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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2014, Vol. 13 Issue (6): 1382-1392    DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(13)60292-0
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Long Term Effects of Farming System on Soil Water Content and Dry Soil Layer in Deep Loess Profile of Loess Tableland in China
 CHENG Li-ping, LIU Wen-zhao
1、State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on the Loess Plateau, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Chinese Academy
of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources, Yangling 712100, P.R.China
2、College of Resource and Environment Science, Pingdingshan University, Pingdingshan 467000, P.R.China
3、University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, P.R.China
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摘要  Soil water is strongly affected by land use/cover in the Loess Plateau in China. Water stored in thick loessal soils is one of the most important resources regulating vegetation growth. However, soil water in the deep loess profile, which is critical for maintaining the function of the “soil water pool” is rarely studied because deep profile soil samples are difficult to collect. In this study, four experimental plots were established in 2005 to represent different farming systems on the Changwu Tableland: fallow land, fertilized cropland, unfertilized cropland, and continuous alfalfa. The soil water content in the 15-m-deep loess profiles was monitored continuously from 2007 to 2012 with the neutron probe technique. The results showed that temporal variations in soil water profiles differed among the four farming systems. Under fallow land, the soil water content increased gradually over time, first in the surface layers and later in the deep soil layers. In contrast, the soil water content decreased gradually under continuous alfalfa. The distributions of soil water in deep soil layers under both fertilized and unfertilized cropland were relatively stable over time. Thus farming system significantly affected soil water content. Seven years after the start of the experiment, the soil water contents in the 15-m-deep profiles averaged 23.4% under fallow land, 20.3% under fertilized cropland, 21.6% under unfertilized cropland, and 16.0% under continuous alfalfa. Compared to measurements at the start of the experiment, both fallow land and unfertilized cropland increased soil water storage in the 15-m loess profiles. In contrast, continuous alfalfa reduced soil water storage. Fertilized cropland has no significant effect on soil water storage. These results suggest that deep soil water can be replenished under the fallow and unfertilized farming systems. Dry soil layers (i.e., those which have soil water content less than the stable field water capacity) in the subsoil of the Changwu Tableland region can be classified as either temporary dry soil layers or persistent dry soil layers. Temporary dry soil layers, which typically form under annual crops, often disappear during wet years. Persistent dry soil layers generally develop under perennial vegetation. Even after removing the vegetation, persistent dry soil layers remain for several decades. This study provides information useful for the conservation and utilization of soil water resources in the Loess Tableland.

Abstract  Soil water is strongly affected by land use/cover in the Loess Plateau in China. Water stored in thick loessal soils is one of the most important resources regulating vegetation growth. However, soil water in the deep loess profile, which is critical for maintaining the function of the “soil water pool” is rarely studied because deep profile soil samples are difficult to collect. In this study, four experimental plots were established in 2005 to represent different farming systems on the Changwu Tableland: fallow land, fertilized cropland, unfertilized cropland, and continuous alfalfa. The soil water content in the 15-m-deep loess profiles was monitored continuously from 2007 to 2012 with the neutron probe technique. The results showed that temporal variations in soil water profiles differed among the four farming systems. Under fallow land, the soil water content increased gradually over time, first in the surface layers and later in the deep soil layers. In contrast, the soil water content decreased gradually under continuous alfalfa. The distributions of soil water in deep soil layers under both fertilized and unfertilized cropland were relatively stable over time. Thus farming system significantly affected soil water content. Seven years after the start of the experiment, the soil water contents in the 15-m-deep profiles averaged 23.4% under fallow land, 20.3% under fertilized cropland, 21.6% under unfertilized cropland, and 16.0% under continuous alfalfa. Compared to measurements at the start of the experiment, both fallow land and unfertilized cropland increased soil water storage in the 15-m loess profiles. In contrast, continuous alfalfa reduced soil water storage. Fertilized cropland has no significant effect on soil water storage. These results suggest that deep soil water can be replenished under the fallow and unfertilized farming systems. Dry soil layers (i.e., those which have soil water content less than the stable field water capacity) in the subsoil of the Changwu Tableland region can be classified as either temporary dry soil layers or persistent dry soil layers. Temporary dry soil layers, which typically form under annual crops, often disappear during wet years. Persistent dry soil layers generally develop under perennial vegetation. Even after removing the vegetation, persistent dry soil layers remain for several decades. This study provides information useful for the conservation and utilization of soil water resources in the Loess Tableland.
Keywords:  farming system       temporal variability       soil water       dried soil layer       Loess Plateau  
Received: 27 February 2013   Accepted:

This study was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41171033, 51179161 and 41101025).

Corresponding Authors:  LIU Wen-zhao, Tel: +86-29-87012307,     E-mail:
About author:  CHENG Li-ping, Mobile: 13938655206, Tel: +86-29-87011683, E-mail:

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CHENG Li-ping, LIU Wen-zhao. 2014. Long Term Effects of Farming System on Soil Water Content and Dry Soil Layer in Deep Loess Profile of Loess Tableland in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 13(6): 1382-1392.

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