中国农业科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (23): 4600-4613.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2022.23.003

• 耕作栽培·生理生化·农业信息技术 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1山东农业大学农学院/作物学国家重点实验室,山东泰安 271018
    2无棣县小泊头镇农业综合服务中心,山东无棣 251911
  • 收稿日期:2021-12-19 接受日期:2022-04-14 出版日期:2022-12-01 发布日期:2022-12-06
  • 联系方式: 伊英杰,。
  • 基金资助:

The Comparison of Ammonia Volatilization Loss in Winter Wheat- Summer Maize Rotation System with Long-Term Different Fertilization Measures

YI YingJie1(),HAN Kun1,ZHAO Bin1,LIU GuoLi2,LIN DianXu2,CHEN GuoQiang2,REN Hao1,ZHANG JiWang1,REN BaiZhao1,LIU Peng1,*()   

  1. 1College of Agronomy, Shandong Agricultural University/State Key Laboratory of Crop Science, Taian 271018, Shandong
    2Comprehensive Agricultural Service Center of Xiaobotou Town, Wudi County, Wudi 251911, Shandong
  • Received:2021-12-19 Accepted:2022-04-14 Published:2022-12-01 Online:2022-12-06

摘要: 目的 基于定位试验平台,比较长期不同施肥处理下小麦-玉米轮作体系周年土壤氮素氨挥发损失的差异,为降低氨挥发损失、提高氮肥利用率提供理论依据。方法 2019—2021年,依托山东农业大学黄淮海玉米技术创新中心定位试验平台,以冬小麦品种石麦15和夏玉米品种郑单958为试验材料,以不施氮肥为对照(CK),采用有机肥(腐熟牛粪M)和无机氮肥(U)两种氮肥类型,设置两个施氮量分别为380 kg N·hm-2(M1、U1、U2M2)和190 kg N·hm-2(U2、M2),试验共计6个处理,其中氮肥在两季作物间的分配是小麦47.4%、玉米52.6%。采用通气法比较各处理土壤氨挥发速率、累积损失量、籽粒产量及氮肥利用效率的差异。结果 两个种植周期内不同施肥处理均显著影响土壤氨挥发。各处理施肥后氨挥发损失速率变化趋势基本一致,小麦和玉米两季的土壤氨挥发均主要发生在施肥后0—7 d,之后处理间的差异逐渐变小。小麦玉米轮作体系周年氨挥发损失量可达8.6—79.4 kg N·hm-2,以U1处理最高,达到79.4 kg N·hm-2,其氨挥发损失量较U2、U2M2、M1、M2和CK分别增加18.5%、111.7%、162.3%、20.5%和825.7%,表明高施氮量增加土壤氨挥发损失量,无机氮肥较有机肥增加氨挥发损失量。U2M2、M1和M2处理的氨挥发损失率比U1处理降低80.9%、61.3%、24.8%,表明有机氮肥与无机氮肥配施或单施有机氮肥可显著降低氨挥发损失。周年籽粒产量以U2M2处理最高,达到24 621.8 kg·hm-2,较U1、U2、M1、M2分别增产10.1%、24.7%、11.7%和32.7%。U2M2处理周年氮肥利用率达52.6%,较U1、U2、M1和M2处理分别提高11.3%、4.1%、13.4%和10.7%。U2M2处理降低了氨挥发损失、同步提高了产量和氮肥利用率,是冬小麦玉米周年轮作的理想施肥策略。结论 施用有机肥可以显著降低小麦玉米轮作体系的周年氨挥发损失量,提高周年籽粒产量和氮肥利用效率。考虑到有机肥源及施用便捷性可将有机无机配施作为当前小麦玉米轮作生产体系降低氨挥发损失、提高氮肥利用效率的主要施肥方式。

关键词: 有机肥, 无机氮肥, 冬小麦-夏玉米轮作体系, 周年, 氨挥发


【Objective】 Based on a long-term positioning test platform, the differences of annual ammonia volatilization loss of soil nitrogen in wheat-maize rotation system under different fertilization treatments were compared, aimed to provide a theoretical basis for reducing nitrogen volatilization loss and improving fertilizer use efficiency.【Method】 From 2019 to 2021, the winter wheat variety Shimai 15 and summer maize variety Zhengdan 958 were used as experimental materials in this study. With no nitrogen fertilizer applied as the control (CK), the two kinds of nitrogen fertilizer types (organic manure: M; urea: U) and two N application rates (380 kg N·hm-2: M1, U1, U2M2, and 190 kg N·hm-2: U2, M2) were set, and the distribution of N fertilizer between two crops was 47.4% for wheat and 52.6% for maize. The venting method was used to compare the differences in annual ammonia volatilization rate, cumulative loss, grain yield, and nitrogen use efficiency in a wheat-maize rotation system under different fertilization treatments.【Result】 Different fertilization treatments significantly affected soil ammonia volatilization in the two growing seasons. The soil ammonia volatilization mainly occurred 0-7 days after fertilization during the annual year in the wheat and maize crops, and the difference between the treatments gradually became smaller. The annual ammonia volatilization loss ranged from 8.6 to 79.4 kg N·hm-2. The highest ammonia volatilization loss was 79.4 kg N·hm-2 under U1 treatment, which was 18.5%, 111.7%, 162.3%, 20.5%, and 825.7% higher than that under U2, U2M2, M1, M2, and CK, respectively. The high nitrogen application rate increased soil ammonia volatilization loss, and the loss of inorganic nitrogen fertilizers was greater than that of organic fertilizers. The annual nitrogen fertilizer ammonia volatilization loss rate under U2M2, M1, and M2 treatment was 80.9%, 40.8%, and 61.3% lower than that under U1, respectively. It was indicated that the organic and inorganic fertilizers combined application or single organic fertilizers application could significantly reduce ammonia volatilization losses. The annual grain yield under U2M2 treatment was the highest, which was 24 621.8 kg·hm-2, and was 10.1%, 24.7%, 11.7%, and 32.7% higher than that under U1, U2, M1, and M2, respectively. The annual nitrogen utilization efficiency under U2M2 treatment was 52.6%, which was 11.3%, 4.1%, 13.4%, and 10.7% higher than that under U1, U2, M1, and M2, respectively. U2M2 treatment reduced the ammonia volatilization loss and simultaneously increased the grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency, which was an ideal fertilization strategy for the annual rotation of winter wheat and maize.【Conclusion】 The application of organic fertilizer could significantly reduce the annual ammonia volatilization loss of the wheat-maize rotation system, and increase the annual grain yield and nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency. Considering the source of organic fertilizer and the convenience of application, the organic and inorganic fertilizers combined application could be used as the main fertilization method to reduce the loss of ammonia volatilization and to improve the efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency in wheat-maize rotation production system.

Key words: organic fertilizer, inorganic nitrogen fertilizer, winter wheat-summer maize rotation system, annual, ammonia volatilization