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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2013, Vol. 12 Issue (2): 319-326    DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(13)60231-2
ANIMAL SCIENCE · VETERINARY SCIENCE Advanced Online Publication | Current Issue | Archive | Adv Search |
Effects of Increasing Non-Fiber Carbohydrate to Neutral Detergent Fiber Ratio on Rumen Fermentation and Microbiota in Goats
 LIU Da-cheng, ZHOU Xiang-li, ZHAO Pei-ting, GAO Min, HAN Hao-qi, HU Hong-lian
1.College of Veterinary Medicine, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Huhhot 010018, P.R.China
2.Key Laboratory of Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Techniques for Animal Disease of Ministry of Agriculture, Huhhot 010018, P.R.China
3.Animal Nutrition Institute of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Academy of Inner Mongolia, Huhhot 010031, P.R.China
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摘要  Six rumen-cannulated lactating Guanzhong goats were used to investigate changes in ruminal fermentation pattern and the microbiota following a subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) inducing procedure. Induction of SARA was performed by increasing dietary non-fiber carbohydrate (NFC) to neutral detergent fiber (NDF) ratio from 1.02 (stage 1) to 1.24 (stage 2), 1.63 (stage 3) and 2.58 (stage 4). A dynamic pH monitoring system, real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR and conventional anaerobic culture were used to assess changes in ruminal pH and microbiota. Results indicated that rumen fermentation patterns changed significantly with increased NFC:NDF ratio. The decline in ruminal pH was caused by increased ruminal total volatile fatty acids (TVFA), which was mainly attributed to a significant increase in ruminal butyrate, rather than the accumulation of ruminal lactic acid. In addition, in the course of SARA, the number of rumen microoganisms altered significantly, with increases in ruminal amylolytic bacteria, Lactobacilli, Streptococcus bovis and Megasphaera elsdenii, the latter particularly dramatically indicating that it may be the main factor responsible for the increase in butyrate, and decrease in protozoa

Abstract  Six rumen-cannulated lactating Guanzhong goats were used to investigate changes in ruminal fermentation pattern and the microbiota following a subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) inducing procedure. Induction of SARA was performed by increasing dietary non-fiber carbohydrate (NFC) to neutral detergent fiber (NDF) ratio from 1.02 (stage 1) to 1.24 (stage 2), 1.63 (stage 3) and 2.58 (stage 4). A dynamic pH monitoring system, real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR and conventional anaerobic culture were used to assess changes in ruminal pH and microbiota. Results indicated that rumen fermentation patterns changed significantly with increased NFC:NDF ratio. The decline in ruminal pH was caused by increased ruminal total volatile fatty acids (TVFA), which was mainly attributed to a significant increase in ruminal butyrate, rather than the accumulation of ruminal lactic acid. In addition, in the course of SARA, the number of rumen microoganisms altered significantly, with increases in ruminal amylolytic bacteria, Lactobacilli, Streptococcus bovis and Megasphaera elsdenii, the latter particularly dramatically indicating that it may be the main factor responsible for the increase in butyrate, and decrease in protozoa
Keywords:  rumen fermentation       rumen microorganisms       subacute ruminal acidosis       goat  
Received: 24 May 2012   Accepted:

We acknowledge support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30960252), and the earmarked fund for Modern Agro-Industry Technology Research System of China.

Corresponding Authors:  Correspondence LIU Da-cheng, Mobile: 13664816212, Fax: +86-471-4309176, E-mail:     E-mail:

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LIU Da-cheng, ZHOU Xiang-li, ZHAO Pei-ting, GAO Min, HAN Hao-qi, , HUHong-lian . 2013. Effects of Increasing Non-Fiber Carbohydrate to Neutral Detergent Fiber Ratio on Rumen Fermentation and Microbiota in Goats. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 12(2): 319-326.

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