Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (20): 3897-3909.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2022.20.003
JU Ming(),MIAO HongMei,HUANG YingYing,MA Qin,WANG HuiLi,WANG CuiYing,DUAN YingHui,HAN XiuHua,ZHANG HaiYang(
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[1] | LIU AiLi,WEI MengYuan,LI DongHua,ZHOU Rong,ZHANG XiuRong,YOU Jun. Cloning and Function Analysis of Sesame Galactinol Synthase Gene SiGolS6 in Arabidopsis [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(17): 3432-3442. |
[2] | LI Jie,JIA XuChao,ZHANG RuiFen,LIU Lei,CHI JianWei,HUANG Fei,DONG LiHong,ZHANG MingWei. Isolation, Structural Characterization and Antioxidant Activity of Black Sesame Melanin [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(12): 2477-2492. |
[3] | SUN Jian,YAN XiaoWen,LE MeiWang,RAO YueLiang,YAN TingXian,YE YanYing,ZHOU HongYing. Physiological Response Mechanism of Drought Stress in Different Drought-Tolerance Genotypes of Sesame During Flowering Period [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2019, 52(7): 1215-1226. |
[4] | ZHOU Rong,LIU Pan,LI DongHua,ZHANG YanXin,WANG LinHai,ZHANG XiuRong,WEI Xin. Cloning and Functional Characterization of Sesame SiSAD Gene [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2019, 52(10): 1678-1685. |
[5] | HAN YaFei, WANG XueDe, ZHENG YongZhan, MEI HongXian, WEI AnChi, LIU YanYang. Study on Changes of Sesame Protein Content and Its Components of Yuzhi 11 Sesame Seed During Growth Period [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2018, 51(4): 652-661. |
[6] | ZHANG YuJuan, YOU Jun, LIU AiLi, LI DongHua, YU JingYin, WANG YanYan, ZHOU Rong, GONG HuiHui, ZHANG XiuRong. Screening Method for Salt Tolerance in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) and Identification of Candidate Salt-tolerant Genes [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2018, 51(12): 2235-2247. |
[7] | LIU WenPing, Lü Wei, LI DongHua, REN GuoXiang, ZHANG YanXin, WEN Fei, HAN JunMei, ZHANG XiuRong. Drought Resistance of Sesame Germplasm Resources and Association Analysis at Adult Stage [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2017, 50(4): 625-639. |
[8] | LIU YanYang, MEI HongXian, DU ZhenWei, WU Ke, ZHENG YongZhan, CUI XiangHua, ZHENG Lei. Construction of Core Collection of Sesame Based on Phenotype and Molecular Markers [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2017, 50(13): 2433-2441. |
[9] | YANG MinMin, LIU HongYan, ZHOU Ting, QU HongHao, YANG YuanXiao, WEI Xin, ZUO Yang, ZHAO YingZhong. Production and Identification of F1 Interspecific Hybrid Between Sesamum indicum and Wild Relative S. Indicatum [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2017, 50(10): 1763-1771. |
[10] | WU Xiang-yang, CHENG Chao-ze, Lü Gao-qiang, WANG Xin-yu. Identification and Characterization of the AQP Gene Family in Sesame [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2016, 49(10): 1844-1858. |
[11] | LIU Chang-you, FAN Bao-jie, CAO Zhi-min, SU Qiu-zhu, WANG Yan, ZHANG Zhi-xiao, CHENG Xu-zhen, TIAN Jing. Interspecific Hybridization Among Vigna Species [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2015, 48(3): 426-435. |
[12] | ZHANG Yan-Xin, WANG Lin-Hai, LI Dong-Hua, GAO Yuan, 吕Hai-Xia , ZHANG Xiu-Rong. Mapping of Sesame Waterlogging Tolerance QTL and Identification of Excellent Waterlogging Tolerant Germplasm [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2014, 47(3): 422-430. |
[13] | YU Xiao-Yan-1, XING Shu-Tang-2, ZHAO Lan-Yong-1. Analysis on the Barriers of Interspecific Hybridization Between Rosa rugosa and Rosa hybrid [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2014, 47(15): 3112-3120. |
[14] | HE Liang-Qiong, XIONG Fa-Qian, ZHONG Rui-Chun, HAN Zhu-Qiang, LI Zhong, TANG Xiu-Mei, JIANG Jing, TANG Rong-Hua, HE Xin-Hua. Study on Genome Variations by Using SCoT Markers During Allopolyploidization of the Cultivated Peanut ×A. chacoensis [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2013, 46(8): 1555-1563. |
[15] | WANG Liang, WANG Chu-Chu, JIANG Jia-Fu, CHEN Su-Mei, FANG Wei-Min, TENG Nian-Jun, GUAN Zhi-Yong, LIAO Yuan, CHEN Fa-Di. Interspecific Hybridization Between Chrysanthemum morifolium ‘Nannongyinshan’ and C. zawadskii and Identification of Waterlogging Tolerance of Their Hybrid [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2013, 46(20): 4328-4335. |