Special Issue:
玉米遗传育种合辑Maize Genetics · Breeding · Germplasm Resources
玉米耕作栽培合辑Maize Physiology · Biochemistry · Cultivation · Tillage
Does nitrogen application rate affect the moisture content of corn grains? |
ZHANG Yuan-meng1, 2*, XUE Jun2*, ZHAI Juan1, 2, Zhang Guo-qiang2, ZHANG Wan-xu1, 2, WANG Ke-ru2, MING Bo2, HOU Peng2, XIE Rui-zhi2, LIU Chao-wei1, LI Shao-kun1, 2 |
1 Key Laboratory of Oasis Eco-Agriculture, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps/Agricultural College, Shihezi University, Shihezi 832000, P.R.China
2 Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology and Ecology, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100081, P.R.China |
本研究2017年和2018年的种植密度为12.0×104 株 ha-1,在施氮量为0-450 kg ha-1范围内设置4种不同氮肥处理;2019年种植密度分别为7.5×104和12.0×104 株 ha-1,在施氮量为0-765 kg ha-1范围内设置18种不同氮肥处理。通过测定不同处理下玉米生育期、绿叶的叶面积指数(LAI)、籽粒含水量和籽粒脱水率指标,阐明施氮量对玉米籽粒含水量的影响。结果表明,施氮量从0增加到765 kg ha-1,玉米吐丝期推迟约1天,成熟期推迟约1-2天。在生理成熟期和生理成熟期后,不同施氮量处理下籽粒含水量极差为1.9-4.0%。随着施氮量的增加,生理成熟后玉米籽粒的脱水率降低,但施氮量与籽粒脱水率之间没有统计学意义。生理成熟期叶面积指数与生理成熟后籽粒脱水速率之间无显著相关性。总之,施氮对玉米生理成熟期和成熟后籽粒含水量均有影响,但不同施氮量对籽粒含水量的影响较小。以上结果表明,在生产中不需要考虑施氮对玉米籽粒含水量的影响。
Abstract Nitrogen fertilizer application is an important measure to obtain high and stable corn yield, and the moisture content of corn grains is an important factor affecting the quality of mechanical grain harvesting. In this study, four different nitrogen fertilizer treatments from 0 to 450 kg ha–1 pure nitrogen were set for a planting density of 12.0×104 plants ha–1 in 2017 and 2018, and 18 different nitrogen fertilizer treatments from 0 to 765 kg ha–1 pure nitrogen were set for planting densities of 7.5×104 and 12.0×104 plants ha–1 in 2019, to investigate the effect of nitrogen application rate on the moisture content of corn grains. Under each treatment, the growth of corn, leaf area index (LAI) of green leaves, grain moisture content, and grain dehydration rate were measured. The results showed that, as nitrogen application increased from 0 to 765 kg ha–1, the silking stage was delayed by about 1 day, the maturity stage was delayed by about 1–2 days, and the number of physiologically mature green leaves and LAI increased. At and after physiological maturity, the extreme difference in grain moisture content between different nitrogen application rates was 1.9–4.0%. As the amount of nitrogen application increased, the corn grain dehydration rate after physiological maturity decreased, but it did not reach statistical significance between nitrogen application rate and grain dehydration rate. No significant correlation was observed between LAI at physiological maturity and grain dehydration rate after physiological maturity. In short, nitrogen application affected the grain moisture content of corn at and after physiological maturity, however, the difference in grain moisture content among different nitrogen application rates was small. These results suggest that the effect of nitrogen application on the moisture content of corn grains should not be considered in agricultural production.
Received: 27 February 2020
Fund: This study was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016YFD0300605), the China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA (CARS-02-25) and the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Project of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. |
Corresponding Authors:
Correspondence LI Shao-kun, Tel: +86-10-82108891, E-mail: lishaokun@caas.cn
About author: ZHANG Yuan-meng, E-mail: zhangym0113@163.com; XUE Jun, E-mail: xuejun5519@126.com; * These authors contributed equally to this study. |
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ZHANG Yuan-meng, XUE Jun, ZHAI Juan, ZHANG Guo-qiang, ZHANG Wan-xu, WANG Ke-ru, MING Bo, HOU Peng, XIE Rui-zhi, LIU Chao-wei, LI Shao-kun.
Does nitrogen application rate affect the moisture content of corn grains?. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 20(10): 2627-2638.
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