Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2020, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (19): 4045-4056.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.19.017
• HORTICULTURE • Previous Articles Next Articles
LIU YouChun1,2(),LIU WeiSheng1,WANG XingDong1,YANG YanMin1,WEI Xin1,SUN Bin1,ZHANG Duo1,YANG YuChun1,LIU Cheng1(),LI TianZhong2()
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王琛, 李雪涛, 陶烨, 孟宪军. 60Coγ辐照对低温贮藏蓝莓品质和膜脂过氧化作用的影响. 食品科学 2016, 37(22): 318-323.
doi: 10.7506/spkx1002-6630-201622049 |
WANG C, LI X T, TAO Y, MENG X J. Effect of 60Co γ-irradiation on storage quality and membrane lipid peroxidation of blueberry fruits during cold storage. Food Science, 2016, 37(22): 318-323. (in Chinese)
doi: 10.7506/spkx1002-6630-201622049 |
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doi: 10.7506/spkx1002-6630-201422052 |
YU J N, XUE L, LU X X, CHEN S H. Effect of cold acclimation on quality of blueberry fruits during Ice-temperature storage. Food Science, 2014, 35(22): 265-269. (in Chinese)
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ZUO J D. Application of precooling, ice-temperature technology in the preservation on blueberry. Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, 2017, 17(9): 80-82. (in Chinese) | |
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WEI W P, HUA L Y, WAN J Q, PANG W Y, SONG X Y, LEI Q. Experimental study on ice temperature storage of blueberry. Food industry technology, 2012, 33(13): 346-348. (in Chinese) | |
[6] | 刘铮, 黄含达, 杨静慧, 黄俊轩, 梁发辉, 张景新. -1℃贮藏下不同品种设施蓝莓果实耐储特性的比较. 北方园艺, 2019(14): 117-123. |
LIU Z, HUANG H D, YANG J H, HUANG J X, LIANG F H, ZHANG J X. Storage characteristics of different varieties of blueberry fruits stored at -1℃. Northern of Horticulture, 2019(14): 117-123. (in Chinese) | |
[7] | 吉宁, 龙晓波, 李江阔, 曹森, 张鹏, 马超, 马立志, 王瑞. 1-MCP 结合臭氧处理对蓝莓低温保鲜效果的影响. 食品工业科技, 2019(11): 302-307. |
JI N, LONG X B, LI J K, CAO S, ZHANG P, MA C, MA L Z, WANG R. Effect of 1-MCP coupling with ozone treatment on storage of blueberry at low temperature. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2019(11): 302-307. (in Chinese) | |
[8] | 巴良杰, 罗冬兰, 曹森, 尤勇刚, 余碧青, 王瑞. 1-MP结合60Co γ辐照对蓝莓贮藏品质的影响. 北方园艺, 2019(8): 118-124. |
BA L J, LUO D L, CAO S, YOU Y G, YU B Q, WANG R. Effects of 1-MCP combined with 60Co γ irradiation on the quality of blueberry during storage. Northern Horticulture, 2019(8): 118-124. (in Chinese) | |
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GUO D, HAN Y Q, HAO Y. Effect of box modified atmosphere storage on quality and physiology of blueberry during storage and shelf-life. Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica, 2016, 25(12): 1829-1836. (in Chinese) | |
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刘萌, 范新光, 王美兰, 周志才, 张长峰, 张玉华. 不同包装方法对蓝莓采后生理及贮藏效果的影响. 食品科学, 2013, 34(14): 346-350.
doi: 10.7506/spkx1002-6630-201314072 |
LIU M, FAN X G, WANG M L, ZHOU Z C, ZHANG C F, ZHANG Y H. Influence of different packaging methods on physiological properties of blueberry during postharvest storage. Food Science, 2013, 34(14): 345-350. (in Chinese)
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MENG X J, JIANG A L, HU W Z, TIAN M X, LIU C H. Effects of plastic box modified atmosphere storage on the physiological and biochemical changes of postharvest blueberry fruits. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2010, 32(9): 379-383. (in Chinese) | |
[14] | 邹小波, 杨志坤, 石吉勇, 黄晓玮, 张文, Haroon Elrasheid TAHIR. 阿拉伯胶/白色玫瑰茄提取物复合涂膜对低温贮藏蓝莓保鲜效果的影响. 食品科学, 2019, 40(7): 204-211. |
ZOU X B, YANG Z K, SHI J Y, HUANG X W, ZHANG W, HAROON E T. Preservation effect of gum arabic edible coating incorporated with white roselle extract ( Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) on cold-stored blueberries. Food Science, 2019, 40(7): 204-211. (in Chinese) | |
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LI C P, YUAN L, YANG Y C, WANG Q, ZHOU K L, LIU S, LI P C. Effect of plasticizers on the preservation of blueberries by quaternary ammonium salt of chitosan coating. Modern Food Science and Technology, 2018, 34(12): 117-121. (in Chinese) | |
[16] | 张群利, 崔琳琳, 郑权, 邬泽凯, 丁云闪, 覃懿琴, 张佳俐, 何美杉, 陈钧浦. 纤维素复合抗菌保鲜膜包覆对采后蓝莓的保鲜效果. 食品工业科技, 2019, 40(19): 261-265. |
ZHANG Q L, CUI L L, ZHENG Q, WU Z K, DING Y S, TAN Y Q, ZHANG J L, HE M S, CHEN J P. Fresh-keeping effect of cellulose composite antibacterial preservative film on postharvest blueberry. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2019, 40(19): 261-265. (in Chinese) | |
[17] | 孙莎, 郜海燕, 熊涛, 陈杭君, 刘瑞玲, 吴伟杰. 五倍子提取液对蓝莓采后病害和品质的影响. 林业科学, 2018, 54(6): 53-62. |
SUN S, GAO H Y, XIONG T, CHEN H J, LIU R L, WU W J. The effect of galla chinensis extract on postharvest disease and storage quality of blueberry. Scientia Sivae Sinicae, 2018, 54(6): 53-62. (in Chinese) | |
[18] | LIN S H, WANG W, ZHANG J H, YANG X L. Initial screening of 10 plant essential oils in vitro antibacterial activity against blueberry pathogens. Agricultural Science & Technology, 2019, 20(3): 17-21. |
[19] | 王和涛. 丁香精油与壳聚糖涂膜对蓝莓的保鲜效果. 食品工业, 2019, 40(1): 203-206. |
WANG H T. Effect of clove essential oil and chitosan compound film coating on blueberry preservation. Food Industry, 2019, 40(1): 203-206. (in Chinese) | |
[20] | 王磊明, 李洋, 张茜, 冯刚. 壳聚糖-肉桂精油复合膜对蓝莓保鲜效果的影响. 食品科技, 2017, 42(9): 14-20. |
WANG L M, LI Y, ZHANG Q, FENG G. Effects of composite membrane of chitosan and cinnamon essential oil on preservation of blueberries. Food Science and Technology, 2017, 42(9): 14-20. (in Chinese) | |
[21] | 陶烨, 王琛, 高雅, 李晓平, 崔智博, 孟宪军. 不同剂量60Co-γ辐照对蓝莓果实贮藏品质的影响. 食品安全质量检测学报, 2017, 8(7): 2779-2785. |
TAO Y, WANG C, GAO Y, LI X P, CUI Z B, MENG X J. Effects of different doses of 60Co-γirradiation on storage quality of blueberry fruits. Journal of Food Safety and Quality, 2017, 8(7): 2779-2785. (in Chinese) | |
[22] | 龙明秀, 吴凤玉, 田竹希, 刘敏, 何扬波, 李咏富, 石彬, 梁倩. 60Co-γ辐照处理对蓝莓保鲜效果的影响. 核农学报, 2019, 33(11): 2165-2176. |
LONG M X, WU F Y, TIAN Z X, LIU M, HE Y B, LI Y F, SHI B, LIANG Q. Effect of 60Coγirradiation treatment on preservation effects of blueberry. Journal of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences, 2019, 33(11): 2165-2176. (in Chinese) | |
[23] | 姬亚茹, 周福慧, 姜爱丽, 顾思彤, 胡文忠. 乙醇熏蒸处理对采后蓝莓果实品质的影响. 包装工程, 2018, 13: 85-92. |
JI Y R, ZHOU F H, JIANG A L, GU S T, HU W Z. Effects of ethanol fumigation treatments on the quality of postharvest blueberry fruits. Packaging Engineering, 2018, 13: 86-92. (in Chinese) | |
[24] | 廖嘉, 胡文忠, 权春善, 姬亚茹, 杨香艳, 龙娅, 李元政. 采后浆果熏蒸保鲜技术的研究进展. 食品与发酵工程, 2019, 45(14): 277-284. |
LIAO J, HU W Z, QUAN C S, JI Y R, YANG X Y, LONG Y, LI Y Z. Fumigation preservation technology for postharvest berries: A review. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019, 45(14): 277-284. (in Chinese) | |
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doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2013.19.017 |
LIU Y C, TAO C G, WEI Y X, LIU C, WANG X D, LIU W S, YANG Y M. Fruit sugar and acid content, variation at different fruit development stages and their relationship with leaf soluble sugar content of blueberry. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2013, 46(19): 4110-4118. (in Chinese)
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LIU Y C, WEI Y X, WANG X D, LIU C, JIANG M S, ZHANG D, YUAN X F, TAO C G. Inheritance tendency of sugar and acid contents in the reciprocal cross progenies’ fruits of Southern× Northern high Bush blueberry (Vaccinium). Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2014, 47(24): 4878-4885. (in Chinese)
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[1] | HAN DongMei,HUANG ShiLian,OUYANG SiYing,ZHANG Le,ZHUO Kan,WU ZhenXian,LI JianGuang,GUO DongLiang,WANG Jing. Optimizing Management Mode of Disease and Nutrient During the Entire Fruit Development for Improving Postharvest Storability of Longan Fruit [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(21): 4279-4293. |
[2] | LIU YouChun,LIU WeiSheng,WANG XingDong,SUN Bin,LIU XiuLi,YANG YanMin,WEI Xin,YANG YuChun,ZHANG Duo,LIU Cheng,LI TianZhong. Identification of F1 Hybrids in Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) Based on Specific-Locus Amplified Fragment Sequencing (SLAF-seq) [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(2): 370-378. |
[3] | SONG Yang,LIU HongDi,WANG HaiBo,ZHANG HongJun,LIU FengZhi. Molecular Cloning and Functional Characterization of VcNAC072 Reveals Its Involvement in Anthocyanin Accumulation in Blueberry [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2019, 52(3): 503-511. |
[4] | ZHANG Jia, NIE JiYun, ZHANG Hui, LI Jing, LI Ye. Evaluation Indexes for Blueberry Quality [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2019, 52(12): 2128-2139. |
[5] | LI XiaoYing, XUE Mei, FAN WenQiao, LUO Jie. Analysis of Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activities of Blueberry Leaves from Different Drying Methods [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2018, 51(13): 2570-2578. |
[6] | XIE Li-xue, ZHENG Shan, ZHANG Li-jie, ZHANG Xiao-yan, LI Tao. Development of IC-RT-nested PCR for the Detection of Blueberry shock virus [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2016, 49(22): 4366-4374. |
[7] | WEI Xin, WEI Yong-xiang, GUO Dan, SUN Bin, WANG Xing-dong, LIU Cheng. Effects of Different Breaking Dormancy Ways on the Photosynthetic Characteristics and Activities of Protective Enzymes of ‘Misty’ Blueberry Leaves [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2015, 48(22): 4517-4528. |
[8] | CHENG Guang-lei, ZHANG Hai-jiao, ZHAO Jiu-ran, LIU Chun-ge, WANG Yuan-dong, WANG Xiao-guang, WANG Rong-huan, CHEN Chuan-yong, XU Tian-jun. Vigor and Physiological Changes of Different Genotypes of Maize Seed (Zea mays L.) Under Critical Stress Storage Conditions [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2015, 48(1): 33-42. |
[9] | LIU You-chun, WEI Yong-xiang, WANG Xing-dong, LIU Cheng, JIANG Ming-san, ZHANG Duo, YUAN Xing-fu, TAO Cheng-guang. Inheritance Tendency of Sugar and Acid Contents in the Reciprocal Cross Progenies’ Fruits of Southern × Northern High Bush Blueberry (Vaccinium) [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2014, 47(24): 4878-4885. |
[10] | CHEN Hang-Jun, WANG Cui-Hong, GAO Hai-Yan, MAO Jin-Lin, ZHOU Yong-Jun. Effect of Packaging on the Postharvest Quality and the Antioxidant Activity of Blueberry [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2013, 46(6): 1230-1236. |
[11] | LIU You-Chun-12, TAO Cheng-Guang-3, WEI Yong-Xiang-2, LIU Cheng-2, WANG Xing-Dong-2, LIU Wei-Sheng-2, YANG Yan-Min-2. Fruit Sugar and Acid Content, Variation at Different Fruit Development Stages and Their Relationship with Leaf Soluble Sugar Content of Blueberry [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2013, 46(19): 4110-4118. |
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