Characterization of Growth and Light Utilization for Rice Genotypes with Different Tiller Angles |
OUYANG You-nan, ZENG Fan-rong, ZHAN Ling, ZHANG Guo-ping |
1.Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture and Biotechnology
2.State Key Laboratory for Rice Biology, China National Rice Research Institute
3.College of Life and Environment Sciences, Hangzhou Normal University |
摘要 Tiller angle is very important for plant architecture and canopy structure in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Physiological and ecological characteristics of three rice genotypes with different tiller angle habits were compared in the paper. DI508, a genotype with changing tiller angle during the growth, has semi-erect tillers at early tillering stage, similar to genotype M09, and had erect tillers at late stage, similar to genotype 9308. In terms of dry biomass per plant, DI508 was consistently higher than those of M09 and 9308 throughout the growth. It was also a distinct difference of leaf area per plant that DI508 was larger than two others. From booting stage, DI508 and 9308 maintained higher photosynthetic ability of the topmost three leaves, while M09 showed rapid decline in photosynthesis during grain filling. It may be concluded that the genotype DI508 with dynamic tiller angle habit has a comprehensive advantage of fast growth and high weed competition at early stage and slow decline in photosynthesis at late stage.
Abstract Tiller angle is very important for plant architecture and canopy structure in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Physiological and ecological characteristics of three rice genotypes with different tiller angle habits were compared in the paper. DI508, a genotype with changing tiller angle during the growth, has semi-erect tillers at early tillering stage, similar to genotype M09, and had erect tillers at late stage, similar to genotype 9308. In terms of dry biomass per plant, DI508 was consistently higher than those of M09 and 9308 throughout the growth. It was also a distinct difference of leaf area per plant that DI508 was larger than two others. From booting stage, DI508 and 9308 maintained higher photosynthetic ability of the topmost three leaves, while M09 showed rapid decline in photosynthesis during grain filling. It may be concluded that the genotype DI508 with dynamic tiller angle habit has a comprehensive advantage of fast growth and high weed competition at early stage and slow decline in photosynthesis at late stage.
Received: 01 August 2010
Fund: The authors are deeply indebted to the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30700486), the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province, China (Y3110099), and the China Spark Program (2008GA700004) for their support to this project. |
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Correspondence ZHANG Guo-ping, Professor, Tel: +86-571-86971115, Fax: +86-571-86971117, E-mail: zhanggp@zju.edu.cn
E-mail: zhanggp@zju.edu.cn
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OUYANG You-nan, ZENG Fan-rong, ZHAN Ling, ZHANG Guo-ping.
Characterization of Growth and Light Utilization for Rice Genotypes with Different Tiller Angles. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 10(11): 1701-1709.
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