemical Control of Ear Borers on Reducing Fusarium verticillioides Ear Rot and Fumonisin Level

LI QinCheng1(),SHI Jie2,HE KangLai1,WANG ZhenYing1()   

  1. 1State Key Laboratory for Biology of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests, Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100193
    2Plant Protection Institute, Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Baoding 071030, Hebei
  • Received:2020-12-05 Accepted:2020-12-28 Online:2021-09-01 Published:2021-09-09
  • Contact: ZhenYing WANG


【背景】拟轮枝镰孢(Fusarium verticillioides)引起的穗腐病严重影响玉米产量和品质,其产生的伏马毒素威胁食品安全。亚洲玉米螟(Ostrinia furnacalis)和桃蛀螟(Conogethes punctiferalis)等穗期害虫危害可导致玉米严重减产,并加重玉米穗腐病的发生。【目的】评估2种杀虫剂(甲维盐和氯虫苯甲酰胺)、3种杀菌剂(氰烯菌酯、戊唑醇和苯醚甲环唑)对玉米穗期病虫害的防治效果以及对玉米产量和籽粒中伏马毒素含量的影响;明确施用杀虫剂后接菌对穗腐病发病的影响,探究防治玉米穗期病虫害的有效方案,为玉米安全生产提供技术支撑。【方法】以郑单958为供试玉米,在2019年春、夏两季于河北廊坊进行田间试验。玉米大量吐丝后5 d和20 d两次施药,接菌处理于吐丝后7 d进行。在玉米完熟期调查虫害级别、穗腐病发病率和病情指数、果穗穗长、行粒数、穗重和百粒重,计算防治效果和增产情况,并用高效液相色谱-串联质谱法分析籽粒中伏马毒素B1、B2的含量。【结果】与对照相比,施用甲维盐和氯虫苯甲酰胺均可显著降低平均虫害级别、穗腐病发病率、病情指数、伏马毒素含量。与单独施用杀虫剂相比,施用杀虫剂与杀菌剂的混剂未显著降低平均虫害级别、穗腐病发病率、病情指数、伏马毒素含量,也未显著提高产量和对上述病虫害的防治效果。与仅接菌的处理相比,施用氯虫苯甲酰胺后接菌处理在穗腐病发病率、病情指数和伏马毒素含量方面均显著下降。在春玉米和夏玉米试验中,25 g·hm-2氯虫苯甲酰胺及其与杀菌剂的混剂对穗部螟虫的防治效果分别达82.1%—92.7%、94.2%—95.0%,而30 g·hm-2甲维盐及其与杀菌剂的混剂对穗部螟虫的防治效果显著低于25 g·hm-2氯虫苯甲酰胺,仅为57.8%—78.0%、83.1%—89.9%。2种杀虫剂对穗腐病的防治效果无显著差异,春玉米防治效果均>60%,夏玉米防治效果均>88%。对于产量而言,各处理均对果穗穗长和行粒数无显著影响,药剂处理后的果穗穗重均显著高于对照,且各处理间无显著差异。施用杀虫剂后接菌对产量无显著影响。分别施用2种杀虫剂单剂或其与杀菌剂的混剂后,春玉米可增产5.49%—13.49%,夏玉米可增产9.20%—13.95%,玉米籽粒中伏马毒素含量均低于500 μg·kg-1,而对照玉米中伏马毒素含量达2 817 μg·kg -1。喷雾接菌处理的玉米中伏马毒素含量高达8 710 μg·kg -1,而接菌前施用杀虫剂可将伏马毒素含量降至1 500 μg·kg -1以下。【结论】施用25 g·hm-2氯虫苯甲酰胺和30 g·hm-2甲维盐均可通过显著降低玉米蛀穗害虫的危害,从而减轻穗腐病的发生并降低籽粒中伏马毒素含量,提高玉米产量和品质,而杀虫剂/杀菌剂混用与杀虫剂单用对虫害防控效果差异不显著;穗期害虫对果穗的伤害在穗腐病的发生过程中起决定性作用。综合各方面因素,25 g·hm-2的氯虫苯甲酰胺是防治穗期玉米害虫、减轻穗腐病较为理想的药剂。

关键词: 化学防治, 虫害, 拟轮枝镰孢, 玉米穗腐病, 产量, 伏马毒素


【Background】 Fusarium verticillioides is responsible for ear rot occurrence and quality degradation in maize. It gives rise to the production of fumonisin and poses a threat on food security. Ear borers inculding Ostrinia furnacalis and Conogethes punctiferalis can cause severe yield loss and lead to an increase in ear rot occurrence. 【Objective】 The objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of two insecticides (emamectin benzoate and chlorantraniliprole) combined with three fungicides (phenamacril, tebuconazole and difenoconazole) in promoting yield, reducing ear rot severity and fumonisin kernel contamination under natural conditions, clarify the effect of artificial inoculation of F. verticillioides on insecticide efficacy, define an effective schedule for the control of maize pests and provide a theoretical basis for the pesticide field application. 【Method】 Hybrid Zhengdan 958 typically cultivated in China was selected in this study. Field experiments were conducted in Langfang, Hebei Province. Pesticide treatments were conducted 5 d and 20 d after silking, and artificial inoculation of F. verticillioides was conducted 7 d after silking. Insect damage, ear rot occurrence, ear length, kernels per row, 100-grain weight and ear weight were investigated and recorded at harvest phenological stage. Fumonisins B1 and B2 level in kernels was analyzed by LC-MS/MS. 【Result】 Compared with controls, emamectin benzoate and chlorantraniliprole application could significantly reduce borer damage, ear rot occurrence and fumonisins level. While insecticides have been shown to give advantages in their application, adding a fungicide didn’t lead to a significant lower insect damage, ear rot occurrence or fumonisins level. Additional fungicide didn’t lead a significant higher control effect or yield. After inoculating F. verticillioides, chlorantraniliprole application led to a significant decrease in fumonisins level, ear rot incidence and severity. Control effect of 25 g·hm -2 chlorantraniliprole and its combinations on insect damage was 82.1%-92.7% and 94.2%-95.0% in spring and summer maize, respectively. Control effect of 30 g·hm-2 emamectin benzoate was significantly lower, at the level of 57.8%-78.0% in spring maize and 83.1%-89.9% in summer maize. Control effect on ear rot occurrence was >60% in spring maize and >88% in summer maize. No significant difference was found among pesticide treatments. Regarding yield, insecticide application had no significant effect on ear length or kernels per row, while significantly promoted ear weight compared with controls. No significant difference was found among insecticide treatments and mixture treatments. Artificial inoculation of F. verticillioides had no significant impact on yield after insecticide application. The yield of spring and summer maize increased by 5.49%-13.49% and 9.20%-13.95% after applying insecticides or mixture of insecticides with fungicides, respectively. Kernel fumonisins level was lower than 500 μg·kg -1 after insecticide or mixture of insecticides with fungicides application, while the level in controls was 2 817 μg·kg -1. Kernel fumonisins level after inoculating F. verticillioides reached up to 8 710 μg·kg-1, while the number could be reduced to 1 500 μg·kg -1 after insecticide application. 【Conclusion】 These results indicated that 25 g·hm-2 chlorantraniliprole and 30 g·hm-2 emamectin benzoate application can reduce ear rot occurrence and fumonisin level, improve maize yield and quality by controlling insect damage. No significant difference was found in insecticide treatments and mixture of insecticide with fungicide treatments. Insect infestation plays a decisive role in the F. verticillioides infection. Taking all aspects into consideration, 25 g·hm -2 chlorantraniliprole is relative ideal in maize pest control.

Key words: chemical control, pest, Fusarium verticillioides, maize ear rot, yield, fumonisin