中国农业科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (12): 2278-2293.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2022.12.002
李文丽,E-mail: 基金资助:
LI WenLi(),YUAN JianLong,DUAN HuiMin,JIANG TongHui,LIU LingLing,ZHANG Feng()
【目的】 马铃薯块茎质地综合评价有利于对马铃薯加工品质性状的细分和准确定位用途,辅助马铃薯品种的选择和选育,同时加快马铃薯产品的开发。【方法】 以主栽马铃薯品种块茎为材料,采用穿刺、二次压缩(texture profile analysis,TPA)和剪切3种质构检测模式分析块茎质构参数:穿刺距离、穿刺起始力、穿刺速度、压缩形变量、压缩速度、压缩间隔时间、压缩起始力、剪切起始力和剪切速度;根据最佳质构测试参数测定8个不同品种块茎质地参数,分析质地参数间的相关性和块茎品质评价最佳质地参数。【结果】 鲜块茎穿刺最优参数:探头型号为圆柱金属探头(TMS 2 mm Steel),穿刺距离为2 mm,起始力为2.5 N,检测速度为50 mm·min-1;TPA压缩最优测试因素(鲜/熟):鲜、熟块茎圆柱体样品直径和高度均为10—15 mm,检测探头的选择对鲜块茎质地无显著差别,熟块茎最优探头型号为圆柱铝制探头(TMS 36.0 mm Aluminum Cylinder);最优参数(鲜/熟):形变量50%/60%,检测速度60 mm·min-1/80 mm·min-1,间隔时间6 s/10 s,起始力均为0.7 N;剪切最优参数(鲜/熟):长方体样品(30 mm×15 mm×10 mm),探头型号为轻型单刀探头(TMS Perspex Knife Edge),检测速度均为60 mm·min-1,起始力为1 N/0.5 N。不同品种块茎相关性分析表明,弹性与薯皮脆性存在显著相关性,与穿刺和剪切其他质地参数之间均无显著相关性;鲜块茎穿刺、TPA压缩与剪切质地参数之间均存在显著或极显著正相关性(0.410—0.959);熟块茎TPA压缩和剪切质地参数之间均存在显著或极显著正相关性(0.441—0.952)。【结论】 穿刺、TPA压缩和剪切质构检测模式适合鲜块茎质地品质的客观评价,其中,薯皮硬度、薯皮脆性、TPA硬度、内聚性、咀嚼性和剪切硬度可作为比较鲜块茎质地差异的重要参数;TPA压缩和剪切质构检测模式适合熟块茎质地品质的客观评价,其中,TPA硬度、粘附性、内聚性、弹性、咀嚼性和剪切硬度可以作为比较熟块茎质地差异性的重要参数。
李文丽, 袁剑龙, 段惠敏, 蒋彤晖, 刘玲玲, 张峰. 马铃薯块茎质地品质的综合评价[J]. 中国农业科学, 2022, 55(12): 2278-2293.
LI WenLi, YUAN JianLong, DUAN HuiMin, JIANG TongHui, LIU LingLing, ZHANG Feng. Comprehensive Evaluation of Potato Tuber Texture[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(12): 2278-2293.
穿刺参数 Puncture parameter | 穿刺距离 Puncture distance (mm) | 起始力 Initial force (N) | 检测速度 Detection speed (mm·min-1) | ||||||||||||
1 | 1.5 | 2 | 2.5 | 3 | 0.5 | 1 | 1.5 | 2 | 2.5 | 10 | 30 | 50 | 70 | 90 | |
薯皮硬度 Peel hardness (N) | 9.10±0.34a | 12.00±0.54b | 12.79±0.57b | 12.54±0.79b | 12.24±0.48b | 10.86±0.09a | 11.40±0.14ab | 11.73±0.28ab | 12.05±0.39b | 12.41±1.06b | 11.16±0.88a | 11.77±1.39a | 11.77±0.99a | 12.17±1.17a | 12.25±1.34a |
破裂距离 Puncture distance (mm) | 0.98±0.02a | 1.41±0.03b | 1.62±0.10c | 1.66±0.13c | 1.71±0.08c | 1.91±0.02c | 1.76±0.08bc | 1.55±0.13ab | 1.43±0.21a | 1.31±0.22a | 1.68±0.04a | 1.54±0.04b | 1.49±0.04b | 1.47±0.07b | 1.44±0.07b |
薯皮脆性 Peel brittleness (N·mm-1) | 9.32±0.19d | 8.56±0.13c | 8.02±0.18b | 7.72±0.21b | 7.31±0.13a | 5.70±0.08a | 6.48±0.31ab | 7.59±0.80abc | 8.55±1.62bc | 9.75±2.42c | 6.65±0.67a | 7.67±1.10a | 7.92±0.47a | 8.27±0.39a | 8.48±0.70a |
探头类型 Probe type | 块茎类型 Tuber type | TPA硬度 Hardness (N) | 粘附性 Adhesiveness (mJ) | 内聚性 Cohesiveness | 弹性 Springiness (mm) | 咀嚼性 Chewiness (mJ) |
38.1 mm圆柱塑胶探头 38.1 mm Cylindrical Plastic Probe | 鲜Fresh | 216.48±35.15a | — | 0.10±0.01a | 2.85±0.12a | 60.55±16.26a |
熟Steamed | 21.51±4.62a | 0.62±0.11a | 0.06±0.01a | 0.94±0.15a | 1.32±0.61a | |
36 mm圆柱铝制探头 36 mm Cylindrical Aluminum Probe | 鲜Fresh | 219.12±15.22a | — | 0.10±0.01a | 2.99±0.06a | 64.58±8.37a |
熟Steamed | 22.17±1.55a | 0.88±0.10b | 0.07±0.00b | 1.02±0.04a | 1.58±0.25a | |
25.4 mm圆柱塑胶探头 25.4 mm Cylindrical Plastic Probe | 鲜Fresh | 220.00±10.39a | — | 0.10±0.01a | 2.89±0.09a | 61.59±5.00a |
熟Steamed | 18.24±2.78a | 1.01±0.11b | 0.06±0.00a | 0.82±0.14a | 0.88±0.33a | |
F | 鲜Fresh | 0.019 | — | 0.000 | 1.929 | 0.110 |
熟Steamed | 1.264 | 10.717 | 6.000 | 2.090 | 2.083 | |
P | 鲜Fresh | 0.981 | — | 1.000 | 0.226 | 0.989 |
熟Steamed | 0.348 | 0.010* | 0.037* | 0.205 | 0.206 |
质地参数 Texture parameters | 项目 Item | 平方和 Sum of squares | 自由度 Df | 均方差 Mean square | F | <BOLD>P</BOLD> | 显著性 Significance |
内聚性(鲜) Cohesiveness (Fresh) | 模型Model | 9.697E﹣0.003 | 4 | 2.424E﹣003 | 99.45 | <0.0001 | * |
A | 9.336E–0.003 | 1 | 9.336E﹣003 | 382.98 | <0.0001 | ||
B | 3.282E﹣0.004 | 1 | 3.282E﹣004 | 13.46 | 0.0080 | ||
C | 1.245E﹣0.005 | 1 | 1.245E﹣005 | 0.51 | 0.4980 | ||
D | 2.089E﹣0.005 | 1 | 2.089E﹣005 | 0.86 | 0.3854 | ||
咀嚼性(鲜) Chewiness (Fresh) | 模型Model | 4148.55 | 4 | 1037.14 | 44.42 | <0.0001 | * |
A | 3306.59 | 1 | 3306.59 | 141.61 | <0.0001 | ||
B | 669.78 | 1 | 669.78 | 28.68 | 0.0011 | ||
C | 70.26 | 1 | 70.26 | 3.01 | 0.1264 | ||
D | 101.93 | 1 | 101.93 | 4.36 | 0.0751 | ||
内聚性(熟) Cohesiveness (Steamed) | 模型Model | 9.000E﹣004 | 4 | 2.250E﹣004 | 9.45 | <0.0060 | * |
A | 7.292E﹣004 | 1 | 7.292E﹣004 | 30.63 | <0.0009 | ||
B | 2.917E﹣005 | 1 | 2.917E﹣005 | 1.22 | 0.3050 | ||
C | 0.000 | 1 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 1.0000 | ||
D | 3.333E﹣005 | 1 | 3.333E﹣005 | 1.40 | 0.2753 |
编号 Number | 块茎类型 Tuber type | A | B | D | 空白列 Blank | 硬度 Hardness (N) | 粘附性 Adhesiveness (mJ) | 内聚性 Cohesiveness | 弹性 Springiness (mm) | 咀嚼性 Chewiness (mJ) |
1 | 鲜Fresh | 1(50) | 1(20) | 1(4) | 1 | 206.261 | — | 0.134 | 2.902 | 80.840 |
熟Steamed | 1(40) | 1(40) | 1(4) | 1 | 7.166 | 0.255 | 0.068 | 0.544 | 0.271 | |
2 | 鲜Fresh | 1 | 2(60) | 2(6) | 2 | 209.969 | — | 0.137 | 2.868 | 82.490 |
熟Steamed | 1 | 2(60) | 2(6) | 2 | 8.174 | 0.249 | 0.063 | 0.550 | 0.319 | |
3 | 鲜Fresh | 1 | 3(100) | 3(8) | 3 | 188.022 | — | 0.120 | 2.751 | 61.984 |
熟Steamed | 1 | 3(80) | 3(10) | 3 | 8.014 | 0.332 | 0.069 | 0.586 | 0.331 | |
4 | 鲜Fresh | 2(60) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 215.105 | — | 0.092 | 2.919 | 57.696 |
熟Steamed | 2(50) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 8.544 | 0.383 | 0.057 | 0.563 | 0.282 | |
5 | 鲜Fresh | 2 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 231.517 | — | 0.095 | 2.941 | 65.245 |
熟Steamed | 2 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 7.893 | 0.383 | 0.062 | 0.586 | 0.295 | |
6 | 鲜Fresh | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 218.210 | — | 0.083 | 2.787 | 51.107 |
熟Steamed | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 7.775 | 0.735 | 0.067 | 0.541 | 0.285 | |
7 | 鲜Fresh | 3(70) | 1 | 3 | 2 | 228.348 | — | 0.077 | 2.864 | 50.731 |
熟Steamed | 3(60) | 1 | 3 | 2 | 8.174 | 1.006 | 0.076 | 0.628 | 0.404 | |
8 | 鲜Fresh | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 217.744 | — | 0.072 | 2.650 | 41.845 |
熟Steamed | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 8.771 | 1.014 | 0.070 | 0.561 | 0.366 | |
9 | 鲜Fresh | 3 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 242.891 | — | 0.074 | 2.690 | 48.826 |
熟Steamed | 3 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 9.074 | 1.242 | 0.070 | 0.546 | 0.369 | |
k1(硬度) k1 (Hardness) | 鲜Fresh | 201.417 | 216.571 | 214.072 | 218.507 | |||||
熟Steamed | 7.785 | 7.962 | 7.904 | 8.045 | ||||||
k2(硬度) k2 (Hardness) | 鲜Fresh | 221.610 | 219.743 | 222.655 | 218.842 | |||||
熟Steamed | 8.071 | 8.279 | 8.598 | 8.041 | ||||||
k3(硬度) k3 (Hardness) | 鲜Fresh | 229.661 | 216.374 | 215.962 | 215.339 | |||||
熟Steamed | 8.673 | 8.288 | 8.027 | 8.443 | ||||||
R(硬度) R (Hardness) | 鲜Fresh | 28.244 | 3.370 | 8.583 | 3.503 | |||||
熟Steamed | 0.888 | 0.326 | 0.693 | 0.400 | ||||||
k1(粘附性) k1 (Adhesiveness) | 鲜Fresh | — | — | — | — | |||||
熟Steamed | 0.279 | 0.548 | 0.668 | 0.627 | ||||||
k2(粘附性) k2 (Adhesiveness) | 鲜Fresh | — | — | — | — | |||||
熟Steamed | 0.500 | 0.549 | 0.624 | 0.663 | ||||||
k3(粘附性) k3 (Adhesiveness) | 鲜Fresh | — | — | — | — | |||||
熟Steamed | 1.087 | 0.770 | 0.574 | 0.576 | ||||||
R(粘附性) R (Adhesiveness) | 鲜Fresh | — | — | — | — | |||||
熟Steamed | 0.809 | 0.221 | 0.094 | 0.087 | ||||||
k1(内聚性) k1 (Cohesiveness) | 鲜Fresh | 0.130 | 0.101 | 0.096 | 0.101 | |||||
熟Steamed | 0.066 | 0.067 | 0.068 | 0.066 | ||||||
k2(内聚性) k2 (Cohesiveness) | 鲜Fresh | 0.090 | 0.102 | 0.099 | 0.099 | |||||
熟Steamed | 0.062 | 0.065 | 0.063 | 0.069 | ||||||
k3(内聚性) k3 (Cohesiveness) | 鲜Fresh | 0.074 | 0.092 | 0.095 | 0.095 | |||||
熟Steamed | 0.072 | 0.069 | 0.069 | 0.065 | ||||||
R(内聚性) R (Cohesiveness) | 鲜Fresh | 0.056 | 0.010 | 0.004 | 0.005 | |||||
熟Steamed | 0.010 | 0.004 | 0.005 | 0.003 | ||||||
k1(弹性) k1 (Springiness) | 鲜Fresh | 2.840 | 2.895 | 2.779 | 2.831 | |||||
熟Steamed | 0.560 | 0.578 | 0.549 | 0.559 | ||||||
k2(弹性) k2 (Springiness) | 鲜Fresh | 2.882 | 2.819 | 2.826 | 2.839 | |||||
熟Steamed | 0.563 | 0.566 | 0.553 | 0.573 | ||||||
k3(弹性) K3 (Springiness) | 鲜Fresh | 2.735 | 2.743 | 2.852 | 2.787 | |||||
熟Steamed | 0.578 | 0.558 | 0.600 | 0.570 | ||||||
R(弹性) R (Springiness) | 鲜Fresh | 0.148 | 0.152 | 0.072 | 0.053 | |||||
熟Steamed | 0.019 | 0.020 | 0.051 | 0.011 | ||||||
k1(咀嚼性) k1 (Chewiness) | 鲜Fresh | 75.105 | 63.089 | 57.931 | 62.643 | |||||
熟Steamed | 0.307 | 0.319 | 0.307 | 0.311 | ||||||
k2(咀嚼性) k2 (Chewiness) | 鲜Fresh | 58.016 | 63.193 | 65.520 | 61.443 | |||||
熟Steamed | 0.287 | 0.327 | 0.323 | 0.336 | ||||||
k3(咀嚼性) k3 (Chewiness) | 鲜Fresh | 47.134 | 53.973 | 59.320 | 56.169 | |||||
熟Steamed | 0.380 | 0.328 | 0.343 | 0.326 | ||||||
R(咀嚼性) R (Chewiness) | 鲜Fresh | 27.971 | 9.221 | 7.589 | 6.475 | |||||
熟Steamed | 0.073 | 0.009 | 0.036 | 0.025 |
剪切参数 Shear parameter | 块茎类型 Tuber type | 起始力 Initial force (N) | 检测速度 Detection speed (mm·min-1) | ||||||||
0.5 0.5 | 0.7 0.6 | 1.0 0.7 | 1.5 0.8 | 2.0 0.9 | 20 | 40 | 60 | 120 | 180 | ||
剪切硬度 Shear hardness (N) | 鲜Fresh | 17.76±3.23a | 17.23±5.09a | 17.23±1.97a | 18.28±0.78a | 18.34±2.01a | 15.67±2.74a | 18.03±2.58ab | 16.97±1.46ab | 22.61±5.15b | 21.90±1.50b |
熟Steamed | 1.48±0.26ab | 1.60±0.16b | 1.23±0.13a | 1.56±0.07ab | 1.51±0.21ab | 1.39±0.38a | 1.44±0.18a | 1.69±0.17a | 1.83±0.05a | 1.76±0.22a | |
位移 Displacement (mm) | 鲜Fresh | 4.60±1.02a | 4.29±0.74a | 4.09±0.12a | 4.21±0.12a | 3.93±0.15a | 4.03±0.26a | 3.97±0.38a | 4.22±0.42a | 4.28±0.19a | 4.76±0.70a |
熟Steamed | 1.61±0.10b | 1.53±0.30b | 1.04±0.19a | 1.04±0.16a | 0.98±0.21a | 1.90±0.90a | 1.27±0.17a | 1.41±0.19a | 1.65±0.49a | 1.48±0.16a | |
剪切力做功 Shear work | 鲜Fresh | 54.62±21.72a | 49.13±15.56a | 46.48±2.5a | 46.48±2.5a | 49.21±5.53a | 42.44±9.13a | 45.22±9.43a | 47.85±6.82ab | 58.53±9.00ab | 66.96±15.56b |
熟Steamed | 1.71±0.40b | 1.82±0.25b | 1.06±0.23a | 1.06±0.23a | 1.30±0.41ab | 1.28±0.66a | 1.48±0.31ab | 1.88±0.38a | 2.38±0.80ab | 2.00±0.37b |
品种名 <BOLD>V</BOLD>ariety | 块茎类型 Tubers type | 穿刺测试 Puncture test | TPA压缩测试 TPA compression test | 剪切测试 Shear test | ||||||||||
薯皮硬度 Hardness (N) | 破裂距离 Puncture distance (mm) | 薯皮脆性 Brittleness (N·mm-1) | TPA硬度 Hardness (N) | 粘附性 Adhesiveness (mJ) | 内聚性 Cohesiveness | 弹性 Springiness (mm) | 咀嚼性 Chewiness (mJ) | 剪切硬度 Hardness (N) | 位移 Displacement (mm) | 剪切力做功 Shear work (mJ) | ||||
青薯9号 Qingshu No. 9 | 鲜Fresh | 11.15±0.61b | 1.32±0.02bc | 8.45±0.38d | 362.07±12.03d | — | 0.19±0.01c | 2.79±0.04a | 192.34±9.71c | 34.07±2.99bc | 137.10±13.27ab | 137.10±13.27bc | ||
熟Steamed | — | — | — | 12.13±1.87ab | 0.80±0.02a | 0.06±0.00a | 0.73±0.02ab | 0.54±0.08a | 1.21±0.06ab | 1.34±0.06bc | 1.21±0.05b | |||
京张1号 Jingzhang No. 1 | 鲜Fresh | 15.05±0.78d | 1.44±0.06c | 10.45±0.35f | 396.53±25.93d | — | 0.19±0.02c | 3.01±0.02c | 229.03±39.61d | 18.72±2.50a | 64.19±20.81ab | 64.19±20.81a | ||
熟Steamed | — | — | — | 12.26±1.19ab | 0.87±0.08a | 0.06±0.00a | 0.74±0.04ab | 0.57±0.06a | 1.16±0.14ab | 1.32±0.18bc | 1.15±0.24ab | |||
龙薯4号 Longshu No. 4 | 鲜Fresh | 8.70±0.39a | 1.31±0.08bc | 6.64±0.31ab | 280.88±30.52b | — | 0.13±0.01ab | 2.98±0.15bc | 107.87±21.84b | 25.36±1.73ab | 87.60±8.57ab | 87.60±8.57a | ||
熟Steamed | — | — | — | 11.00±1.49ab | 0.80±0.05a | 0.06±0.01ab | 0.78±0.03b | 0.54±0.10a | 1.03±0.09a | 0.96±0.12a | 0.91±0.17ab | |||
冀张薯12 Jizhangshu 12 | 鲜Fresh | 10.58±0.86b | 1.21±0.08ab | 8.74±0.34ab | 286.02±12.89b | — | 0.14±0.02b | 2.85±0.11ab | 109.88±17.08b | 18.70±3.77a | 75.44±22.33ab | 75.44±22.33a | ||
熟Steamed | — | — | — | 9.79±0.45a | 1.66±0.15b | 0.07±0.00b | 0.68±0.02ab | 0.47±0.02a | 0.95±0.08a | 1.09±0.18ab | 0.82±0.17a | |||
北方002 Beifang 002 | 鲜Fresh | 10.64±0.83b | 1.18±0.06ab | 9.02±0.19bc | 269.69±19.42b | — | 0.12±0.01ab | 2.80±0.09a | 90.66±7.61ab | 24.98±2.97ab | 102.03±33.98ab | 102.03±33.98ab | ||
熟Steamed | — | — | — | 11.31±0.44ab | 0.70±0.07a | 0.06±0.01ab | 0.65±0.03a | 0.48±0.07a | 1.16±0.15ab | 1.25±0.10bc | 1.16±0.20ab | |||
布尔班克 Russet Burbank | 鲜Fresh | 13.83±0.51c | 1.33±0.01bc | 10.40±0.32e | 325.40±26.90c | — | 0.12±0.01ab | 2.92±0.02abc | 111.30±9.60b | 40.13±3.10c | 156.46±2.72ab | 156.46±2.72c | ||
熟Steamed | — | — | — | 11.31±0.44ab | 0.84±0.25a | 0.06±0.00a | 0.67±0.06a | 0.48±0.07a | 1.32±0.14b | 1.61±0.18d | 1.61±0.10c | |||
甘农奶香薯 Gannongnaixiangshu | 鲜Fresh | 9.42±0.50a | 1.13±0.05a | 8.34±0.54a | 399.93±21.87d | — | 0.20±0.02c | 2.86±0.03abc | 236.90±20.54d | 38.11±12.43c | 170.02±56.57b | 170.02±56.57c | ||
熟Steamed | — | — | — | 19.97±1.32c | 0.82±0.05a | 0.07±0.01ab | 1.02±0.11c | 1.38±0.28b | 1.82±0.02c | 1.42±0.10dc | 1.80±0.14c | |||
大西洋 Atlantic Ocean | 鲜Fresh | 11.40±0.58a | 1.31±0.16bc | 8.70±0.86bd | 209.33±7.61a | — | 0.11±0.01a | 2.79±0.11a | 65.92±6.83a | 20.55±1.36a | 61.13±7.94a | 61.13±7.94a | ||
熟Steamed | — | — | — | 12.68±1.82b | 0.84±0.25a | 0.06±0.00a | 0.67±0.06a | 0.53±0.14a | 1.33±0.28b | 1.22±0.12bc | 1.80±0.14c |
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