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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2024, Vol. 23 Issue (7): 2446-2457    DOI: 10.1016/j.jia.2023.11.018
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Nitrogen rhizodeposition from corn and soybean, and its contribution to the subsequent wheat crops
Sainan Geng, Lantao Li, Yuhong Miao, Yinjie Zhang, Xiaona Yu, Duo Zhang, Qirui Yang, Xiao Zhang, Yilun Wang#
College of Resources and Environment, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002, China
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与前茬禾本科作物相比,氮是前茬豆科作物对后茬谷物作物产生重要影响的一个关键因素,其中不可回收的根际沉积氮发挥了重要作用。然而,目前缺乏对豆科作物和禾本科作物根际沉积氮差异的定量评估,也缺乏其对后茬谷物贡献的对比研究。在此,基于全球发表的34项观察结果,我们对豆科和禾本科作物的根际沉积氮进行了荟萃分析。此外,通过盆栽试验,采用棉芯标记法研究了中国小麦主产区,两种主要小麦前茬作物玉米和大豆的根际沉积氮量和分布特性及其对后茬谷物的贡献差异。荟萃分析结果显示,豆科作物的根际沉积氮较禾本科作物显著提高了138.93%。在盆栽试验中,玉米和大豆的根际沉积氮量分别为502.32944.12 mg/pot,大豆也显著高于玉米,分别占植株地下氮的76.91%84.15%。在不同团聚体粒径中,根际沉积氮主要富集于大团聚体(>2 mm),其次是小团聚体(0.25-2 mm)。在>0.25 mm团聚体粒径中,大豆根际沉积氮量和占比分别高达玉米的3.481.66倍,这表明大豆根际沉积氮具有较高的利用潜力。在后茬小麦的氮素积累中,大豆根际沉积氮对其贡献量高达玉米的近3倍,分别占小麦总吸氮量的8.37%4.04%。综上,大豆根际沉积氮在>0.25 mm团聚体粒径中的分布数量和占比均优于玉米。在今后的田间生产中,应将豆科作物的根际沉积氮纳入后茬作物可吸收利用的氮库中,以充分发挥豆科作物在轮作系统中作为氮源提供者的作用和潜力。


Nitrogen (N) is a key factor in the positive response of cereal crops that follow leguminous crops when compared to gramineous crops in rotations, with the nonrecyclable rhizosphere-derived N playing an important role.  However, quantitative assessments of differences in the N derived from rhizodeposition (NdfR) between legumes and gramineous crops are lacking, and comparative studies on their contributions to the subsequent cereals are scarce.  In this study, we conducted a meta-analysis of NdfR from leguminous and gramineous crops based on 34 observations published worldwide.  In addition, pot experiments were conducted to study the differences in the NdfR amounts, distributions and subsequent effects of two major wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-preceding crops, corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max L.), by the cotton wick-labelling method in the main wheat-producing areas of China.  The meta-analysis results showed that the NdfR of legumes was significantly greater by 138.93% compared to gramineous crops.  In our pot experiment, the NdfR values from corn and soybean were 502.32 and 944.12 mg/pot, respectively, and soybean was also significantly higher than corn, accounting for 76.91 and 84.15% of the total belowground nitrogen of the plants, respectively.  Moreover, in different soil particle sizes, NdfR was mainly enriched in the large macro-aggregates (>2 mm), followed by the small macro-aggregates (2–0.25 mm).  The amount and proportion of NdfR in the macro-aggregates (>0.25 mm) of soybean were 3.48 and 1.66 times higher than those of corn, respectively, indicating the high utilization potential of soybean NdfR.  Regarding the N accumulation of subsequent wheat, the contribution of soybean NdfR to wheat was approximately 3 times that of corn, accounting for 8.37 and 4.04% of the total N uptake of wheat, respectively.  In conclusion, soybean NdfR is superior to corn in terms of the quantity and distribution ratio of soil macro-aggregates.  In future field production, legume NdfR should be included in the nitrogen pool that can be absorbed and utilized by subsequent crops, and the role and potential of leguminous plants as nitrogen source providers in crop rotation systems should be fully utilized.

Keywords:  crop rotation        nitrogen rhizodeposition        meta-analysis        soil aggregates        nitrogen transfer  
Received: 05 July 2023   Accepted: 17 October 2023
This work was financially supported by the National Key Technology Research and Development Program of China (2021YFD1901001-08), and the Key Scientific and Technological Project of Henan Provincial Education Department, China (232102111119).
About author:  Sainan Geng,; #Correspondence Yilun Wang, Tel: +86-371-68555202, E-mail:

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Sainan Geng, Lantao Li, Yuhong Miao, Yinjie Zhang, Xiaona Yu, Duo Zhang, Qirui Yang, Xiao Zhang, Yilun Wang. 2024. Nitrogen rhizodeposition from corn and soybean, and its contribution to the subsequent wheat crops. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 23(7): 2446-2457.

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