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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2022, Vol. 21 Issue (6): 1645-1657    DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(21)63790-5
Special Issue: 园艺-分子生物合辑Horticulture — Genetics · Breeding
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PbPH5, an H+ P-ATPase on the tonoplast, is related to malic acid accumulation in pear fruit
SONG Jun-xing, CHEN Ying-can, LU Zhao-hui, ZHAO Guang-ping, WANG Xiao-li, ZHAI Rui, WANG Zhi-gang, YANG Cheng-quan, XU Ling-fei
College of Horticulture, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, P.R.China
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本研究通过比较基因表达量和有机酸含量,发现了一个P3A亚家族成员PbPH5基因的表达量与不同梨系统的苹果酸积累呈高度相关,且与白梨系统、西洋梨系统、砂梨系统和秋子梨系统中的相关性分别是0.932**,0.656*,0.900**和0.518*(*P<0.05或** P<0.01)。在梨果实中过表达PbPH5基因后苹果酸含量增加,沉默PbPH5基因后苹果酸含量降低;亚细胞定位结果显示PbPH5定位于液泡膜。此外,系统发育分析结果表明PbPH5基因是PH5的同源基因,与矮牵牛、苹果和柑橘PH5基因归于同一支。综上所述,这些结果表明PbPH5是一个较为保守的基因,而且,梨果实中苹果酸的积累至少部分与PbPH5基因表达量相关。


Organic acids are one of the most important factors influencing fruit flavors. The predominant organic acid in most pear cultivars is malic acid, but the mechanism controlling its accumulation remains unclear. In this study, by comparing gene expression levels and organic acid content, we revealed that the expression of PbPH5, which encodes a P3A-ATPase, is highly correlated with malic acid accumulation in different pear species, with correlation coefficients of 0.932**, 0.656*, 0.900**, and 0.518* (*, P<0.05 or **, P<0.01) in Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd., P. communis Linn., P. pyrifolia Nakai., and P. ussuriensis Maxim., respectively. Moreover, the overexpression of PbPH5 in pear significantly increased the malic acid content. In contrast, silencing PbPH5 via RNA interference significantly decreased its transcript level and the pear fruit malic acid content. A subcellular localization analysis indicated that PbPH5 is located in the tonoplast. Additionally, a phylogenetic analysis proved that PbPH5 is a PH5 homolog gene that is clustered with Petunia hybrida, Malus domestica, and Citrus reticulata genes. Considered together, these findings suggest PbPH5 is a functionally conserved gene. Furthermore, the accumulation of malic acid in pear fruits is at least partly related to the changes in PbPH5 transcription levels.

Keywords:  pear       P3A-ATPase        PH5 homolog       malic acid accumulation       proton pump  
Received: 03 March 2021   Accepted: 08 July 2021

This research was funded by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2019YFD1001400) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31601715).  

About author:  SONG Jun-xing, E-mail:; Correspondence YANG Cheng-quan, Tel: +86-29-87081023, E-mail:; XU Ling-fei, Tel: +86-29-87081023, E-mail:

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SONG Jun-xing, CHEN Ying-can, LU Zhao-hui, ZHAO Guang-ping, WANG Xiao-li, ZHAI Rui, WANG Zhi-gang, YANG Cheng-quan, XU Ling-fei. 2022. PbPH5, an H+ P-ATPase on the tonoplast, is related to malic acid accumulation in pear fruit. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 21(6): 1645-1657.

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