Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (13): 2583-2598.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.13.007

• PLANT PROTECTION • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The Dynamic Wetting and Spreading Behavior of Pesticide Droplet on Rice Leaf Surface

ZHANG JianTao1,2,3(), HUANG LuSheng1,3, LIU GuangBin1,3, LAN YuBin3, WEN Sheng3,4()   

  1. 1 College of Mathematics and Informatics, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642
    2 Key Laboratory of Smart Agricultural Technology in Tropical South China, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Guangzhou 510642
    3 National Center for International Collaboration Research on Precision Agricultural Aviation Pesticides Spraying Technology, Guangzhou 510642
    4 College of Engineering, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642
  • Received:2023-12-29 Accepted:2024-02-22 Online:2024-07-09 Published:2024-07-09
  • Contact: WEN Sheng


【Objective】 The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of surface tension, droplet size, and leaf angle on the dynamic wetting and spreading behavior of pesticide droplets on both adaxial and abaxial surfaces of rice leaf, and to provide a basis for realizing the “reduce application and increase efficiency” of rice spraying by regulating the dynamic wetting and spreading behavior of pesticide droplets on the rice leaf surface.【Method】 A full factorial experiment was designed to investigate the dynamic wetting and spreading behavior of single droplet on both adaxial and abaxial surfaces of rice leaf in this study. The Silwet-408 solutions with surface tension of 21.4, 33.2, and 43.7 mN·m-1 were formulated by adjusting the concentration of Silwet-408 to replace the pesticide solutions. A droplet generator was used to produce the single droplets of 532, 627, 746, 830, and 957 μm. The leaf angles were set as 40°, 65°, and 85°.【Result】 There were significant effects of surface tension, droplet size, and leaf angle on the rate of change of droplet contact angle on the rice leaf surface (P<0.05), and the overall trend of the influences on the adaxial and abaxial surfaces was basically the same; increasing leaf angle or reducing droplet size or lowering surface tension could increase the rate of change of contact angle and promote the wetting and spreading of droplet. Among them, the effect of lowering surface tension was the most significant. When the surface tension was decreased from 33.2 to 21.4 mN·m-1, which was close to the critical surface tension of rice leaf surface, the rate of change of the contact angle (advancing contact angle and receding contact angle) increased by 7.49 and 6.22 times for the adaxial surface, and 11.13 and 7.61 times for the abaxial surface, and the wettability of the droplets was changed from relatively poor or poor (80°≤contact angle<100° or contact angle≥100°) to medium or positive (60°≤contact angle<80° or contact angle<60°) within 75 s; when the surface tension was much larger than the critical surface tension of rice leaf surface, the rate of change of contact angle increased with the increase of leaf angle, and increased with the decrease of droplet size, but the effect of leaf angle was less than that of droplet size, and droplets of almost all particle sizes still maintained relatively poor or poor wettability (80°≤contact angle<100° or contact angle≥100°) after 75 s. In addition, the analysis of droplet wetting hysteresis phenomenon showed that the roughness of the rice leaf surface was relatively small, and the droplet wetting hysteresis phenomenon was not serious. The droplet with surface tension close to the critical surface tension of rice leaf was driven by the dynamic surface tension of the solid-liquid-gas three-phase system to wet and spread on the leaf surface, and the dynamic change of the contact angle with time could be fitted by the model θ=θe+Aexp(-Kt); although the droplet with a surface tension much higher than the critical surface tension of rice leaf could steadily adhere to the leaf surface without the phenomenon of roll-off, it was never able to break through the pinning effect and retention resistance of the leaf surface, and could not achieve wetting and spreading.【Conclusion】 All three factors, surface tension, droplet size, and leaf angle, significantly affect the dynamic wetting and spreading behavior of pesticide droplets on the rice leaf surface. In the actual application scenarios, since the leaf angle cannot be adjusted artificially, the surface tension and droplet size of the pesticide solution can be adjusted according to the purpose of the application to regulate the dynamic wetting and spreading behavior of the droplet. The results of this study are helpful to understand the mechanism of dynamic wetting and spreading of pesticide droplet on the rice leaf surface, and can provide theoretical support and guidance for the rational selection of surface tension and droplet size in rice pesticide application scenarios.

Key words: pesticide droplet, rice leaf surface, dynamic wetting and spreading, contact angle, wetting hysteresis, surface tension

Fig. 1

The shape of single droplet on the inclined plane"

Table 1

Surface tension of Silwet-408 solutions with different concentrations and their contact angles on the adaxial and abaxial surfaces of rice leaf"

Concentration (mg·mL-1)
Surface tension (mN·m-1)
Contact angle (the adaxial surface) (°
Contact angle (the abaxial surface) (°
0 72.8±0.07 132.0±0.51 118.4±0.90
0.002 43.7±0.10 127.4±0.19 115.7±0.68
0.01 33.2±0.10 108.5±0.68 83.6±0.88
0.1 21.4±0.03 24.1±1.24 20.9±1.90

Fig. 2

Dynamic contact angle on the adaxial surface of rice leaf"

Fig. 3

Dynamic contact angle on the abaxial surface of rice leaf"

Table 2

ANOVA of the influence of experimental factors on the rate of change of contact angle"

Source of variability
Sum of squares
Degree of freedom
Mean square
F P 效应量
Effect size
θa on the adaxial surface of rice leaf
修正模型Correction model 11.178 44 0.254 142.562 <0.001 0.986
A 0.097 4 0.024 13.610 <0.001 0.377
B 10.637 2 5.318 2984.524 <0.001 0.985
C 0.054 2 0.027 15.061 <0.001 0.251
A×B 0.039 8 0.005 2.757 0.009 0.197
A×C 0.041 8 0.005 2.863 0.007 0.203
B×C 0.162 4 0.041 22.766 <0.001 0.503
A×B×C 0.148 16 0.009 5.194 <0.001 0.480
θr on the adaxial surface of rice leaf
修正模型Correction model 10.266 44 0.233 198.958 <0.001 0.990
A 0.114 4 0.029 24.385 <0.001 0.520
B 9.739 2 4.869 4152.493 <0.001 0.989
C 0.011 2 0.005 4.512 0.014 0.091
A×B 0.062 8 0.008 6.648 <0.001 0.371
A×C 0.069 8 0.009 7.338 <0.001 0.395
B×C 0.061 4 0.015 13.070 <0.001 0.367
A×B×C 0.209 16 0.013 11.152 <0.001 0.665
θa on the abaxial surface of rice leaf
修正模型Correction model 12.127 44 0.276 182.035 <0.001 0.989
A 0.051 4 0.013 8.503 <0.001 0.274
B 11.661 2 5.831 3850.864 <0.001 0.988
C 0.063 2 0.032 20.901 <0.001 0.317
A×B 0.075 8 0.009 6.158 <0.001 0.354
A×C 0.056 8 0.007 4.593 <0.001 0.290
B×C 0.125 4 0.031 20.680 <0.001 0.479
A×B×C 0.096 16 0.006 3.954 <0.001 0.413
θr on the abaxial surface of rice leaf
修正模型Correction model 10.285 44 0.234 189.769 <0.001 0.989
A 0.054 4 0.013 10.871 <0.001 0.326
B 10.011 2 5.005 4063.746 <0.001 0.989
C 0.009 2 0.005 3.777 0.027 0.077
A×B 0.044 8 0.006 4.488 <0.001 0.285
A×C 0.052 8 0.006 5.254 <0.001 0.318
B×C 0.019 4 0.005 3.824 0.006 0.145
A×B×C 0.096 16 0.006 4.881 <0.001 0.465

Table 3

Post hoc tests on the rate of change of contact angle between different levels of various experimental factors"

Experimental factor
Sample number
The rate of change of contact angle (°·s-1)
θa θr
The adaxial surface of rice leaf
Droplet size (μm)
532 27 0.295a 0.306a
627 27 0.301a 0.305a
746 27 0.248b 0.252b
830 27 0.246b 0.245b
957 27 0.237b 0.241b
Leaf angle (°)
40 45 0.244b 0.263b
65 45 0.260b 0.264b
85 45 0.292a 0.282a
Surface tension (mN·m-1)
21.4 45 0.662a 0.650a
33.2 45 0.078b 0.090b
43.7 45 0.056c 0.070c
The abaxial surface of rice leaf
Droplet size (μm)
532 27 0.288a 0.295a
627 27 0.286a 0.290a
746 27 0.247b 0.257b
830 27 0.250b 0.255b
957 27 0.246b 0.247b
Leaf angle (°)
40 45 0.247b 0.261b
65 45 0.249b 0.265b
85 45 0.294a 0.280a
Surface tension (mN·m-1)
21.4 45 0.679a 0.654a
33.2 45 0.056b 0.076b
43.7 45 0.055b 0.076b

Fig. 4

Interaction between droplet size and surface tension on the rate of change of advancing contact angle"

Fig. 5

Interaction between droplet size and leaf angle on the rate of change of advancing contact angle"

Fig. 6

Interaction between surface tension and leaf angle on the rate of change of advancing contact angle"

Fig. 7

Changes in wetting hysteresis of 532 and 957 μm droplets on the adaxial surface of 85° inclined leaf"

Fig. 8

Dynamic wetting and spreading morphology of droplets on the adaxial surface of 85° inclined leaf"

Table 4

Fitting function for the dynamic change of advancing contact angle on the adaxial surface of rice leaf"

Surface tension (mN·m-1)/Leaf angle (°)
液滴粒径Droplet size (μm)
532 957
21.4/40 θa=61.50+38.03exp(-0.036t), R2=0.9931 θa=59.47+54.52exp(-0.031t), R2=0.9970
21.4/65 θa=53.69+51.56exp(-0.048t), R2=0.9858 θa=79.36+44.49exp(-0.063t), R2=0.9981
21.4/85 θa=40.25+58.90exp(-0.022t), R2=0.9772 θa=80.68+43.88exp(-0.062t), R2=0.9915
33.2/40 θa=98.81-0.207t, R2=0.9917 θa=118.49-0.043t, R2=0.9987
33.2/65 θa=95.13-0.115t, R2=0.9909 θa=145.18-0.056t, R2=0.9913
33.2/85 θa=104.46-0.084t, R2=0.9857 θa=108.58-0.044t, R2=0.9333
43.7/40 θa=110.84-0.100t, R2=0.9265 θa=131.38-0.040t, R2=0.9963
43.7/65 θa=117.17-0.016t, R2=0.7900 θa=119.17-0.027t, R2=0.8893
43.7/85 θa=107.24-0.132t, R2=0.9912 θa=125.43-0.041t, R2=0.7582
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