Effects of different irrigation methods on micro-environments and root distribution in winter wheat fields |
LÜ Guo-hua, SONG Ji-qing, BAI Wen-bo, WU Yong-feng, LIU Yuan, KANG Yao-hu |
er Use and Drought Mitigation, Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sci ences, Beijing 100081, P.R.China
2、Key Laboratory of Water Cycle and Related Land Surface Processes, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, P.R.China |
摘要 The irrigation method used in winter wheat fields affects micro-environment factors, such as relative humidity (RH) within canopy, soil temperature, topsoil bulk density, soil matric potential, and soil nutrients, and these changes may affect plant root growth. An experiment was carried out to explore the effects of irrigation method on micro-environments and root distribution in a winter wheat field in the 2007–2008 and 2008–2009 growing seasons. The results showed that border irrigation (BI), sprinkler irrigation (SI), and surface drip irrigation (SDI) had no significant effects on soil temperature. Topsoil bulk density, RH within the canopy, soil available N distribution, and soil matric potential were significantly affected by the three treatments. The change in soil matric potential was the key reason for the altered root profile distribution patterns. Additionally, more fine roots were produced in the BI treatment when soil water content was low and topsoil bulk density was high. Root growth was most stimulated in the top soil layers and inhibited in the deep layers in the SDI treatment, followed by SI and BI, which was due to the different water application frequencies. As a result, the root profile distribution differed, depending on the irrigation method used. The root distribution pattern changes could be described by the power level variation in the exponential function. A good knowledge of root distribution patterns is important when attempting to model water and nutrient movements and when studying soil-plant interactions.
Abstract The irrigation method used in winter wheat fields affects micro-environment factors, such as relative humidity (RH) within canopy, soil temperature, topsoil bulk density, soil matric potential, and soil nutrients, and these changes may affect plant root growth. An experiment was carried out to explore the effects of irrigation method on micro-environments and root distribution in a winter wheat field in the 2007–2008 and 2008–2009 growing seasons. The results showed that border irrigation (BI), sprinkler irrigation (SI), and surface drip irrigation (SDI) had no significant effects on soil temperature. Topsoil bulk density, RH within the canopy, soil available N distribution, and soil matric potential were significantly affected by the three treatments. The change in soil matric potential was the key reason for the altered root profile distribution patterns. Additionally, more fine roots were produced in the BI treatment when soil water content was low and topsoil bulk density was high. Root growth was most stimulated in the top soil layers and inhibited in the deep layers in the SDI treatment, followed by SI and BI, which was due to the different water application frequencies. As a result, the root profile distribution differed, depending on the irrigation method used. The root distribution pattern changes could be described by the power level variation in the exponential function. A good knowledge of root distribution patterns is important when attempting to model water and nutrient movements and when studying soil-plant interactions.
Received: 15 July 2014
Fund: This study is part of the work of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51109214, 31101074 and 51309211) and the National Key Technology Research and Development Program of China (2011BAD32B) and the Basic Scientific Research Foundation of National Non-Profit Scientific Institute of China (BSRF201303). |
Corresponding Authors:
KANG Yao-hu, Tel: +86-10-82106005, E-mail:kangyh@igsnrr.ac.cn
E-mail: kangyh@igsnrr.ac.cn
About author: Lü Guo-hua, Tel: +86-10-82106005, E-mail: lvguohua@caas.cn; |
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Lü Guo-hua, SONG Ji-qing, BAI Wen-bo, WU Yong-feng, LIU Yuan, KANG Yao-hu.
Effects of different irrigation methods on micro-environments and root distribution in winter wheat fields. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 14(8): 1658-1672.
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