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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2023, Vol. 22 Issue (5): 1291-1307    DOI: 10.1016/j.jia.2022.08.039
Crop Science Advanced Online Publication | Current Issue | Archive | Adv Search |
Development and characterization of a novel common wheat–Mexico Rye T1DL·1RS translocation line with stripe rust and powdery mildew resistance

LI Jiao-jiao*, ZHAO Li*, LÜ Bo-ya, FU Yu, ZHANG Shu-fa, LIU Shu-hui, YANG Qun-hui, WU Jun, LI Jia-chuang#, CHEN Xin-hong# 

Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Plant Genetic Engineering Breeding, College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, P.R.China

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摘要  黑麦(Secale cereale L., 2n=2x=14, RR)因具有多种病害抗性和非生物胁迫耐性受性强的特点而被认为是普通小麦改良的重要遗传资源。源自德国栽培黑麦品种Petkus的1RS染色体在小麦的育种进程中起着举足轻重的作用,但由于其所具有的抗病性逐渐变弱,因此亟需发掘新的抗性资源。本研究从普通小麦和墨西哥黑麦的杂交后代中选育了一个新型衍生后代,命名为D27。细胞学观察显示D27的核型组成为2n=42=21II。基因组原位杂交(GISH)结果表明D27中含有一对整臂易位的墨西哥黑麦染色体,该外源染色体在有丝分裂和减数分裂过程中均能稳定遗传。荧光原位杂交(FISH)和醇溶蛋白电泳分析都表明衍生系D27的小麦1DS染色体发生了丢失,取而代之的是墨西哥黑麦的1RS染色体。这一结果同样得到了小麦简单序列重复(SSR)标记、黑麦特异序列扩增区段(SCAR)标记和小麦40K SNP芯片的验证支持,即:通过分子标记和芯片检测,D27中不含有小麦1DS染色体,但是存在黑麦1RS染色体。农艺性状鉴定表明与小麦亲本相比D27的分蘖数增多,条锈病和白粉病抗性增强。面团特性分析表明,1DS染色体被1RS染色体替换后,衍生系D27的面团粘性增加,弹性变低,有利于蛋糕的制作。综上所述,细胞遗传学稳定的小麦-墨西哥黑麦T1DL·1RS易位系可作为小麦抗病和增产育种的优异新种质,同时可用于黑麦1RS染色体遗传多样性的研究。


Rye (Secale cereale L., 2n=2x=14, RR) is a significant genetic resource for improving common wheat because of its resistance to multiple diseases and abiotic-stress tolerant traits.  The 1RS chromosome from the German cultivated rye variety Petkus is critical in wheat breeding.  However, its weakened disease resistance highlights the need to identify new resources.  In the present study, a novel derived line called D27 was developed from common wheat and Mexico Rye.  Cytological observations characterized the karyotype of D27 as 2n=42=21 II.  Genomic in situ hybridization indicated that a pair of whole-arm translocated Mexico Rye chromosomes were inherited typically in the mitotic and meiosis stages of D27.  Experiments using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and gliadin electrophoresis showed that D27 lacked wheat 1DS chromosomes.  They were replaced by 1RS chromosomes of Mexico Rye, supported by wheat simple-sequence repeat markers, rye sequence characterized amplified region markers, and wheat 40K SNP array analysis.  The wheat 1DS chromosomes could not be detected by molecular markers and wheat SNP array, but the presence of rye 1RS chromosomes was confirmed.  Agronomic trait assessments indicated that D27 had a higher tiller number and enhanced stripe rust and powdery mildew resistance.  In addition, dough properties analysis showed that replacing 1DS led to higher viscosity and lower dough elasticity in D27, which was beneficial for cake making.  In conclusion, the novel cytogenetically stable common wheat–Mexico Rye T1DL·1RS translocation line D27 offers excellent potential as outstanding germplasm in wheat breeding programs focusing on disease resistance and yield improvement.  Additionally, it can be valuable for researching the rye 1RS chromosome’s genetic diversity. 

Keywords:  common wheat        disease resistance       dough properties       Rye              translocation line  
Received: 10 February 2022   Accepted: 22 April 2022

This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31771785) and the Key Research and Development Program of Shaanxi, China (2018ZDXM-NY-006).

About author:  #Correspondence LI Jia-chuang, E-mail:; CHEN Xin-hong, E-mail: * These authors contributed equally to this study.

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LI Jiao-jiao, ZHAO Li, LÜ Bo-ya, FU Yu, ZHANG Shu-fa, LIU Shu-hui, YANG Qun-hui, WU Jun, LI Jia-chuang, CHEN Xin-hong. 2023. Development and characterization of a novel common wheat–Mexico Rye T1DL·1RS translocation line with stripe rust and powdery mildew resistance. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 22(5): 1291-1307.

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[15] ZHANG Qiang-qiang, GAO Xi-xi, Nazir Muhammad ABDULLAHI, WANG Yue, HUO Xue-xi. Asset specificity and farmers’ intergenerational succession willingness of apple management[J]. >Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2023, 22(8): 2553-2566.
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