Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2020, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (19): 4070-4082.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.19.019


A Review on Longevity Trait in Dairy Cattle Breeding

ZHANG HaiLiang(),LIU AoXing,MI SiYuan,LI Xiang,LUO HanPeng,YAN XinYi,WANG YaChun()   

  1. College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193
  • Received:2019-11-08 Accepted:2020-01-13 Online:2020-10-01 Published:2020-10-19
  • Contact: YaChun WANG;


Longevity is an important functional trait in dairy cattle. In addition to yield traits, longevity is more economically important than other traits in dairy breeding. The characteristics of longevity include low heritability, unfollowing normal distribution and performance later, hence longevity is the most difficult trait to select in dairy breeding. Since the 1950s, dairy breeders have begun to pay attention to longevity traits. Now, researches on longevity traits have continued. After the 1990s, longevity has been included in total selection index in many countries. However, longevity traits currently are not included in China Dairy Performance Index (CPI), and the study on longevity traits is also in its infancy in China. This review presented the trait definitions, methods of genetic evaluation, relationships between other traits, genetic makers, and selection strategies on longevity traits to systematically introduce its research and application in dairy industry. The complex relationships between longevity and other traits were described by summarizing the genetic correlation coefficients reported by many studies. The selection strategies for longevity traits in the various countries with developed dairy industry were highlighted by summarizing information collected from their dairy breeding program. Furthermore, this review also summarized the studies on longevity traits in dairy cattle in China. Longevity traits had various definitions, and there were various models used to preform genetic analysis, including linear model, threshold model, survival model and random regression model. There were low to moderate genetic correlations between longevity and other traits, including yield, linear type, fertility, health and workability traits, in which the higher genetic correlations were found between longevity and linear type traits in udder system. Generally, dairy cows with better performance on fertility and health traits were better on longevity. Among different populations, there were some differences on relationships between longevity and other traits, which were largely influenced by selection goals of current population. The total selection indexes in many countries included longevity. In addition to using direct longevity to select it, the indirect selection methods were also used in many countries. Udder system, strength, rump angle, feet and leg system, and mastitis resistance were comment traits used to indirect selection. Many genetic markers associated with longevity have been found in various populations, most of which were in genetic regions that have been reported to be associated with traits such as reproduction, disease and body type. Finally, this review also proposed the necessities of collecting longevity data, estimating genetic parameters, locating genetic markers, exploring evaluation model and selection strategy in China dairy cattle population.

Key words: longevity, genetic evaluation, genetic correlation, genetic maker, genetic selection, dairy cattle

Fig. 1

Genetic correlations between longevity and type traits All confirmation traits are linear type traits of dairy cattle. The longevity traits defined as the survival status are uniformly converted into the survival rate (the survival is defined as 1), and the favorable direction of its EBV is consistent with the longevity traits defined as the life length. In figure 1, “ ” “ ” “ ” represent that the number of literature related to current trait was less than 5, 5 to 10, or more than 10, respectively. The literature related to this figure is not listed in references "

Fig. 2

Genetic correlations between longevity and production, fertility, health and workability traits The longevity traits defined as the survival status are uniformly converted into the survival rate (the survival is defined as 1), and the favorable direction of its EBV is consistent with the longevity traits defined as the life length. Among the non-return rate, clinical mastitis, and fertility diseases, cows with no return, clinical mastitis, or reproductive diseases respectively were defined as 1. In figure 2, “ ” “ ” “ ” represent that the number of literature related to current trait was less than 5, 5 to 10, or more than 10, respectively. The literature related to this figure is not listed in references "

Table 1

Genome-wide association analysis on longevity traits"

Trait definition
Analysis method
Chromosome of significant SNP
Candidate gene
STERI [61] 荷斯坦牛
Productive life
Trait deviations
Simple regression
Herd life
The number of calving
NAYERI [60] 荷斯坦牛
Herd life
Deregressed proof
Single SNP regression
Indirect longevity
5、6、18 NPFFR2
HAY [62] 合成品种
Composite breed
Productive life
Corrected phenotypes
Single SNP regression
SAOWAPHAK[63] 杂交荷斯坦牛
Cross Holstein
Productive life
Single step GWAS
ZHANG[64] 荷斯坦牛
Partial productive life
Deregressed proof
Linear mixed model
NPFFR2、vitamin D-buinding protein、PPP1R14C、GCH1、ZNF613 ZNF617
Nordic Red dairy cattle
6、21、23、25 CCDC149、LGI2、KCNK16
MéSZáROS [65] 西门塔尔牛
Productive life
Deregressed proof
Single SNP regression
6、13、14、19、21 DERL1、SNTG1、LOC614437、ALB、AFP、LOC100140503、ADAMTS3、E2F1、RALY、SYT10、NTRK2
COLE[59] 荷斯坦牛
Productive life
Predicted transmitting ability
Single SNP regression
7、X INSR、LOC520057

Table 2

Genetic evaluation and selection on longevity traits in various countries"

Trait definition
Methods of genetic evaluation
Weight in index
直接长寿:头胎产犊 - 120 d、120- 240 d、240 d-2胎产犊、2胎产犊 - 3胎产犊、3胎产犊- 4胎产犊期间的存活状态,共5个性状
Direct longevity: a total 5 traits, survival status from the 1st calving to day 120, day 120 to day 240, day 240 to 2nd calving, 2nd calving to 3rd calving, and 3rd calving to 4th calving
五性状 - BLUP - 动物模型
5 traits - BLUP - Animal model
Indirect longevity: including somatic cell score, milking speed, non-return rate, calving to first service interval and some type traits
Direct longevity: productive life
单性状 - BLUP - 动物模型
Single trait - BLUP - Animal model
Indirect longevity: including somatic cell score, milk yield, milk fat yield, milk protein yield and some type traits
头胎产犊后1 - 72月龄期间的存活状态
Survival status from the first calving to the age of 72 months
单性状 - 随机回归 - BLUP - 动物模型
Single trait - Random regression - BLUP - Animal model
前3胎次内泌乳0-49 d、50- 249 d、250 d -下次产犊期间的存活状态,共9个性状
A total of 9 traits, survival status from day 0 to 49, day 50 to 249 and day 250 to the next calving after the current calving among the first 3 lactations
多性状 - BLUP - 动物模型
Muti-traits - BLUP - Animal model
Direct longevity: productive life
Single trait - Survival analysis - Sire-maternal grand sire model
Indirect longevity: including somatic cell count, clinical mastitis, some reproduction and type traits
A total of 5 traits, the partial productive life from the first calving to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th calving
多性状 - BLUP - 动物模型
Muti-traits - BLUP - Animal model
New Zealand
Direct longevity: a total of 3 traits, survival status from the first calving to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th calving
多性状 - BLUP - 动物模型
Muti-traits - BLUP - Animal model
Indirect longevity: including milk protein yield, body condition score, milking speed and somatic cell count in 1st lactation, and some type traits
A total of 7 traits, survival status from the first calving to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th calving
多性状 - BLUP - 动物模型
Muti-traits - BLUP - Animal model
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