中国农业科学 ›› 2023, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (11): 2129-2140.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2023.11.008

• 土壤肥料·节水灌溉·农业生态环境 • 上一篇    下一篇


郑春雨(), 沙珊伊, 朱琳, 王少杰, 冯国忠, 高强, 王寅()   

  1. 吉林农业大学资源与环境学院/秸秆综合利用与黑土地保护教育部重点实验室/吉林省商品粮基地土壤资源可持续利用重点实验室,长春 130118
  • 收稿日期:2022-04-27 接受日期:2022-06-04 出版日期:2023-06-01 发布日期:2023-06-19
  • 通信作者: 王寅,
  • 联系方式: 郑春雨,。
  • 基金资助:
    吉林省自然科学基金面上项目(20190201117JC); 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFD0200101)

Optimizing Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate for High-Yield Maize in Black Soil Region Based on Ecological and Social Benefits

ZHENG ChunYu(), SHA ShanYi, ZHU Lin, WANG ShaoJie, FENG GuoZhong, GAO Qiang, WANG Yin()   

  1. College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Jilin Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Straw Comprehensive Utilization and Black Soil Conservation, Ministry of Education/Key Laboratory of Sustainable Utilization of Soil Resources in the Commodity Grain Bases in Jilin Province, Changchun 130118
  • Received:2022-04-27 Accepted:2022-06-04 Published:2023-06-01 Online:2023-06-19


【目的】在农学和经济效益基础上,基于生态和社会效益进一步探索优化玉米氮肥施用量,促进黑土区玉米生产的可持续绿色发展,协同实现作物高产、资源高效、环境保护和人类健康等多重目标。【方法】2017—2020年在吉林省典型黑土区两个地点(三棵树村和泉眼沟村,简写为SKS和QYG)开展田间定位试验,研究氮肥(尿素)用量(0、50、100、150、200、250、300 kg N·hm-2)对玉米产量、氮素吸收和利用的影响。采用生命周期评价和综合效益分析方法评估不同施氮水平下玉米的农学、经济、生态和社会效益(分别为施氮引起的直接产值增量、除去氮肥成本的利润增量、除去活性氮损失和温室气体排放等环境污染成本的生态效益、除去环境污染引发人类健康危害成本的社会效益),并分别计算农学最佳施氮量(agronomically optimal N rate,AOR)、经济最佳施氮量(privately optimal N rate,POR),生态最佳施氮量(ecologically optimal N rate,EOR)和社会效益最佳施氮量(socially optimal N rate,SOR),最终综合多重效益优化黑土区玉米的氮肥施用量。【结果】黑土区玉米施用氮肥具有显著增产效果,两个试验点产量随施氮量增加而持续上升,均在200 kg N·hm-2达到产量平台,SKS和QYG 4年平均产量分别为10.3和11.1 t·hm-2。玉米植株氮素吸收量也随施氮量增加而持续提高,SKS和QYG均在300 kg N·hm-2达到最高(分别为151.9和161.8 kg N·hm-2),而氮肥表观回收率均在施氮量100 kg N·hm-2时最高(分别为70.3%和72.2%),而后则随施氮量增加呈下降趋势。基于4年试验结果进行综合效益分析发现,氮肥投入导致的生态和社会成本均随施氮量增加呈指数增长趋势,玉米施氮后的产值增量、利润增量、生态效益及社会效益均随施氮量增加呈现先增加后降低的一元二次曲线趋势。基于曲线拟合计算,SKS点的AOR、POR、EOR、SOR分别为236、225、215、211 kg N·hm-2,而QYG点分别为245、235、225、221 kg N·hm-2。AOR条件下,SKS和QYG点的玉米产量分别为10.6和11.4 t·hm-2,活性氮损失分别为44.4和46.8 kg N·hm-2,生态效益分别为8 786和10 271元/hm2,社会效益分别为8 351和9 822元/hm2。两个试验点在EOR条件下相比AOR条件分别减施氮肥8.8%和7.9%,提高氮肥偏生产力9.1%和8.1%,减少活性氮损失11.7%和11.0%。两个试验点的SOR在EOR基础上进一步减少氮投入,SOR相比AOR分别减施氮肥10.6%和9.6%,减少活性氮损失14.0%和13.1%,增加社会效益124和119元/hm2。【结论】基于生态和社会效益评估,本研究条件下玉米在10.5—12.0 t·hm-2产量水平的适宜施氮量为210—220 kg N·hm-2,建议黑土区玉米养分管理应以最佳生态或社会效益为目标推荐施氮量,以实现减氮增效、生态高产和人类健康等多重目标。

关键词: 黑土区, 玉米, 最佳施氮量, 生态效益, 社会效益, 生命周期评价


【Objective】Optimizing nitrogen (N) fertilizer rate for maize, by considering ecological and social benefits in combination with agricultural and economic benefits, was studied to promote the sustainable and green maize production in black soil region, and further to realize the multiple goals including higher yield, higher resource use efficiency, improved environment and human health.【Method】Two field experiments were conducted at San-ke-shu (SKS) and Quan-yan-gou (QYG) in typical black soil region from 2017 to 2020, to study the effects of different N fertilizer (urea) rates (0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 kg N·hm-2) on maize yield, N uptake and N recovery efficiency (NUE), and further to evaluate the agronomic, economic, ecological and social benefits (N-derived gross caused by N application, private benefits of removed the N fertilizer cost, ecological benefits of removed environmental pollution cost such as active nitrogen loss and greenhouse gas emission, and social benefit of removed human health harm cost caused by environmental pollution, respectively) in different N rates by using life cycle assessment and comprehensive benefits analysis. The agronomically optimal N rate (AOR), privately optimal N rate (POR), ecologically optimal N rate (EOR) and socially optimal N rate (SOR) were calculated to evaluate the integrated benefits and determine the optimal N fertilizer rate for maize in black soil region. 【Result】 Maize grain yields were significantly affected by N rates, which increased continuously with increasing N input and reached the yield plateau under 200 kg N·hm-2 treatment at both two experimental sites. Under this N rate, the average yields were 10.3 and 11.1 t·hm-2 at SKS and QYG across four experimental years, respectively. The N uptake of maize plants also showed increased trends with increasing N rates, and the highest value in 200 kg N·hm-2 treatment at SKS and QYG (151.9, 161.8 kg N·hm-2, respectively). The NUE of maize showed the highest values in 100 kg N·hm-2 treatment at both two experimental sites, the averages were 70.3% and 72.2%, respectively; and then, decreased with increasing N rates. Based on 4-year results, the ecological and social costs caused by N fertilizer input increased exponentially with the increase of N application rate. The N-derived gross, private benefits, ecological benefits and social benefits of maize increased firstly and then decreased with the increase of N application rate. Based on the curve fitting calculation, the AOR, POR, EOR and SOR were estimated as 236, 225, 215 and 211 kg N·hm-2 at SKS, respectively, and which were 245, 235, 225 and 221 kg N·hm-2 at QYG, respectively. Under AOR condition, maize yields of 10.6 and 11.4 t·hm-2, the Nr losses of 44.4 and 46.8 kg N·hm-2 were obtained at SKS and QYG, respectively, while their ecological benefits were 8 786 and 10 271 yuan/hm2, and social benefits were 8 351 and 9 822 yuan/hm2, respectively. Compared with AOR, by reducing N inputs by 8.8% and 7.9% at SKS and QYG, respectively, EOR increased partial factor productivity from applied N by 9.1% and 8.1%, respectively, while reducing Nr losses by 11.7% and 11.0%, respectively. Compared with EOR, SOR further reduced N inputs by 10.6% and 9.6% at SKS and QYG, respectively, thus reduced Nr losses by 14.0% and 13.1%, respectively, while increasing social benefits by 124 and 119 yuan/hm2, respectively. 【Conclusion】Based on the comprehensive consideration with ecological and social benefits, the optimal N fertilizer rate was determined as 210-220 kg N·hm-2 for maize with yield of 10.5-12.0 t·hm-2, it was suggested that the optimal application of ecological or social benefits should be recommended for maize nutrient management in black soil area, which could synergistically achieve the multiple goals for higher yields and NUE, improved ecological environment and human health.

Key words: black soil region, maize, optimal N rate, ecological benefit, social benefit, life cycle assessment