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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2022, Vol. 21 Issue (12): 3684-3691    DOI: 10.1016/j.jia.2022.08.123
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Neopestalotiopsis eucalypti, a causal agent of grapevine shoot rot in cutting nurseries in China
MA Xuan-yan1, JIAO Wei-qi1, LI Heng1, ZHANG Wei2, REN Wei-chao1, WU Yan1, ZHANG Zhi-chang3, LI Bao-hua1, ZHOU Shan-yue1
1 College of Plant Health and Medicine, Qingdao Agricultural University/Engineering Research Center for Precision Pest Management for Fruits and Vegetables of Qingdao, Qingdao 266109, P.R.China
2 Beijing Key Laboratory of Environment Friendly Management on Fruit Diseases and Pests in North China, Institute of Plant and Environment Protection, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Beijing 100097, P.R.China
3 Shandong Zhichang Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., Rizhao 276500, P.R.China
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葡萄是一种重要的水果作物,我国的葡萄产量约占全球总产量的15%,位列世界第一。扦插是葡萄快速繁殖的重要手段,然而近两年来我们在日照莒县的葡萄扦插苗圃中发现大量葡萄新芽受病菌侵染而腐烂死亡,给葡萄苗生产造成严重损失。为了明确引起该现象的原因,在本研究中,我们通过组织分离法获得了36个真菌菌株,经菌落和分生孢子的形态鉴定以及利用转录间隔区(ITS)、翻译延伸因子(Tef)和β-微管蛋白(Tub2)进行多基因系统发育分析鉴定,36个菌株分别属于Sclerotium, Neopestalotiopsis, Botryosphaeria, Fusarium, Clonostachys Botrytis 6个属,而其中N. eucalypti是一种首次在葡萄上分离到的菌株。按照柯赫氏法则,对葡萄枝蔓进行离体和活体接种,结果显示N. eucalypti引起葡萄枝蔓的组织腐烂坏死,并在坏死斑表面产生大量黑色分生孢子盘。本文首次报道了N. eucalypti侵染能够引发葡萄枝枯病,该研究结果为苗圃中葡萄新芽腐烂坏死防控策略的制定奠定了基础。

Abstract  Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is an economically important fruit crop in the world, and China ranks first in the production of grapes with approximately 15% of the world’s total yield.  However, diseases that cause the death of grapevine shoots pose a severe threat to the production of grapes.  In this study, the fungus Neopestalotiopsis eucalypti was identified as a causal pathogen of grapevine shoot rot based on the morphology of conidia and a phylogenetic analysis.  The phylogenetic analysis was performed with three isolates based on the combined sequence of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of ribosomal DNA, part of the translation elongation factor 1-alpha (Tef) and the β-tubulin (Tub2) genes.  The three isolates were all identified as N. eucalypti.  Pathogenicity tests of the three fungal isolates were conducted on grapevines shoots in vitro and in vivo.  The results showed that all three fungal isolates caused severe rot lesions on the inoculated grapevine shoots, and N. eucalypti was re-isolated from the inoculated grapevine shoots.  Therefore, N. eucalypti was confirmed as a causal agent of the grapevine shoot rot.  This is the first report of N. eucalypti causing grapevine shoot disease in China.
Keywords:  Neopestalotiopsis eucalypti        grapevine shoot rot       multigene phylogenetic analysis       pathogenicity  
Received: 24 February 2022   Accepted: 01 May 2022

The authors would give thanks to the financial support from the earmarked fund for China Agriculture Research System (CARS-27).

About author:  Correspondence ZHOU Shan-yue, E-mail:

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MA Xuan-yan, JIAO Wei-qi, LI Heng, ZHANG Wei, REN Wei-chao, WU Yan, ZHANG Zhi-chang, LI Bao-hua, ZHOU Shan-yue. 2022. Neopestalotiopsis eucalypti, a causal agent of grapevine shoot rot in cutting nurseries in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 21(12): 3684-3691.

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