Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2019, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (2): 273-284.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.02.007


Spatial Differentiation and Impact Factors of Grain Yield Per Hectare in Weibei Plateau Based on GWR Model: A Case Study of Binxian County, Shannxi

QIU MengLong1,CAO XiaoShu1,ZHOU Jian1,FENG XiaoLong2,GAO XingChuan1   

  1. 1 Center for Land Resource Research in Northwest China, Shannxi Normal University, Xi’an 710119;
    2 Center of Land Consolidation in Shannxi Province, Xi’an 710154;
  • Received:2018-05-29 Accepted:2018-09-28 Online:2019-01-16 Published:2019-01-21


【Objective】 This research was conducted to reveal the spatial differentiation characteristics and influencing factors of grain yield per hectare on the county scale in the Loess Plateau of Weibei, and to provide scientific references for similar researches on small scale and improvement of regional grain output. 【Method】 The spatial distribution characteristics of grain yield per hectare and spatial heterogeneity of its influencing factors were analyzed by using spatial autocorrelation, least square method and geographically weighted regression model in Binxian county of Shannxi province -a main grain producing county in Weibei Plateau. 【Result】 The Moran's I index of grain yield per hectare in Binxian County was 0.328, and the Z value of significance test was 5.51, and the characteristics of local spatial agglomeration were north high and south low. Slope, plough layer thickness, soil organic matter, road density and cost of fertilization had a positive effect on the grain yield in Binxian County. Soil type, erosion degree and groundwater depth had a negative influence on the grain yield in Binxian County. The relative range of regression coefficients for explanatory variables was between 0.55-14.11. In space, plough layer thickness, soil type, erosion degree, soil organic matter and road density had a stronger influence on the grain yield of the hilly and gully areas in the South and southeast in Binxian County than that in the northern Loess Plateau; while slope, groundwater depth and cost of fertilization showed opposite spatial non-stationary characteristics. The significance of regression coefficient of OLS model was negatively correlated with the relative range of regression coefficient of GWR model. The R 2 of the GWR model was 0.04 higher than that of the OLS model, and the AIC value was reduced by 11.04. 【Conclusion】 There was a significant positive spatial correlation in grain yields per hectare of Binxian County. Soil organic matter, cost of fertilization and groundwater depth were the most important factors influencing grain yield per hectare in the county of Weibei Plateau. The influence degree of influencing factor on grain yield per hectare was of great difference in different spatial location, and the spatial non-stationarity of the influencing factors was the main reason for the lower significance level of regression coefficient of OLS model. The GWR model had better explanatory power and accuracy in modeling spatial non-stationary data than OLS model. And the spatial visualization of model estimation parameters could be realized by GWR model.

Key words: grain yield per hectare, spatial heterogeneity, GWR model, impact factors, county scale

Fig. 1

Distribution of data collecting points"

Fig. 2

Moran’s I plot of grain yield in Binxian county"

Fig. 3

LISA cluster map for grain yield in Binxian county"

Table 1

The estimation results of OLS model"

非标准化系数 Unstandardized coefficients 标准误差
Standard error
Standardization coefficient
t value
P value
常数项 Intercept 288.55 31.11 --- 9.28 0.00
坡度 Slope 16.81 26.87 0.04 0.63 0.53
耕层厚度 Plough layer thickness 45.95 32.57 0.10 1.41 0.16
土壤类型 Soil type -37.13 23.88 -0.08 -1.95 0.09
侵蚀程度 Erosion degree -26.84 22.74 -0.07 -1.18 0.24
土壤有机质 Soil organic matter 218.80 32.83 0.45 6.66 0.00
地下水埋深 Groundwater depth -87.97 17.81 -0.28 -4.94 0.00
道路密度 Road density 35.05 22.57 0.09 1.95 0.09
施肥成本 Cost of fertilization 178.33 22.61 0.42 7.89 0.00

Table 2

Statistics of regression parameters of GWR model"

Upper quartile
Lower quartile
Relative ranges
常数项 Intercept 297.57 246.90 329.88 286.52 314.55 299.85 0.28
坡度 Slope 5.18 -45.30 27.81 -9.53 22.16 11.83 14.11
耕层厚度 Plough layer thickness 42.30 33.35 66.25 37.63 45.30 42.05 0.78
土壤类型 Soil type -35.94 -100.74 6.57 -51.11 -20.31 -33.44 2.99
侵蚀程度 Erosion degree -24.85 -46.13 7.77 -38.97 -13.68 -25.11 2.17
土壤有机质 Soil organic matter 225.50 172.00 311.23 189.92 254.17 220.21 0.62
地下水埋深 Groundwater depth -82.94 -116.71 -60.55 -98.08 -69.51 -79.40 0.68
道路密度 Road density 28.28 -18.36 70.14 11.46 48.93 25.63 3.13
施肥成本 Cost of fertilization 168.07 93.21 185.42 162.60 178.68 175.91 0.55
Crop yield per unit (kg·hm-2)
3257.88 1775.00 4950.00 2653.12 3893.75 3198.75 0.97
Estimating crop yield per unit (kg·hm-2)
3254.35 1888.21 5139.93 2773.27 3680.76 3246.47 1.00
条件数 Cond 22.10 19.64 29.73 20.74 23.02 21.78 0.46
Local R2 0.81 0.73 0.89 0.78 0.83 0.81 0.20
残差 Residual 3.53 -769.77 576.19 -172.61 160.68 19.67 381.29

Table 3

Parameter estimation comparison OLS model with GWR model"

模型 Model 信息准则
R2 调整后的R2
Adjust R2
OLS模型 OLS model 1080.07 0.80 0.78 198694.52 46.22
GWR模型 GWR model 1069.03 0.86 0.82 140028.34 41.53
Improvement of simulation accuracy by GWR model
11.04 0.06 0.04 58666.18 4.69

Fig. 4

Spatial distribution of regression coefficients of factors influencing grain yield based on GWR model"

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