中国农业科学 ›› 2020, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (19): 3928-3941.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.19.007
张春雨,E-mail: 基金资助:
ZHANG ChunYu(),BAI Jing,DING XiangPeng,ZHANG JiWang,LIU Peng,REN BaiZhao,ZHAO Bin()
【目的】增密是玉米增产的重要途径之一,但随种植密度的增大,往往会造成群体郁闭,光能利用率下降。因此,本研究探索通过改变种植模式削弱增密后对植株产生的负面效应。【方法】试验于2018和2019年,以登海605和郑单958为试验材料,设置67 500株/hm2、82 500株/hm22种密度,以常规对株种植为对照,研究错株种植和密度对夏玉米产量与光合特性的影响,以期探明错株种植与密度的互作机理,提出高产夏玉米适宜的种植模式。【结果】增密降低了群体整齐度,穗位叶净光合速率(Pn)、光合关键酶活性及叶绿素含量有所下降;光合关键酶活性在高密度下随生育期推进降幅更大,表明增密会使叶片衰老速率增大,不利于植株的光合作用。错株种植模式下群体整齐度提高,茎叶夹角增大,叶片更为平展,光能截获率增大,Pn、光合关键酶活性及叶绿素含量提高,群体干物质积累量及干物质向籽粒中的分配比例增大,进而显著提高了产量,错株种植较对株种植2个品种平均增产3.8%—6.1%。错株种植在保证群体数量的前提下削弱了群体内个体植株间对光温资源的竞争,保证玉米个体发育潜力的充分发挥,使玉米群体与个体协调发展。【结论】错株种植能显著改善群体冠层结构,优化群体的光照条件,增强其光合性能及物质生产能力,提高玉米产量。在本试验条件下,综合分析认为,82 500株/hm2密度条件下错株种植的模式表现最好,可为创建玉米高产栽培模式提供借鉴。
张春雨,白晶,丁相鹏,张吉旺,刘鹏,任佰朝,赵斌. 错株增密种植对夏玉米光合特性及产量的影响[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(19): 3928-3941.
ZHANG ChunYu,BAI Jing,DING XiangPeng,ZHANG JiWang,LIU Peng,REN BaiZhao,ZHAO Bin. Effects of Staggered Planting with Increased Density on the Photosynthetic Characteristics and Yield of Summer Maize[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(19): 3928-3941.
年份 Year | 试验地点 Test location | 有机质 Organic matter (g·kg-1) | 全氮 Total N (g·kg-1) | 速效氮 Available N (mg·kg-1) | 速效磷 Available P (mg·kg-1) | 速效钾 Available K (mg·kg-1) |
2018 | 泰安市马庄镇试验基地 Test base in Mazhuang town, Tai'an city | 11.20 | 0.71 | 56.43 | 28.32 | 109.01 |
2019 | 黄淮海区域玉米技术创新中心 Huang-huai-hai regional maize technology innovation center | 10.38 | 0.78 | 57.11 | 36.51 | 126.87 |
年份 Year | 品种 Maize variety | 密度 Density | 种植模式 Planting pattern | 收获穗数 Harvested ear number (ears/hm2) | 穗粒数 Number of kernels per ear | 千粒重 Thousand kernel weight (g) | 籽粒产量 Yield (kg·hm-2) |
2018 | DH605 | LD | P | 65558.8b | 447.2a | 330.8a | 9245.2c |
S | 66670.0b | 467.9a | 334.9a | 10094.8c | |||
HD | P | 82226.3a | 403.3b | 312.8b | 11036.5b | ||
S | 81115.2a | 408.3b | 335.8a | 11916.1a | |||
ZD958 | LD | P | 66670.0b | 494.7a | 316.1ab | 11005.6c | |
S | 67781.2b | 484.2a | 320.6a | 11626.4b | |||
HD | P | 78892.8a | 461.4ab | 312.0b | 11459.8b | ||
S | 82226.3a | 450.9b | 322.4a | 11801.0a | |||
2019 | DH605 | LD | P | 66670.0b | 515.7b | 330.8ab | 11213.5c |
S | 65558.8b | 535.9a | 336.0a | 11229.6c | |||
HD | P | 81115.2a | 486.0c | 321.6b | 11630.0b | ||
S | 83337.5a | 519.1b | 331.8a | 12190.9a | |||
ZD958 | LD | P | 65558.8b | 533.8b | 322.3a | 11150.9c | |
S | 66670.0b | 556.2a | 316.3a | 11786.2b | |||
HD | P | 82226.3a | 511.6c | 293.7b | 11390.1b | ||
S | 80004.0a | 543.5a | 310.9a | 12384.4a | |||
ANOVA | |||||||
年份Year | ns | ** | ns | ** | |||
品种Maize variety | ns | ** | ** | * | |||
密度Density | ** | * | * | ** | |||
种植模式Planting pattern | ns | * | ns | ** | |||
密度×种植模式Density×Planting pattern | ns | ns | ** | * |
年份 Year | 品种 Maize variety | 密度 Density | 种植模式 Planting pattern | 穗粒数整齐度 Uniformity of harvested ear number | 干物重整齐度 Uniformity of dry matter eight | 叶面积整齐度 Uniformity of leaf area |
2018 | DH605 | LD | P | 95.27ab | 90.43b | 95.09ab |
S | 99.55a | 93.15a | 96.32a | |||
HD | P | 94.61b | 89.73b | 91.80b | ||
S | 95.06ab | 91.11ab | 94.09ab | |||
ZD958 | LD | P | 94.21ab | 91.43ab | 93.47ab | |
S | 98.13a | 93.67a | 95.09s | |||
HD | P | 89.59b | 88.48b | 88.34b | ||
S | 96.82a | 89.87b | 92.87ab | |||
2019 | DH605 | LD | P | 97.94ab | 90.07ab | 92.14a |
S | 99.76a | 90.44ab | 92.55a | |||
HD | P | 94.08b | 89.23b | 90.00a | ||
S | 98.64a | 91.19a | 93.26a | |||
ZD958 | LD | P | 96.49a | 90.06a | 90.88ab | |
S | 99.92a | 90.77a | 94.62a | |||
HD | P | 90.46b | 90.00a | 88.48b | ||
S | 93.54b | 90.81a | 93.65a | |||
ANOVA | ||||||
年份Year | ns | ns | ns | |||
品种Maize variety | * | * | ns | |||
密度Density | ** | ns | * | |||
种植模式Planting pattern | * | * | ** | |||
密度×种植模式Density×Planting pattern | * | ns | * |
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