中国农业科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (3): 504-521.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.03.005

• 耕作栽培·生理生化·农业信息技术 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南京农业大学农学院/国家信息农业工程技术中心/智慧农业教育部工程研究中心/农业农村部农作物系统分析与决策重点实验室/江苏省信息农业重点实验室/江苏省现代作物生产协同创新中心,南京 210095
  • 收稿日期:2020-04-23 接受日期:2020-10-12 出版日期:2021-02-01 发布日期:2021-02-16
  • 通讯作者: 刘兵
  • 作者简介:肖浏骏,E-mail:
  • 基金资助:

Testing the Responses of Low Temperature Stress Routine to Low Temperature Stress at Jointing and Booting in Wheat

XIAO LiuJun(),LIU LeiLei,QIU XiaoLei,TANG Liang,CAO WeiXing,ZHU Yan,LIU Bing()   

  1. College of Agriculture, Nanjing Agricultural University/National Engineering and Technology Center for Information Agriculture/ Engineering Research Center of Smart Agriculture, Ministry of Education/ Key Laboratory for Crop System Analysis and Decision Making, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Information Agriculture/Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for Modern Crop Production, Nanjing 210095
  • Received:2020-04-23 Accepted:2020-10-12 Online:2021-02-01 Published:2021-02-16
  • Contact: Bing LIU


【目的】作物生长模型是预测和评估气候变化对作物生产力影响的重要量化工具,明确典型作物生长模型对小麦拔节期和孕穗期低温胁迫响应能力的不足,可以为进一步改进低温胁迫对小麦生产力影响的模拟算法提供指导。【方法】本研究将来自4套国际知名小麦生长模型(美国密歇根州立大学的CERES-Wheat、美国华盛顿州立大学的CropSyst、荷兰瓦赫宁根大学的WOFOST和法国国家农业科学研究院的STICS模型)的典型低温胁迫效应算法,与本课题组研发的小麦生长模拟模型WheatGrow相耦合,利用2012—2013年南京和2013—2015如皋不同品种(扬麦16和徐麦30)、不同温度水平(最低至-6℃)和持续时间(2、4、6 d)的人工气候室低温盆栽试验资料,检验和评价了原WheatGrow模型和耦合后低温胁迫效应算法的WheatGrow模型在拔节期和孕穗期低温胁迫下对小麦叶面积指数动态、茎生物量、地上部总生物量、籽粒产量等指标的预测能力。【结果】拔节—孕穗期低温胁迫明显降低了小麦叶面积指数、地上部生物量积累和籽粒产量,且随低温水平的降低和持续时间的增加降低幅度呈明显升高趋势。比较不同处理时期和品种发现,小麦生长发育及产量对孕穗期低温处理较拔节期低温处理更加敏感,扬麦16较徐麦30对低温胁迫更为敏感。耦合了4种低温胁迫效应算法的WheatGrow模型在模拟叶面积指数动态上较原WheatGrow模型有所改善,但模拟误差仍然较大,其中对孕穗期低温处理的模拟误差大于拔节期处理。4种低温胁迫算法均低估了低温胁迫对茎生物量以及成熟期地上部生物量积累的不利影响。综合比较4种低温胁迫算法的预测能力可以看出,对于叶面积指数和地上部生物量的动态模拟,CropSyst模型中的低温胁迫效应算法表现最好;对于茎生物量的动态模拟,WOFOST模型中的低温胁迫效应算法表现最好,特别是孕穗期低温处理;对于籽粒产量的模拟,STICS模型中的低温胁迫效应算法表现最好,其次是CropSyst模型。【结论】耦合低温胁迫效应算法后的WheatGrow模型,在模拟叶面积指数、茎生物量、地上部生物量和籽粒产量上均好于原WheatGrow模型,且在弱低温条件下的模拟效果好于强低温条件,但是4套算法由于没有考虑低温胁迫对茎秆的直接伤害、低温胁迫对干物质分配的影响以及低温胁迫后的恢复和补偿效应,因此在模拟茎生物量积累,以及模拟不同低温持续时间下的地上部生物量积累存在明显不足。此外,4套低温效应算法引入参数较多,为模型的参数化带来一定的困难,有待今后进一步改进和完善。研究结果对改进小麦生长模型对低温胁迫响应,降低气候变化背景下作物生产力的预测预警的不确定性具有重要意义。

关键词: 小麦, 低温胁迫, 作物生长模型, 算法比较, 模型检验, WheatGrow模型


【Objective】Crop growth model is an essential approach for predicting and evaluating crop productivity under climate change. This study was conducted to clearly demonstrate the shortcomings of the existing models under low temperature stress, and provide instructions to improve the algorithms for simulating effects of low temperature stress on wheat productivity.【Method】The low temperature stress response routines from four famous wheat models, including CERES-Wheat from Michigan State University, CropSyst from Washington State University, WOFOST from Wageningen University in the Netherlands, and STICS from INRA in France, were integrated into the WheatGrow model. And then, the WheatGrow model was used to test and evaluate the responses of low temperatures stress routines in simulating effects of low temperature stress at jointing and booting stages on wheat leaf area index, stem biomass, aboveground biomass and grain yield, with detailed observed datasets from environment-controlled phytotron experiments under different temperature levels (lowest to -6℃) and durations (2 days, 4 days and 6 days) of low temperature stress at Nanjing (2012-2013) and Rugao (2013-2015) with two wheat cultivars (Yangmai16 and Xumai30).【Result】 The results showed that leaf area index, aboveground biomass, and grain yield were decreased significantly under low temperature stress during jointing and booting stages, and the reductions increased with the increasing duration of low temperature stress and the decreasing low temperature level. Wheat growth and grain yield were more sensitive to low temperature stress at booting than at jointing, and Yangmai16 were more sensitive to low temperature stress than Xumai30. The integration of four low-temperature stress algorithms improved the performance of the original WheatGrow model in simulating the dynamics of leaf area index, but the simulation errors were still large, and the simulation errors were larger under low temperature stress at booting stage than at jointing stage. All four low temperature stress routines underestimated the negative effects of low temperature stress on the accumulation of stem and aboveground biomass. Comparing the overall performance of the four low temperature stress routines, the low temperature stress routine from CropSyst model performed best in simulating the dynamics of leaf area index and aboveground biomass. For the simulation of stem biomass dynamic, the low temperature stress algorithm from the WOFOST model performed best among the four routines, especially under low temperature stress at booting. The low temperature stress algorithm from STICS is the best routine in the simulation of grain yield under low temperature stress, followed by CropSyst model. 【Conclusion】The integrated models with four low temperature stress algorithms were better than the original WheatGrow model in predicting aboveground biomass, stem biomass, leaf area index and grain yield, and the simulation error under weak low temperature conditions was smaller than that under strong low temperature conditions. However, there were large uncertainties in simulating the accumulation of stem biomass and simulating above-ground biomass under different durations of low temperature stress from all four low temperature algorithms, because none of the four low temperature stress routines considered the damaging effects of low temperature stress on stem biomass, dry matter partitioning, and the recovery and compensation effects after low temperature stress. As many parameters were introduced in the four low temperature stress algorithms, it was difficult for conducting model parameterization with existing algorithms, and this should be avoided in future model improvement. Our results were critical for improving the simulation of wheat growth and yield for wheat crop models under low temperature stress, and reducing the uncertainty in predicting crop productivity under climate change.

Key words: wheat, low temperature stress, crop growth model, algorithm comparison, model evaluation, WheatGrow model