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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2015, Vol. 14 Issue (6): 1192-1201    DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(14)60906-0
Soil & Fertilization﹒Irrigation﹒Plant Nutrition﹒ Agro-Ecology & Environment Advanced Online Publication | Current Issue | Archive | Adv Search |
comparison of phytotoxicity of copper and nickel in soils with different chinese plant species
 LI Bo, LIU Ji-fang, YANG Jun-xing, MA Yi-bing, cHEN Shi-bao
1、Institute of Plant Nutrition and Environmental Resources, Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shenyang 110161, P.R.China
2、ational Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Effects Long-term Monitoring Network, Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, P.R.China
3、Centre for Environmental Remediation, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, P.R.China
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摘要  Ecological risk assessment of metals in soils is important to develop the critical loads of metals in soils. Phytotoxicity is one of the endpoints for ecological risk assessment of soils contaminated with metals. The sensitivity of eight Chinese plant species (bok choy, mustard, tomato, green chilli, paddy rice, barley, spinach and celery) to copper (Cu) and nickel (Ni) toxicity in two Chinese soils was investigated to assess their potential use for ecological risk assessment in the region. The results showed that bok choy and mustard were the two most sensitive species to Cu and Ni toxicities. Assessment of metal accumulation by the plants demonstrated that bok choy shoot had the highest bioconcentration factor (BCF, the ratio of metal concentration in plant shoots to metal concentration in soil). Given the importance of bok choy to agricultural production in Asia, it is therefore important that these sensitive plant species are included in species sensitivity distributions for ecological risk assessment of Cu and Ni in soils.

Abstract  Ecological risk assessment of metals in soils is important to develop the critical loads of metals in soils. Phytotoxicity is one of the endpoints for ecological risk assessment of soils contaminated with metals. The sensitivity of eight Chinese plant species (bok choy, mustard, tomato, green chilli, paddy rice, barley, spinach and celery) to copper (Cu) and nickel (Ni) toxicity in two Chinese soils was investigated to assess their potential use for ecological risk assessment in the region. The results showed that bok choy and mustard were the two most sensitive species to Cu and Ni toxicities. Assessment of metal accumulation by the plants demonstrated that bok choy shoot had the highest bioconcentration factor (BCF, the ratio of metal concentration in plant shoots to metal concentration in soil). Given the importance of bok choy to agricultural production in Asia, it is therefore important that these sensitive plant species are included in species sensitivity distributions for ecological risk assessment of Cu and Ni in soils.
Keywords:  copper       nickel       plant species       sensitivity       risk assessment  
Received: 18 July 2014   Accepted:

The authors thank financial support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (40971262, 40620120436 and 41401361), the International Copper Association, Rio Tinto Pty Ltd. and the Nickel Producers Environmental Research Association.

Corresponding Authors:  MA Yi-bing,Tel: +86-10-82106201, E-mail:     E-mail:
About author:  LI Bo, E-mail:;

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LI Bo, LIU Ji-fang, YANG Jun-xing, MA Yi-bing, cHEN Shi-bao. 2015. comparison of phytotoxicity of copper and nickel in soils with different chinese plant species. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 14(6): 1192-1201.

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