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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2022, Vol. 21 Issue (1): 78-90    DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(20)63559-6
Special Issue: 棉花合辑Cotton
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Effects of chemical topping on cotton development, yield and quality in the Yellow River Valley of China
ZHU Ling-xiao1*, LIU Lian-tao1*, SUN Hong-chun1, ZHANG Yong-jiang1, ZHANG Ke1, BAI Zhi-ying1, LI An-chang1, DONG He-zhong2, LI Cun-dong1
1 College of Agronomy, Hebei Agricultural University/State Key Laboratory of North China Crop Improvement and Regulation/Key Laboratory of Crop Growth Regulation of Hebei Province, Baoding 071001, P.R.China
2 Cotton Research Center, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jinan 250100, P.R.China
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Abstract  Topping is a cultivation method that is widely practiced due to the indeterminate growth character of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.).  Among the different methods of accomplishing topping, manual topping is common in the Yellow River Valley of China, although it is time- and labor-intensive.  The objective of this study was to characterize the responses of cotton to different topping treatments with respect to development, yield and quality.  This study included field experiments from 2015 to 2016 with three different topping methods: manual topping (MT), chemical topping (CT) using mepiquat chloride, and a non-decapitation treatment (NT).  We found that the plant height, the number of fruiting branches and the length of upper fruiting branches of cotton treated with CT were significantly lower than NT.  The chlorophyll content of cotton treated with CT was not significantly different from NT, but was higher than that of MT in the later season.  CT enhanced plant development with reduced endogenous gibberellic acid and abscisic acid contents, and the apical development of the main stem was inhibited.  Compared with MT, CT significantly increased the biomass of the vegetative parts.  Most importantly, there were no significant differences in the yield or fiber quality between MT and CT.  These findings suggested that CT, a simplified and effective topping method, could be utilized as an alternative in the Yellow River Valley of China.
Keywords:  cotton       topping        development        yield        fiber quality  
Received: 09 April 2020   Accepted: 17 November 2020
Fund: This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31571610 and 31871569) and the Modern Technology System of the Agricultural Industry in Hebei, China (HBCT2018040201).
About author:  ZHU Ling-xiao, E-mail:; LIU Lian-tao, E-mail:; Correspondence LI Cun-dong, Tel: +86-312-7521316, E-mail: * These authors contributed equally to this study.

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ZHU Ling-xiao, LIU Lian-tao, SUN Hong-chun, ZHANG Yong-jiang, ZHANG Ke, BAI Zhi-ying, LI An-chang, DONG He-zhong, LI Cun-dong . 2022. Effects of chemical topping on cotton development, yield and quality in the Yellow River Valley of China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 21(1): 78-90.

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