中国农业科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (19): 3743-3757.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.19.003

• 作物遗传育种·种质资源·分子遗传学 • 上一篇    下一篇


赵勇1,2(), 艾静1,2, 王禹童1,2, 张仲富1,2, 杨洪岂3, 李加群4, 郭兆建3, 刘海俊4, 覃伟1,2, 邓军1,2(), 张跃彬1,2()   

  1. 1 云南省农业科学院热带作物生物育种全国重点实验室,昆明 650000
    2 云南省农业科学院甘蔗研究所,云南开远 661699
    3 德宏州甘蔗科学研究所,云南陇川 678707
    4 勐海县甘蔗技术推广站,云南勐海 666200
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-27 接受日期:2024-06-21 出版日期:2024-10-01 发布日期:2024-10-09
  • 通信作者:
  • 联系方式: 赵勇,。
  • 基金资助:
    热带作物生物育种全国重点实验室重点项目(NKLTCB-YAAS-2024S04); 国家糖料产业技术体系抗逆栽培岗位科学家项目(CARS-17); 云南省农业科学院科研预研项目(2023KYZX-02); 云南省基础研究计划农业联合专项(202301BD070001-213); 云南省种子种业联合实验室项目(2022YFD2301100)

Research on the Production Potential of Main Sugarcane Varieties Under Different Planting Modes in Hilly and Mountainous Areas

ZHAO Yong1,2(), AI Jing1,2, WANG YuTong1,2, ZHANG ZhongFu1,2, YANG HongQi3, LI JiaQun4, GUO ZhaoJian3, LIU HaiJun4, QIN Wei1,2, DENG Jun1,2(), ZHANG YueBin1,2()   

  1. 1 National Key Laboratory of Tropical Crop Biological Breeding, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming 650000
    2 Sugarcane Research Institute, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kaiyuan 661699, Yunnan
    3 Dehong Sugarcane Science Research Institute, Longchuan 678707, Yunnan
    4 Menghai County Sugarcane Technology Promotion Station, Menghai 666200, Yunnan
  • Received:2024-04-27 Accepted:2024-06-21 Published:2024-10-01 Online:2024-10-09


【目的】以丘陵山地不同种植模式甘蔗主栽品种生产潜力为研究对象,探索品种和机械适应关系,筛选宜机化(适宜机械作业)种植的甘蔗品种并明确其主要特征,为推动丘陵山地蔗区全程机械化提供理论支撑。【方法】选择云南丘陵山地2种不同生态类型蔗区,对桂柳05-136、云蔗05-49、云蔗05-51和云蔗08-1609 4个主栽品种进行全程机械化和全程人工2种种植模式下生产潜力研究。【结果】甘蔗产量和蔗糖分受品种和种植模式影响,其中产量影响显著,机械化种植模式下,云蔗08-1609产量显著高于人工种植模式(P<0.01),云蔗05-51表现相反(P<0.01);机械化种植模式下,云蔗08-1609蔗糖分略高于人工种植(P>0.05),桂柳05-136和云蔗05-49略降低(P>0.05)。甘蔗下种量和出苗率同时受品种特性和种植模式影响,机械化种植模式下下种量普遍高于人工种植,而出苗率普遍低于人工种植模式;云蔗05-51机械化种植条件下出苗率显著降低(P<0.05),云蔗08-1609出苗率相对较稳定(P>0.05)。甘蔗主要农艺性状同时受品种和种植模式影响,机械化种植模式下,云蔗08-1609有效茎显著高于人工种植模式(P<0.05);工艺品质性状主要受品种影响。云蔗08-1609在甘蔗机械种植条件下生长潜力更高,表现为产量和有效茎显著高于人工种植,甘蔗蔗糖分略高;云蔗05-51在人工种植模式条件下生长潜力更高,表现为人工种植模式下的产量更高。【结论】不同甘蔗品种对机械种植的适应程度不同,存在宜机化种植和宜人工种植甘蔗品种,在推进机械化种植模式过程中应充分考虑品种的适应性;总之,宜机化种植甘蔗品种应具备在机械化种植模式下的甘蔗产量更高和有效茎更多,且蔗糖分受种植模式影响较小甚至略高于人工种植模式的特征。

关键词: 甘蔗, 机械化种植, 人工种植, 产量, 蔗糖分, 有效茎


【Objective】The research focused on the production potential of sugarcane main varieties under the different planting modes in mountainous and hilly regions, in order to explore the relationship between the varieties and mechanical adaptation, screen the adaptable varieties for mechanical production, and clarify the main characteristics of the varieties, thus to provide the theory for promoting the completely mechanical production of sugarcane in mountainous and hilly regions.【Method】Two different ecological types of sugarcane production regions in mountainous regions of Yunnan were selected to study the production potential of four main planting varieties, including LC05-136, YZ05-49, YZ05-51, and YZ08-1609, under two different planting modes (the completely mechanical or manual production).【Result】The yield and sucrose content of sugarcane varied between the two factors of varieties and planting modes, and the yield was significantly affected. Under the mechanical production, the yield of YZ08-1609 was significantly higher than that with the treatment of artificial production (P<0.01), while YZ05-51 showed the opposite trend (P<0.01), under the mechanical production, the sucrose content of YZ08-1609 is slightly higher than that with the artificial production (P>0.05), while these of LC05-136 and YZ05-49 were slightly decreased (P>0.05). The planting density and the emergence rate of sugarcane varied with both varieties and production modes. The planting density under the machinery production was generally higher than that under the artificial production, while the emergence rate was generally lower than that with the treatment of the artificial production. The emergence rate of YZ05-51 under the machinery production significantly decreased (P<0.05), while the emergence rate of YZ08-1609 remained relatively stable (P>0.05). The main agronomic traits of sugarcanes varied with both varieties and the production modes. The millable stalks of YZ08-1609 under the machinery production were significantly higher than that under the artificial production (P<0.05); the industrial characteristics were mainly influenced by the variety. YZ08-1609 owned higher growth potential under the machinery production, with significantly higher yield and millable stalks compared with these under the artificial production, and slightly higher sucrose content; YZ05-51 owned higher growth potential under the artificial production with the performance of higher yield under the artificial production. 【Conclusion】Different sugarcane varieties owned the different adaptabilities to the machinery production, like some sugarcane varieties were suitable for the machinery production and some were suitable for the manual production. During pushing forward the progress of the application of mechanical production in sugarcane planting, the adaptability of varieties should be fully considered. Overall, sugarcane varieties suitable for the machinery production should own higher sugarcane yield and more millable stalks, and the sucrose content should be less affected or even slightly higher than that under the manual production.

Key words: sugarcane, mechanized planting, manual planting, yield, sucrose, millable stalks