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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2022, Vol. 21 Issue (12): 3488-3500    DOI: 10.1016/j.jia.2022.08.093
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Quantitative analysis of the effect of the PAY1 gene on rice canopy structure during different reproductive stages
WEI Cui-lan1, CAO Bing-shuai2, HUA Shan3, LI Bao-guo4
1 College of Environment and Ecology, Jiangsu Open University, Nanjing 210036, P.R.China
2 Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Nanjing 210042, P.R.China
3 Institute of Agricultural Equipment, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou 310021, P.R.China
4 Colleague of Land Science and Technology, China Agriculture University, Beijing 100193,P.R.China
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叶型和茎型是水稻株型的核心冠层结构特征,决定了及其冠层光截获能力,直接影响着作物产量。PLANT ARCHITECTURE AND YIELD 1(PAY1)基因被证实能够改变野生稻匍匐特性,对野生稻匍匐生长习性基因PROSTRATE GROWTH 1PROG1)具有一定抑制作用。本文选择含有PROG1基因的水稻材料YIL55及其突变体PAY1,以及其母本TQ为供试材料,基于三维数字化测定技术,构建了三种株型水稻的冠层三维结构模型。在此基础上,定量分析在PAY1基因作用下,植株叶型和茎型在拔节期、抽穗期和灌浆期的变化。结果表明,在PAY1基因影响下,植株茎叶夹角显著降低并趋于直立,叶片增大,植株茎集散度由松散型转变为紧凑型,三个关键生育期时的平均茎倾角由44.9°28.5°21.3°分别减小至17.6°8.4°10.5°。此外,PAY1基因保留了PROG1基因水稻全生育期分蘖角度动态变化的特性,茎集散度由拔节期的松散型变化为抽穗期时的紧凑型。冠层光合有效辐射测定结果也表明突变体PAY1的株型结构更有利于冠层底部的光截获,其在早、中、晚的消光系数分别为0.5350.3120.586,均低于其他两种株型。本文通过定量分析PAY1基因对水稻冠层结构特征的影响,旨在为株型选育提供有效冠层结构特征参数,为理想株型育种提供借鉴。

Abstract  The leaf and stem types are core structural characteristics of the rice phenotype that determine the light interception ability of the canopy and directly affect crop yield.  The PLANT ARCHITECTURE AND YIELD 1 (PAY1) gene has been shown to alter the prostrate growth habit of wild rice and to inhibit the wild rice prostrate growth gene PROSTRATE GROWTH 1 (PROG1).  In this paper, the wild rice introgression line YIL55, which contains the PROG1 gene; its mutant, PAY1; and its parent, TQ, were used as test varieties to construct three-dimensional (3D) canopy structure models based on 3D digital assay technology.  On this basis, quantitative analyses of the PAY1 gene and the plant leaf and stem types at the jointing, heading and filling stages were performed.  Under the influence of the PAY1 gene, the plant stem and leaf angles from vertical decreased significantly; the plants were upright, with larger leaves; the culm angle changed from loose to compact; and the average tiller angle during the three key reproductive stages decreased from 44.9, 28.5 and 21.3° to 17.6, 8.4 and 10.5°, respectively.  Moreover, the PAY1 mutant retained the PROG1 gene characteristic of exhibiting dynamic changes in the tiller angle throughout the growth period, and its culm angle changed from loose during the jointing stage to compact during the heading stage.  The measurements of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in the canopy also showed that the mutant PAY1 allowed more PAR to reach the bottom of the canopy than the other varieties.  The light-extinction coefficients for PAY1 at the jointing, heading and filling stages were 0.535, 0.312 and 0.586, respectively, which were lower than those of the other two varieties.  In this study, the influence of the PAY1 gene on rice canopy structural characteristics was quantitatively analyzed to provide effective canopy structure parameters for breeding the ideal plant type.
Keywords:  rice        plant type        3D digitization technology        canopy structure  
Received: 28 June 2021   Accepted: 09 September 2021
Fund: Part of this research was funded by the General Project of Natural Science Research in Higher Education Institutions in Jiangsu Province, China (18KJB210003), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, China (BK20200112) and the Postdoctoral Research Funding Scheme of Jiangsu Province, China (2018K067B).
About author:  Correspondence CAO Bing-shuai, E-mail:

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WEI Cui-lan, CAO Bing-shuai, HUA Shan, LI Bao-guo. 2022. Quantitative analysis of the effect of the PAY1 gene on rice canopy structure during different reproductive stages. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 21(12): 3488-3500.

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