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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2021, Vol. 20 Issue (6): 1438-1456    DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(20)63309-3
Special Focus: High quality and high efficiency fertilization of rice Advanced Online Publication | Current Issue | Archive | Adv Search |
Indica rice restorer lines with large sink potential exhibit improved nutrient transportation to the panicle, which enhances both yield and nitrogen-use efficiency
TIAN Qing-lan1, 2, HE Lian-hua1, LIAO Shuang1, LI Wu1, DENG Fei1, ZHOU Wei1, ZHONG Xiao-yuan1, REN Wan-jun1 
1 Key Laboratory of Crop Ecophysiology and Farming System in Southwest China/Crop Ecophysiology and Cultivation Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province/College of Agronomy, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, P.R.China
2 Biotechnology Research Institute, Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanning 530007, P.R.China
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The yield and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of hybrid rice combinations are closely related to restorer line.  Therefore, it is essential to evaluate the agronomic characteristics of restorer lines with high yield and high NUE (HYHN).  However, it is unclear which restorer lines are HYHN, and neither have the common agronomic traits of the HYHN restorer lines been identified.  Aiming to address this issue, we conducted two filed experiments using three nitrogen applications, which screened five HYHN restorer lines from 15 indica restorer lines.  Yield, NUE and nutrient transportation of restorer lines with different yields and NUE types were examined.  Yield and total nitrogen absorption in aboveground biomass (TNA) increased, whereas NUE for grain production decreased with increasing nitrogen application levels.  The HYHN restorer lines had large spikelets and high weight per panicle that were significantly positively correlated with yield and NUE.  Therefore, large sink potential may be beneficial for both yield and NUE.  We further studied the differences in nutrient transportation to panicles between the HYHN and low yield and low NUE (LYLN) restorer lines and found that the former had a higher nitrogen absorption level and dry matter weight ratios of panicle in maturity.  Moreover, the HYHN lines also had a higher root and neck-panicle node bleeding intensity per stem after heading and more developed vascular bundles of neck-panicle nodes and leaves than the LYLN lines, which could contribute to the transportation of nutrients from root to ground and from stem and leaf to spike.  Therefore, the advantages of large sink potential of the HYHN restorer lines include large nutrient accumulation in and distribution to the panicles and smooth flow of nutrients along the transportation channels.
Keywords:  indica hybrid rice        restorer lines        grain yield        nitrogen-use efficiency        sink potential        nutrient transportation  
Received: 12 March 2020   Accepted:
Fund: This work was financially supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31871564), the National Key R&D Program of China (2016YFD0300506 and 2017YFD0301700) and the Sichuan Breeding Key Research Project, China (2016NYZ0051).
Corresponding Authors:  Correspondence REN Wan-jun, E-mail:    
About author:  TIAN Qing-lan, E-mail:

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TIAN Qing-lan, HE Lian-hua, LIAO Shuang, LI Wu, DENG Fei, ZHOU Wei, ZHONG Xiao-yuan, REN Wan-jun. 2021. Indica rice restorer lines with large sink potential exhibit improved nutrient transportation to the panicle, which enhances both yield and nitrogen-use efficiency. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 20(6): 1438-1456.

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