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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2011, Vol. 10 Issue (9): 1391-1401    DOI: 10.1016/S1671-2927(11)60132-6
GENETICS & BREEDING · GERMPLASM RESOURCES · MOLECULAR GENETICS Advanced Online Publication | Current Issue | Archive | Adv Search |
Identification and Expression of a β-actin Gene from Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae)
JIANG Hong-bo1, SHEN Guang-mao1, DOU Wei1, TANG Pei-an1, 2, LIU Yong-hua1, ZHOU An-wei1, WANG Jin-jun1
1. Key Laboratory of Entomology and Pest Control Engineering, College of Plant Protection, Southwest University
2. College of Food Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics
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摘要  A β-actin gene, Libβ-actin1, from the psocid, Liposcelis bostrychophila, was isolated, sequenced, and expressed inEscherichia coli. The cDNA sequence was 1 281 bp in length and contained an open reading frame of 1 131 bp encoding376 amino acids with a predicted molecular weight of 41.82 kDa. According to a BlastN search, the coding region sharedthe highest identity (97%) with Pediculus humanus actin 5C, while the deduced amino acid sequence was completelyidentical to a mutant of Drosophila melanogaster actin 5C. Comparison of the nucleotide and deduced amino acidsequences confirmed the high similarity between Libβ-actin1 and homologs in other insect species. The 3´ untranslatedregion (3´ UTR) of the Libβ-actin1 mRNA had a high A+U content (approximately 75%) and contained three repeats of theAUUUUUA and AUUUA motifs, which may play a role in regulating mRNA decay. The expression of Libβ-actin1 wasfurther analyzed in insecticide induced and control psocids. The results indicated that there was no significant differencein expression of Libβ-actin1 between the induced and control groups, suggesting that Libβ-actin1 may be an appropriateinternal control for the gene expression profiling in this insect. Furthermore, Libβ-actin1 was also heterologouslyexpressed in Escherichia coli, which provided a basis to investigate the physiological functions of actin genes in thepsocid.

Abstract  A β-actin gene, Libβ-actin1, from the psocid, Liposcelis bostrychophila, was isolated, sequenced, and expressed inEscherichia coli. The cDNA sequence was 1 281 bp in length and contained an open reading frame of 1 131 bp encoding376 amino acids with a predicted molecular weight of 41.82 kDa. According to a BlastN search, the coding region sharedthe highest identity (97%) with Pediculus humanus actin 5C, while the deduced amino acid sequence was completelyidentical to a mutant of Drosophila melanogaster actin 5C. Comparison of the nucleotide and deduced amino acidsequences confirmed the high similarity between Libβ-actin1 and homologs in other insect species. The 3´ untranslatedregion (3´ UTR) of the Libβ-actin1 mRNA had a high A+U content (approximately 75%) and contained three repeats of theAUUUUUA and AUUUA motifs, which may play a role in regulating mRNA decay. The expression of Libβ-actin1 wasfurther analyzed in insecticide induced and control psocids. The results indicated that there was no significant differencein expression of Libβ-actin1 between the induced and control groups, suggesting that Libβ-actin1 may be an appropriateinternal control for the gene expression profiling in this insect. Furthermore, Libβ-actin1 was also heterologouslyexpressed in Escherichia coli, which provided a basis to investigate the physiological functions of actin genes in thepsocid.
Keywords:  actin      sequence analysis      expression      real-time PCR  

This research was funded in part by the National NaturalSciences Foundation of China (30871631,31000860), the Specialized Research Fund for the DoctoralProgram of Higher Education, China(200806350009) and the Science and Technology InnovationFoundation for Graduate Students (kb2008001)of Southwest University, China.

Corresponding Authors:  Correspondence WANG Jin-jun, Professor, Tel: +86-23-68250255, Fax: +86-23-68251269,E-mail:     E-mail:
About author:  JIANG Hong-bo, Ph D, Tel: +86-23-68251642, E-mail:

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JIANG Hong-bo1, SHEN Guang-mao1, DOU Wei1, TANG Pei-an1, 2 , LIU Yong-hua1, ZHOU An-wei1, WANG Jin-jun1. 2011. Identification and Expression of a β-actin Gene from Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae). Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 10(9): 1391-1401.

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