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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2023, Vol. 22 Issue (12): 3769-3782    DOI: 10.1016/j.jia.2023.05.030
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Identifying the critical phosphorus balance for optimizing phosphorus input and regulating soil phosphorus effectiveness in a typical winter wheat-summer maize rotation system in North China
XU Meng-ze1, WANG Yu-hong1, NIE Cai-e1, SONG Gui-pei1, XIN Su-ning1, LU Yan-li1, BAI You-lu1, ZHANG Yin-jie2#, WANG Lei1#
1 State Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization of Arid and Semi-arid Arable Land in Northern China/Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, P.R.China
2 College of Resources and Environment, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002, P.R.China
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磷(P)是一种不可再生资源,是植物生长的关键营养元素,对作物产量提高起着重要作用。磷肥过量施用在农业生产中很普遍,这不仅浪费了磷资源,还造成了磷的积累和地下水污染。为了获得产量和磷利用效率(PUE我们假设农业系统的表观磷平衡可以作为确定磷投入阈值的关键指标。因此我们进行了长达12年的定位田间试验,包括6个施磷处理,量分别为04590135180225 kg P2O5 ha–1,以明确作物产量、PUE和土壤Olsen-P平衡的反应并优化投入。结果表明,肥施用量超过某一水平时,年产量不再增加当周年磷肥施用量为90–135 kg P2O5 ha–1时可以实现产量和PUE。当磷平衡阈值2.15–4.45 kg P ha–1时可以实现最佳产量和最小环境风险。基于磷平衡阈值投入为95.7–101 kg P2O5 ha–1施磷量在此阈值内时可以协同提高产量与PUE90.0–94.9%此外,本研究发现磷投入-产出平衡框架的建立有助于评估土壤Olsen-P在未来变化,其中土壤磷平衡每增加100 kg P ha–1,有效磷含量上升4.07 mg kg–1平衡可以作为农业生产管理的一个重要指标,为限制过剩和制定更高产、高效和环保的肥管理策略提供有力参考。


Phosphorus (P) is a nonrenewable resource and a critical element for plant growth that plays an important role in improving crop yield.  Excessive P fertilizer application is widespread in agricultural production, which not only wastes phosphate resources but also causes P accumulation and groundwater pollution.  Here, we hypothesized that the apparent P balance of a crop system could be used as an indicator for identifying the critical P input in order to obtain a high yield with high phosphorus use efficiency (PUE).  A 12-year field experiment with P fertilization rates of 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, and 225 kg P2O5 ha–1 was conducted to determine the crop yield, PUE, and soil Olsen-P value response to P balance, and to optimize the P input.  Annual yield stagnation occurred when the P fertilizer application exceeded a certain level, and high yield and PUE levels were achieved with annual P fertilizer application rates of 90–135 kg P2O5 ha–1.  A critical P balance range of 2.15–4.45 kg P ha–1 was recommended to achieve optimum yield with minimal environmental risk.  The critical P input range estimated from the P balance was 95.7–101 kg P2O5 ha–1, which improved relative yield (>90%) and PUE (90.0–94.9%).  In addition, the P input–output balance helps in assessing future changes in Olsen-P values, which increased by 4.07 mg kg–1 of P for every 100 kg of P surplus.  Overall, the P balance can be used as a critical indicator for P management in agriculture, providing a robust reference for limiting P excess and developing a more productive, efficient and environmentally friendly P fertilizer management strategy.

Keywords:  yield of winter wheat and summer maize        phosphorus balance        phosphorus use efficiency        Olsen-P        critical phosphorus application rate  
Received: 15 December 2022   Accepted: 20 March 2023
Fund: This study was funded by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2021YFD1700900).
About author:  XU Meng-ze, E-mail:; #Correspondence ZHANG Yin-jie, Tel: +86-371-68555200, E-mail:; WANG Lei, Tel: +86-10-82105030, E-mail:

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XU Meng-ze, WANG Yu-hong, NIE Cai-e, SONG Gui-pei, XIN Su-ning, LU Yan-li, BAI You-lu, ZHANG Yin-jie, WANG Lei. 2023. Identifying the critical phosphorus balance for optimizing phosphorus input and regulating soil phosphorus effectiveness in a typical winter wheat-summer maize rotation system in North China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 22(12): 3769-3782.

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